Impressed by Ren and Stimpy's deeds from the original "Fire Dogs" episode, the Fire Chief morphs into Ralph Bakshi and invites the duo to live a bachelor lifestyle in his apartment. Unfortunately, Ren and Stimpy are disgusted by the Fire Chief's habits. (Wikipedia, 2023) Air Date : 17th-Jul-2003
Tired of living inside a homeless man's mouth, Ren and Stimpy, presented as a sexually-involved couple, move to the inside of a spittoon after Stimpy pools his secret stash of money into it and proceed to "live the high life" consuming the bodily fluids of barflies. (Wikipedia, 2023) Air Date : 26th-Jun-2003 Read More
In a film noir themed episode, after Ren did something so horrible to Stimpy, it left Stimpy in hysterical grief and Ren in guilt, which he realizes how cruel he can be to his beloved pal and was tried to help something out for him, but Stimpy refused to get help and wanted Ren to help himself, seriously. After a depressing walk from places to places, he walks to the "help" apartment and seeks psychiatric help from Dr. Mr. Horse, to whom he tells his traumatic past, and the roots of his desire to inflict pain upon others. Air Date : 3rd-Jul-2003 Read More
Impressed by Ren and Stimpy's deeds from the original "Fire Dogs" episode, the Fire Chief morphs into Ralph Bakshi and invites the duo to live a bachelor lifestyle in his apartment. Unfortunately, Ren and Stimpy are disgusted by the Fire Chief's habits. (Wikipedia, 2023) Air Date : 17th-Jul-2003 Read More
Ren and Stimpy enjoy a day at a nude beach as Ren tries to mingle with the women, but is unsuccessful since the women are more attracted to Stimpy. Ren and Stimpy are also continuously pestered by a psychotic lifeguard coated in body hair. (Wikipedia, 2023) Air Date : 18th-Jul-2006 Read More
Ren and Stimpy, who are altruists in this episode, decide that they must do everything in their power to help a couple of misfortunates, a woman and her handicapped (headless) son, by building a house for them. (Wikipedia, 2023) Air Date : 18th-Jul-2006 Read More
Stimpy becomes pregnant with Ren's baby. Ren is at first disgusted with Stimpy's pregnancy but comes to accept it. When Stimpy goes into labor, Ren is forced to start a driveby with other people on the highway. With help from the police, Ren and Stimpy successfully get to the hospital, where their child is delivered by Dr. Mr. Horse, only to learn that Stimpy was just constipated. However, Dr. Mr. Horse does not have the heart to tell the anticipated "parents" this and enables the couple to name their "child" (a living, breathing, baby boy made entirely out of feces) "Little Ricky". (Wikipedia, 2023) Air Date : 18th-Jul-2006 Read More