Nok Tok and Lau Lau are making a surprise Flower Arch for De Li. Yojojo is very excited and wants to help, so he goes to collect more flowers. Yojojo meets De Li. He finds it almost impossible to keep from telling her about the surprise, but he manages not to. When the cheebies arrive, they help finish the Flower Arch. De Li loves her surprise. She thanks everyone, especially Yojojo! Air Date : 28th-Apr-2011
Yojojo is happily playing his pipling pipes. He wants to find out what makes the other Piplings happy. De Li loves gardening, Lau lau loves dancing and Nok Tok loves driving his naracar. When the cheebies arrive they tell Yojojo all the things that make them happy too but Yojojo wants to find one thing for them all to do together. The cheebies suggest a Happiness Parade. Now they can all do one happy thing marching happily together through Nara! Air Date : 4th-Apr-2011 Read More
De Li is playing on her shoehorns. She wants to find a game she and her narabug can play together. But the shoehorns are too big for her narabug. Lau Lau tries to help. But the pebble Lau Lau uses in her Hop Hop game is too heavy for the narabug to lift and Yojojo's game of Tricky Kicky is simply too tricky! When the cheebies arrive, one cheebie notices that wherever De Li goes, her narabug follows. She suggests to De Li that they play a follow game together. It is the game perfect for everyone! Air Date : 5th-Apr-2011 Read More
Nok Tok's narabug likes listening to the songbird's song. When the bird flies away, Nok Tok's narabug is sad. Nok Tok promises he will go and find it. However, Nok Tok keeps finding reasons to stay with the other Piplings. When the cheebies arrive, Nok Tok admits he is worried about being lonely on his trip. So they all agree to search with him and help keep Nok Tok's promise to his narabug. Air Date : 6th-Apr-2011 Read More
De Li and Yojojo are playing bell-buloo: Yojojo closes his eyes, De Li rings a small bell and carefully he tries to find where she is. Lau Lau wants to play too but when she closes her eyes, she stumbles and falls over a stone. Lau Lau loses her confidence. She finds it difficult to play the game again. When the cheebies arrive, they clear the grass of all stones and twigs. Together they help Lau Lau regain her confidence and soon she happily joins in bell-buloo once again! Air Date : 7th-Apr-2011 Read More
Yojojo finds an orange. He wants to share it with everyone - but how? De Li tells Yojojo how she shared her water, but De Li had lots of water and Yojojo only has one orange. Nok Tok tells Yojojo how he shared things by using his Anything Machine, but it's not right for Yojojo's orange. When the cheebies arrive, Lau Lau tells them all how she shared her singing bowl, but Yojojo still doesn't know how to share his orange. Then the cheebies have an idea. They show Yojojo how to peel the orange. Then everyone can share the segments! Air Date : 8th-Apr-2011 Read More
De Li has made surprise flower garlands for the other Piplings. Every time she tries to secretly deliver them, the other Piplings almost see her. So De Li's narabug delivers them for her. The other Piplings are thrilled with their garlands but they don't know who they are from. When the cheebies arrive, they help discover it was De Li who made their garlands. Now the other Piplings want to make a surprise flower garland for De Li but there are no flowers left. They come up with the idea to take a flower from each of their garlands to make an extra special garland for De Li! Air Date : 11th-Apr-2011 Read More
Nok Tok's Anything Machine makes a big, blue, bongleberry bubble. Lau Lau tries to keep it safe but it bursts. She is very sorry. She wants to make some more. But there are no more bongleberries. When the cheebies arrive, they help Lau Lau collect other fruits. Lau Lau is worried that Nok Tok will be sad not to have a bongleberry bubble. But the Anything Machine can make bubbles from any fruit. The bubbles are now lots of different colours and Nok Tok is delighted! Air Date : 12th-Apr-2011 Read More
Nok Tok finds a rock that's great for jumping off. He wants to share it with the other Piplings. Yojojo uses it as a drum. De Li and Lau Lau have fun with it too! Nok Tok wants to move it nearer their home. But when they try they discover the rock is too heavy. When the cheebies arrive, they help the Piplings push the rock all the way home. Then they find out the rock is home to a little frog. So everyone moves the rock back again. The frog is happy for them to come and play on his rock anytime they like! Air Date : 13th-Apr-2011 Read More
The Piplings all want to have a ride in Nok Toks Follow-Box. But Nok Tok can't decide who should go first. When the cheebies arrive, they teach Nok Tok a choosing rhyme. Nok Tok decides he would prefer all the Piplings to ride together. So with the help of the cheebies, Nok Tok cleverly makes two more follow-boxes, so they have one each. Now everyone can travel together! Air Date : 14th-Apr-2011 Read More
Lau Lau wants to put on a Dance Show for the cheebies. Each Pipling has their own special dance. But De Li is too shy to dance in front of the cheebies. She watches with the cheebies whilst the others dance. The cheebies have their own dance too: a caterpillar dance. De Li sees her narabug join in. The dance is fun and soon De Li joins the cheebies too. De Li was simply too shy to dance on her own. Now everyone is part of the Dance Show. Air Date : 15th-Apr-2011 Read More
Series set in the magical land of Nara, inhabited by the joyful and gentle Piplings. Lau Lau, De Li and Nok Tok are busy gathering presents for the cheebies. Yojojo is having fun and making them all laugh. He wants to find something to give the cheebies too, but he doesn't know what. When the cheebies arrive, Yojojo is sorry he hasn't got a gift for them. But he still makes the cheebies laugh. The cheebies tell him that laughter is a fantastic gift too! Air Date : 18th-Apr-2011 Read More
Nok Tok wants to make bongleberry Juice for everyone, so De Li goes to pick the bongleberries. The others offer to help too but De Li wants to do it by herself. When the cheebies arrive, they also offer to help De Li, but she thinks they should play instead. Finally De Li has picked so many bongleberries that she cannot carry them all to Nok Tok. Now she needs help! Air Date : 19th-Apr-2011 Read More
Lau Lau is making a picture of Nara as a surprise present for Yojojo's home. De Li and Nok Tok help. When the cheebies arrive, they help too! Once the picture is finished, Lau Lau gives it to Yojojo. He is delighted! He wants to hang it up at once. But Lau Lau loves the picture so much; she is disappointed that she won't see it again. Yojojo has a great idea. He hangs the picture outside his home for everyone to enjoy! Air Date : 20th-Apr-2011 Read More
Yojojo wants to drive Nok Tok's Naracar. But in his excitement, Yojojo doesn't wait to hear all the instructions. Yojojo drives too fast. He doesn't know how to stop. He accidentally drives the car into the pitcher plant! Yojojo is very sorry. When the cheebies arrive, they manage to pull the Naracar free. Together the cheebies and the Piplings try lots of things to revive the pitcher plant. Air Date : 21st-Apr-2011 Read More
Lau Lau shows De Li her beautiful crystal. De Li wants to find something that she thinks is the most beautiful thing but what? Nok Tok and Yojojo give De Li their most beautiful things too... but De Li doesn't know which is her favourite. When the cheebies arrive, they find more beautiful things. They decide to put all their beautiful things together and make a beautiful sculpture. De Li is so happy: the sculpture is her favourite most beautiful thing! Air Date : 22nd-Apr-2011 Read More
De Li makes pretty flowerstrings. All the other Piplings want one. De Li is happy to make more. Nok Tok tries to use the Anything Machine to make his flowerstring but he only manages to make giant flowers instead! When the cheebies arrive, De Li has an idea. She uses the giant flowers to make a giant flowerstrings skipping rope for them. The Piplings join their flowerstrings together too and everyone has fun skipping! Air Date : 25th-Apr-2011 Read More
De Li and Yojojo are playing on their shoehorns. But De Li jumps too fast and falls off. Yojojo gives her his Snuggly to cheer her up. Later he realises he misses Snuggly. Lau sees Yojojo looking sad. When the cheebies arrive, she suggests they all make Yojojo a new Snuggly. Yojojo is very happy. Now De Li is happy again too. So she returns Yojojos Snuggly and Yojojo gives her the new one. Its huggles for everyone! Air Date : 26th-Apr-2011 Read More
De Li has grown lots of fruit, vegetables and even bamboo! She shares everything with the other Piplings. Later, she is disappointed to find out that the Piplings have swapped their gifts. She thinks they didnt like them. When the cheebies arrive, De Li gives them all some fruit. The cheebies ask Nok Tok to make fruit juice to share. De Li thinks they dont like her present either. When everyone finds out De Li is unhappy, they make a huge picnic from all her gifts as a gift for De Li. Now De Li can see how happy they all are and everyone shares a huggle! Air Date : 27th-Apr-2011 Read More
Nok Tok and Lau Lau are making a surprise Flower Arch for De Li. Yojojo is very excited and wants to help, so he goes to collect more flowers. Yojojo meets De Li. He finds it almost impossible to keep from telling her about the surprise, but he manages not to. When the cheebies arrive, they help finish the Flower Arch. De Li loves her surprise. She thanks everyone, especially Yojojo! Air Date : 28th-Apr-2011 Read More
De Li wants to pick her ripe plumpkin to make plumpkin soup for the other Piplings. But De Li sees that a caterpillar has made a home on it. When the cheebies arrive, they help the Piplings find other homes for the caterpillar. But the caterpillar only likes the plumpkin. So everyone helps to scoop out the plumpkin and turn it into a special house for the caterpillar. The caterpillar is very happy, and De Li can use the fruit inside to make plumpkin soup for everyone! Air Date : 29th-Apr-2011 Read More
Yojojo loves the pretty patterns made by all the twinkling crystals inside his home. He wants to share his beautiful Twinkler Show with the other Piplings. So he takes the crystals outside for them all to see. However, the Twinkler Show won't work. Yojojo is very disappointed. When the cheebies arrives, he wants them to see the show too. But he thinks he has broken the twinklers. The Piplings take the twinklers back inside Yojojo's home. The twinklers all shine and sparkle again! Yojojos home is too high for the cheebies to see inside so they look for another place where they can all see. Finally, the cheebies find a dark cave. It's the perfect place. The crystals catch the light and make pretty colours on the walls. Yojojo plays his pipes and now everyone can enjoy the show! Air Date : 3rd-Oct-2011 Read More
Yojojo plays with his Narabug, until he sees Nok Tok driving the naracar. Yojojo really wants to drive with Nok Tok but Nok Tok doesn't know and drives away. So Yojojo tries playing on shoehorns instead. When the cheebies arrive, Yojojo tells them about wanting to play with Nok Tok and his naracar. De Li and Lau Lau persuade Yojojo to ride in De Li's wheelbarrow. Yojojo has fun but he still wants to play with Nok Tok, but the naracar isn't big enough for Nok Tok and Yojojo to play in together. So Nok Tok builds a follow box. Now Yojojo can travel along behind the naracar and play happily with Nok Tok all day. Air Date : 4th-Oct-2011 Read More
Lau Lau loves her home but when she visits Nok Tok, she thinks his home is even nicer! So Nok Tok offers to swap homes. Lau Lau is excited. But when she moves in, she finds Nok Tok's home is too noisy. So she swaps with De Li. But De Li's home makes her sneeze. So she tries Yojojo. But Yojojo's home is too full of things and Lau Lau cannot dance. When the cheebies arrive, they suggest Lau Lau stay outside where it's quiet and there's plenty of room to dance. Suddenly Lau Lau realises that the best home is the one she already has. So the cheebies help everyone move back into their own homes! Air Date : 5th-Oct-2011 Read More
De Li finds a pretty flower which has bloomed in a large field all on its own. De Li is worried the flower will be lonely. When the cheebies arrive they help the other Piplings try to find a friend for the flower. They find a cute Jumpy Bug, but it jumps away! Lau Lau paints a flower picture. It looks just like De Li's pretty flower. So they take it to the flower, which looks happy. Then suddenly all the other flowers in the field bloom! They are exactly the same as De Li's pretty flower. Now the pretty flower has lots of friends and it isn't lonely any more. Air Date : 6th-Oct-2011 Read More
Yojojo wants to play his trumpet at the top of a hill. It is the perfect place for everyone in Nara to hear his music, but the trumpet is very heavy. Lau Lau remembers when Yojojo helped her to paint a perfect picture. So now she helps Yojojo. But the trumpet is still very heavy. De Li remembers when Nok Tok helped to make her garden perfect, so she also offers to help Yojojo. When the cheebies arrive, Yojojo is still trying to push the trumpet up the hill. Nok Tok remembers when he looked for the perfect place for a picnic, he had to try lots of different places. But Yojojo insists the top of the hill is the perfect place to play his trumpet. So all the cheebies help Yojojo. They pull and Yojojo pushes and soon the trumpet is at the top. Yojojo plays his trumpet. Everyone in Nara can hear it is the perfect place! Air Date : 7th-Oct-2011 Read More
Lau Lau has made pretty pots for the other Piplings. De Li, Yojojo and Nok Tok all want to say a special thank you. So they decide to make it a Special Day for Lau Lau. Nok Tok brings Lau Lau a soft cushion, De Li brings her some pretty flowers and Yojojo plays special music on his Pipling Pipes. When the cheebies arrive, they want to make Lau Laus day special too. They make a surprise game of Hop Hop. Lau Lau is thrilled. But Lau Lau wants them all to play. The others tell her its her Special Day and they only want to watch. Then the other Piplings collect sparkly things for Lau Lau to decorate the Tinkly Tree. Finally one of the cheebies helps Lau Lau tell the others that she wants everyone to decorate the tree together. So they do. Now Lau Lau's Special Day really is special! Air Date : 10th-Oct-2011 Read More
Nok Tok makes a new game called Feely Box for everyone to play. Nok Tok puts different things into a box and the others have to guess what they are. They cannot see inside so they have to guess by feeling. The other Piplings have great fun! When the cheebies arrive, Nok Tok lets them play too! He enjoys watching everyone play the game. They all want Nok Tok to play too but there are no more things left in the box to guess. So the Piplings and cheebies find something special to put inside for Nok Tok. Now Nok Tok can enjoy the fun of playing his game too. Air Date : 11th-Oct-2011 Read More
De Li is in her garden. De Lis garden makes her very happy. She wonders what thing would make everyone else happy. So she asks the other Piplings. Nok Tok says he is happy driving his Naracar. Yojojo is happy playing his music. And Lau Lau is happy dancing. But De Li wants to find the one thing that makes them all happy. When the cheebies arrive, some play with Nok Tok, some with Yojojo, some with Lau Lau and some with De Li. De Li asks the cheebies if there is one thing that makes them all happy? The cheebies have the answer! They are all happy when they are playing with the Piplings. Air Date : 12th-Oct-2011 Read More
Yojojo loves to play music. He decides he wants to create his own special Pipling Music that sounds like each of the Piplings. He bangs Nok Toks rhythm on his drum and hears De Li singing, so plays her tune on his pipes. When the cheebies arrive they help Yojojo find a musical sound for Lau Lau too. But when Yojojo plays the sounds together there is something missing. The cheebies tell Yojojo he is missing a sound for himself. Yojojo doesn't know what the sound it should be. Then a cheebie tickles him. Yojojo giggles. They all realise that Yojojo's laughter is the sound that will make his music complete. Now everyone joins in Yojojo's Pipling Music Day! Air Date : 13th-Oct-2011 Read More
Nok Tok is collecting lots of twigs. He sees a big bird and decides to make a nest for it using his twigs. However a little bird settles in the big nest. Nok Tok and the other Piplings try to tempt the little bird out of the big nest but it wont move. When the cheebies arrive, they all help Nok Tok make a little nest for the little bird but no amount of encouragement will make the little bird leave the big nest! And the big bird is too big for the little nest. Eventually the little bird makes room to share the big nest with the big bird and everyone is happy Air Date : 14th-Oct-2011 Read More
Lau Lau is practising a Little Pip Show for the cheebies. Nok Tok loves Lau Lau's Little Pip puppets. He asks if he can play too. So Lau Lau makes him a Little Pip like hers. De Li and Yojojo also want to join in. Lau Lau makes more Little Pips for them. When the cheebies arrive they ask if Lau Lau will show them all how to make Little Pip puppets. Lau Lau is very happy and soon everyone has their own Little Pip. Everyone except Lau Lau! The others decide to surprise Lau Lau. The cheebies make her a Little Cheeb. Lau Lau is delighted. Now everyone can be in her Little Pip and Little Cheeb Show! Air Date : 17th-Oct-2011 Read More