Ventura looks into rumors that the Deepwater Horizon oil spill was a staged event by companies like BP and Halliburton to reap in profits from the cleanup, as well a administer toxic agents into the Gulf coast waters as part of a larger depopulation program, inspired by the Hurricane Katrina disaster, to modify the world's ocean currents and weather, and to target the Louisiana coastline to gain complete control of its oil reserves. Air Date : 10th-Dec-2010
Ventura investigates the secretive Plum Island Animal Disease Center located off the coast of Long Island, New York, which has been suspected as being a bio-weapons research center responsible for the release of Lyme disease and other deadly viruses. He also learns that the facility is to be moved to Kansas, into the heart of cattle country, which could spell disaster if a dangerous contaminant was released into the nation's food supply. Air Date : 15th-Oct-2010 Read More
Ventura treks into the Nevada desert to monitor the activity of Area 51, the most secretive military complex in the country and believed by many in the UFO community to be reverse engineering alien technology. He also looks into why the homes of two Area 51 watchdogs were recently raided by the Joint Terrorism Task Force. Air Date : 29th-Oct-2010 Read More
Ventura infiltrates a group of Wall Street elitists to find out what caused the financial meltdown and to see who has the power to manipulate the stock market and the prices of oil, silver and gold. Air Date : 5th-Nov-2010 Read More
Ventura looks into the plans and procedures in place by the government for declaring martial law, and investigates law enforcement "fusion centers" that are being set up around the country; what some say are concentration camps for rounding up U.S. citizens. Air Date : 12th-Nov-2010 Read More
Ventura looks into recently declassified CIA documents that may connect the John F. Kennedy assassination to the Watergate scandal that brought down Richard Nixon. He interviews Lee Harvey Oswald's widow Marina to gain more insight into the "Two-Oswalds" theory that a CIA-double killed JFK. Air Date : 19th-Nov-2010 Read More
Ventura looks into the prospects of "Blue Gold" and why corporations and the super-rich are buying up water rights around the world in what could be a plan in controlling the nations and their masses. He looks into evidence that these tactics are going on in North America in what could be a literal theft of the Great Lakes. Air Date : 19th-Nov-2010 Read More
Ventura looks into rumors that the Deepwater Horizon oil spill was a staged event by companies like BP and Halliburton to reap in profits from the cleanup, as well a administer toxic agents into the Gulf coast waters as part of a larger depopulation program, inspired by the Hurricane Katrina disaster, to modify the world's ocean currents and weather, and to target the Louisiana coastline to gain complete control of its oil reserves. Air Date : 10th-Dec-2010 Read More
Ventura investigates the theory that a missile, and not a hijacked airliner, hit The Pentagon during the September 11 attacks. Questioned are issues such as the lack of surveillance video released by the FBI; debris and damage inconsistent with a jetliner crash; the extreme difficulty of crashing a jetliner at high speed into a specific ground target by an amateur pilot, and links to a possible cover-up of $2.3 trillion of unaccounted taxpayer money announced by then Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, just a day before the attacks. Air Date : 17th-Dec-2010 Read More