THE PERILS OF PEEP AND CHIRP: Cold weather causes Big Bay to freeze over, and Peep and Chirp decide to walk on the ice to Green Island; they run into trouble, however, when the day begins to warm up. HOOP TRICKS: The birds find plenty of uses for a jangly bracelet, even though they don't know what it is; now they just need to protect it from those annoying Blue Jays. Air Date : 26th-Apr-2004
SPRING THING: The birds fear that it will be winter forever, until they discover one small purple flower poking up through the snow. SPRINGY THINGY: Peep learns about springs as he jumps on a mattress at the dump, and discovers an old jack-in-the-box. Air Date : 12th-Apr-2004 Read More
A DUCK'S TALE: Quack fears that he doesn't have anything as cool as a Skunk's smell, until he is reminded by Chirp of "The Power Of Duck Feet." QUACK'S TRACKS: On the first snowy day of winter, Peep loses Quack, learns about footprints, and builds a snow duck. Air Date : 13th-Apr-2004 Read More
QUACK AND THE VERY BIG ROCK: When a rock blocks the path between Quack's pond and Peep's can, the birds must call on all their friends to help clear the way. SHADOW PLAY: Peep, Quack, and Chirp discover their shadows, then use them to teach Tom the cat a lesson. Air Date : 14th-Apr-2004 Read More
CURRENT EVENTS: Peep and Chirp run into trouble when they try to take a boat out to Green Island; luckily, Quack the duck comes to their rescue. QUACK LOSES HIS HAT: Peep learns that some things can float, and his new knowledge comes in handy when the Blue Jays trap Quack inside a tall jar. Air Date : 15th-Apr-2004 Read More
NIGHT LIGHT: Quack and Peep experiment with shadows when they find a flashlight in the dump at night. SOUNDS LIKE...: Chirp and Peep get lost after taking a long walk to find a quiet spot, and must use the sounds they heard on their way to the spot to find their way back home. Air Date : 16th-Apr-2004 Read More
THE WINDY DAY: Chirp is blown up into a tree while trying to use the wind to help her fly; it's up to Hoot the owl to bring her back home. PEEP FEET: The birds discover that everyone has their own way of measuring distances, so their new standard of measurment will be "Peep Feet." Air Date : 19th-Apr-2004 Read More
NEWTON'S BIG ADVENTURE: Newton decides to move away from his favorite spot under the apple tree, and encounters flowers, a box of cookies, and a colony of ants. PEEP CROSSES THE ROAD: Peep ventures across the road and uses the sewer flowing under the road to get back home. Air Date : 20th-Apr-2004 Read More
STORMY WEATHER: Peep, Chirp, and Quack experience their first thunderstorm. PEEP IN RABBITLAND: Peep falls into a rabbit hole and considers moving in with some baby bunnies. Air Date : 21st-Apr-2004 Read More
QUACK'S STUCK STICK: Quack finds an amazing stick (a pinwheel), only to have it stolen by Beaver Boy for use in the family dam. PEEP'S CAN: Peep narrates this tale of how a one-day-old Peep came to live in a tin can. Air Date : 22nd-Apr-2004 Read More
UNDER DUCK: Quack discovers that he's not alone in his pond - a whole school of fish live there too. ALL FALL DOWN: Squeak warns the birds that the falling leaves of autumn mean that soon the entire sky will fall down, and it's up to Peep to find out the truth from Newton. Air Date : 23rd-Apr-2004 Read More
THE PERILS OF PEEP AND CHIRP: Cold weather causes Big Bay to freeze over, and Peep and Chirp decide to walk on the ice to Green Island; they run into trouble, however, when the day begins to warm up. HOOP TRICKS: The birds find plenty of uses for a jangly bracelet, even though they don't know what it is; now they just need to protect it from those annoying Blue Jays. Air Date : 26th-Apr-2004 Read More
SAVE IT FOR LATER: Chirp's acorn collection is ruined when Quack takes a bite out of her favorite acorn; the birds search for a replacement. THE RED BALLMOON: The birds find a bunch of balloons and Chirp uses the red balloon to take her first flight. Air Date : 27th-Apr-2004 Read More
CHIRP BUILDS A NEST: Chirp decides that a nest is the key to flying, and Peep helps her build a nest in the model of Nellie's doghouse. STUCK DUCK: Quack gets stuck in a hollow log, and Peep and Chirp consult many different animals for ideas on how to get him out. Air Date : 28th-Apr-2004 Read More
PEEP'S LOST LEAF: On a windy fall day, Peep spots the perfect red-and-gold leaf; the birds chase after it as the wind blows it around. Air Date : 29th-Apr-2004 Read More
THE INCREDIBLE SHRINKING DUCK: The birds are excited to see snow for the first time, and Quack builds a snow duck as handsome as he is; he soon learns, however, that snow ducks don't last forever. Air Date : 30th-Apr-2004 Read More
A DELICATE BALANCE: Chirp uses Peep and Quack as counter balance on a ramp so she can reach some yummy sunflower seeds. Air Date : 3rd-May-2004 Read More
THE FISH MUSEUM: Fish Jr. wants to make a fish museum at the bottom of Quack's pond with Quack collecting stuff from above. PEEP'S NIGHT OUT: Peep follows Squeak out into the night and meets fireflies, bats, and a snail. Air Date : 4th-May-2004 Read More
FLIPPING NEWTON: Newton gets stuck upside down, and the birds figure out how to use a stick as a lever to get him turned right side up. Air Date : 5th-May-2004 Read More
CHIRP'S FLIGHT PROGRAM: Chirp decides to study other birds to figure out how to fly. MIRROR MIRROR IN THE DUMP: The birds find a mirror in the dump and Quack can't pry himself away from his lovely image. Air Date : 6th-May-2004 Read More
BRIDGE THE GAP: The birds must build a bridge to reach a pile of pinecones on the other side of a ravine. MEETING HALF-WAY: Newton and Willow, another turtle who lives over the hill, decide they would like to meet, and they need help from Chirp and Peep to determine the midway point between their homes. Air Date : 7th-May-2004 Read More
THE ROOT PROBLEM: Quack discovers a ""snake"" -- really a stick -- poking into his pond and the birds try to dig it up, only to discover that it is attached to Newton's apple tree. Air Date : 10th-May-2004 Read More
HIDE AND GO PEEP: The birds discover a new game when Peep accidentally ""hides"" between some rocks, and soon figure out that hiding is easier when you are surrounded by objects that are the same colour as yourself. A PEEP OF A DIFFERENT COLOR: Peep and Chirp discover a set of paints at the dump, and use them to turn Peep red, Chirp blue, and Quack yellow. Air Date : 11th-May-2004 Read More
FASTER THAN A DUCK: Quack challenges Chirp to a footrace and soon everyone else -- a rabbit, a squirrel, Beaver Boy, Newton, Squeak, and an ant -- get in on the action. Air Date : 12th-May-2004 Read More
THE WHATCHAMACALLIT: Raccoon promises the birds that he has the coolest thing ever for them to see, but the birds are more excited about an old drainpipe that makes an excellent slide. Air Date : 13th-May-2004 Read More
PEEP'S NEW FRIEND: Peep befriends a caterpillar and is surprised when he turns into a butterfly. Air Date : 14th-May-2004 Read More
THE TRIP TO GREEN ISLAND: Quack finally manages to transport Peep and Chirp out to Green Island (""the ducks' paradise"") and the birds fear that this is their last adventure -- only to discover that the world is much bigger and wider than they imagined. GIVE ME A CALL: Quack searches for the source of an annoying sound. Air Date : 17th-May-2004 Read More
PEEP CROSSES THE ROAD: Peep ventures across the road and uses the sewer flowing under the road to get back home. Air Date : 29th-Apr-2004 Read More
PEEP'S LOST LEAF: On a windy fall day, Peep spots the perfect red-and-gold leaf; the birds chase after it as the wind blows it around. Air Date : 29th-Apr-2004 Read More
STORMY WEATHER: Peep, Chirp, and Quack experience their first thunderstorm. Air Date : 30th-Apr-2004 Read More
THE INCREDIBLE SHRINKING DUCK: The birds are excited to see snow for the first time, and Quack builds a snow duck as handsome as he is; he soon learns, however, that snow ducks don't last forever. Air Date : 30th-Apr-2004 Read More
PEEP IN RABBITLAND: Peep falls into a rabbit hole and considers moving in with some baby bunnies. Air Date : 3rd-May-2004 Read More