Anne Boleyn The temptress Anne Boleyn, who charmed the King with her seductive French ways gave him his second daughter, Elizabeth. Henry soon tired of her though and had her beheaded. Air Date : 17th-Sep-2001
Catherine of Aragon The beautiful Spanish princess, Catherine of Aragon, was Henry's first wife and succeeded in giving him a child, Mary. Her fierce yet eventually futile resistance to his efforts to divorce her started the religious revolution that made England a Protestant country. Air Date : 10th-Sep-2001 Read More
Anne Boleyn The temptress Anne Boleyn, who charmed the King with her seductive French ways gave him his second daughter, Elizabeth. Henry soon tired of her though and had her beheaded. Air Date : 17th-Sep-2001 Read More
Jane Seymour The luckless Jane Seymour managed to escape Henry's wrath by giving him his only surviving son, Edward. Unfortunately she died during childbirth. Anne of Cleves The 'Flanders Mare' as she was affectionately known, Anne of Cleves did not please her husband in bed. Somehow though, she earned herself a pay-off guaranteeing her a life of luxury. Air Date : 24th-Sep-2001 Read More
Katherine Howard is perhaps the most tragic of Henry's wives. When she was just 18 years of age, Henry became absolutely besotted with her stunning beauty and unbridled sexuality. Unfortunately for his queen, she found it hard to make do with only Henry's loving which left the King with only one option - to cut off her head. Catherine Parr Possibly the most intelligent and humane of Henry's wives. Air Date : 1st-Oct-2001 Read More