The cowboy king Villy, the alien Luni, the sophisticated chef Leo and princess Habibi have a new resident in Spektaklet: The dear robot Dyt! They have landed in the middle of the most amazing olive grove - everyone is happy - even Leo is excited at the thought of having to cook food with home-pressed olive oil. But the little robot Dyt is constantly unhappy - he pushes and fusses... See if the friends in Spektaklet manage to find out what's wrong with Dyt. Air Date : 11th-Jan-2008
Mød cowboy-kongen Villy, rumvæsenet Luni, den forfinede kok Løven Leo og Prinsesse Habibi. Spektaklet er havnet midt i en kæmpe skrotplads - til stor fortrydelse for Leo! Villy og Habibi derimod er lutter begejstring. Se om det lykkes Habibi at finde noget værdifuldt - måske noget levende!! Air Date : 4th-Jan-2008 Read More
The cowboy king Villy, the alien Luni, the sophisticated chef Leo and princess Habibi have a new resident in Spektaklet: The dear robot Dyt! They have landed in the middle of the most amazing olive grove - everyone is happy - even Leo is excited at the thought of having to cook food with home-pressed olive oil. But the little robot Dyt is constantly unhappy - he pushes and fusses... See if the friends in Spektaklet manage to find out what's wrong with Dyt. Air Date : 11th-Jan-2008 Read More
The spectacle has landed in the middle of the most brightly colored tulip field. Habibi reads a fairy tale about a princess who has a birthday - she also wants to get presents herself. Before Villy, Luni and Leo look around, they are part of Habibi's imaginative play. See how Leo reacts when he is dressed up - and hear Villy tell the incredibly fantastic story of how Habibi became part of the Spectacle. Habibi gets so happy that she sings her cool song. Air Date : 18th-Jan-2008 Read More
Robbery is in the air! King Villy has driven the Spectacle to the most glorious valley - but there is a problem: the valley is teeming with bandits - and they are cheeky. When Villy yells at them, they yell back! Both Princess Habibi, Chef Leo and Luni must help Villy with the hunt for the bandits - see who falls into the trap - and hear King Villy's fantastic song. Air Date : 25th-Jan-2008 Read More
Everything in the Spectacle exudes peace and tranquility - but then Luni is called by a moon creature! She must return to the moon immediately! Princess Habibi and King Villy are really upset. But Leo is happy - then he will get rid of Luni's moon rocket and maybe he can also get rid of the robot Dyt. See if Luni really travels to the moon - and hear the most beautiful duet between King Villy and the green alien. Air Date : 1st-Feb-2008 Read More