It's reelection time and Kyle is once again running for mayor, but starts to feel like his position is undeserved when no one else will run against him, so when Donna decides to help Kyle, by running for mayor, she not only becomes well appreciated by the town of Marlowe, but she wins the election. Air Date : 26th-May-1990
Evie is turning 16 and Troy, once again, has another spectacular gift for her. Troy gives Evie a list of ten powers to try out throughout the day and she has until midnight to decide which one of the ten powers that she would like to keep. Air Date : 7th-Oct-1989 Read More
When Donna refuses to buy Evie a new dress for a senior party at the Ritz Marlowe, Evie gleaps up the dress so that she can look stunning, but doesn't realize that there is going to be a major gleap out at midnight which will reverse the gleap that she made. Air Date : 14th-Oct-1989 Read More
Beano decides to act as a magician for an amateur's night, but when he uses Evie as an assistant to try out a ""Disappearing Act"" on Donna, Donna disappear's into another dimension because of Evie's powers, and when Donna starts to reappear, the only thing that comes back is her head. Air Date : 21st-Oct-1989 Read More
Buzz claims that he and his frog, Farley, need some space from each other, so asks Donna to take care of him for a while, but when Evie discovers that Chris is going behind her back to spend time with Lindsey, she gleaps Farley into a handsome young man to try and make Chris jealous. Air Date : 28th-Oct-1989 Read More
When Evie gets the Antarean flu, her powers go out of control, and when Kyle happens to witness Evie's powers in action, he believes that there is a ghost in the Garland house so hires a woman to drive the ghost out, but after the woman leaves, Evie and Donna discover that there really is a ghost in the house. Air Date : 4th-Nov-1989 Read More
Its time for Evie to take her driver's license test and ends up getting a very strict and mean driving instructor who will be giving the test, and when he puts too much pressure on her to parallel park, she uses her powers to help her pass the test. Air Date : 11th-Nov-1989 Read More
Evie has a crush on the new gymnastics coach, Scott Gold, and uses her powers to help her make the gymnastics team just so she can spend time with him. Air Date : 18th-Nov-1989 Read More
When Evie finds a Anterean hair restorer that her grandfather, Zelik, left behind, Beano decides to market it to make himself rich, but after trying it out on Kyle, Chris, and Buzz, thier hair turns into beehive hairdo's. Air Date : 25th-Nov-1989 Read More
Evie's grandfather, Zelik, is back to visit and wants to take Evie around the world as a gift, but when Donna refuses to let Evie go, they sneak out in the middle of the night to go on their journey- little do they know that things aren't going to go as smoothly as they planned. Air Date : 2nd-Dec-1989 Read More
A popular guy at school is suddenly interested in Lindsay and Evie can't figure out why, until he reveals to Evie that the only reason he is going out with Lindsay is so she will give him the answers to the upcoming history finals. Air Date : 9th-Dec-1989 Read More
Lindsay is crushed when she is dumped by the man who was suppose to take her to the sophmore dance at school, and when Evie feels bad that Lindsay won't be going, she gleaps herself to look like a man so that Lindsay can have a date for the dance. Air Date : 16th-Dec-1989 Read More
As class president, Evie must find a way to raise money for the school and gets an idea from Kyle to put on a benefit concert, and not only does he give Evie the idea, he also plans on helping her get, rock group, the ""Fine Young Vegetarians"" to be the guest performers, but when they can't make it, Evie gleaps Beano's rock collection into the rock group so that she won't have to let the school down. Air Date : 27th-Jan-1990 Read More
When Donna goes to her night school class, Evie promises that she will stay home and study for her upcoming finals, but when Lindsay persuades Evie to go out to the ""Goodie Goodie"" instead, Evie ends up being the one millionth customer, and when she discovers that her picture will be on the front page of the paper, she must keep the paper away from Donna the next day so that she won't know that Evie went out instead of staying home. Air Date : 3rd-Feb-1990 Read More
Beano must babysit his girlfriend's baby boy, Billy, but doesn't realize that Billy is a little menace, and when he goes to a game and sticks Billy with Evie, she gleaps him into a 30 year old so that she can understand him. Air Date : 10th-Feb-1990 Read More
Evie is tormented by a commercial jingle for a mouthwash company, while Donna rushes to prepare for her commercial on live TV. Throughout the day, the twins that appear in the ad show up to sing part of the jingle again and again as Evie is discussing her retainer with her friends. Evie is confused as to how they keep showing up, so she and Donna turn to Troy for help, and he concludes that the word "mouth" triggers the jingle, she also complains about her retainer so she takes them out, and puts them back in when they leave for the studio. Troy leaves a message saying that the twins appearances were caused by the material in her retainers. Donna then goes on TV for her commercial, but her nervousness causes the word "mouth" to be spoken and the twins to appear and interrupt her, causing her to rhyme the rest of the ad. Buzz then hires the twins to be part of his new commercials. Air Date : 17th-Feb-1990 Read More
Evie accidentaly gleaps Donna's ivy into a woman named Inga, and when Kyle meets her, he falls in love and wants to marry her. Air Date : 24th-Feb-1990 Read More
Evie is thrilled when Chris invites her to his senior prom, but when Chris becomes the new supervisor at ""Chicken in a Basket"", he is forced to work on the night of the prom. Air Date : 3rd-Mar-1990 Read More
Kyle is a little frightened when having to proove to his cowboy buddies that he is strong enough to do anything, so wishes that he were as hard as a rock, but when Evie tries to help him, she accidently gleaps him, literally, as hard as a rock. Air Date : 28th-Apr-1990 Read More
Evie is getting love letters from a secret admirer but can't figure out who it is, and when the time finally comes for Evie to finally meet him, he ends up being Lindsay's 12 year old brother. Air Date : 5th-May-1990 Read More
Evie and Chris must do a marriage project for school that teaches them about family financing, but when Chris shows no interest into thier project, Evie gleaps Chris into a more responsible husband. Air Date : 12th-May-1990 Read More
evie gleaps up a diamond necklace for her mom when she finds out that it is anterian mother's day Air Date : 19th-May-1990 Read More
It's reelection time and Kyle is once again running for mayor, but starts to feel like his position is undeserved when no one else will run against him, so when Donna decides to help Kyle, by running for mayor, she not only becomes well appreciated by the town of Marlowe, but she wins the election. Air Date : 26th-May-1990 Read More
New Mayor Donna tries to convince new Police Chief Kyle to not let friends off when violating laws so he arrests Donna for passing a bad check when he hits her for a parking violation. Meanwhile, a 'Junk Food Burglar' is rampaging Marlowe. Air Date : 2nd-Jun-1990 Read More
When Chris gets rejected from the college of his choice, he decides to enlist into the marines, but once he does, he realizes how much he would rather be in school than in the marines. Air Date : 9th-Jun-1990 Read More