Town miser Gideon Hackles spends Halloween hiding IOU's in his house, which he then rigs as haunted and invites local kids to search for the IOU's so he can scare them. This year, he gets his comeuppance. Air Date : 29th-Oct-1983
Town miser Gideon Hackles spends Halloween hiding IOU's in his house, which he then rigs as haunted and invites local kids to search for the IOU's so he can scare them. This year, he gets his comeuppance. Air Date : 29th-Oct-1983 Read More
An ironic story about a poverty-stricken husband and wife who harbor murderous intentions toward the bed-ridden elderly aunt they care for. Air Date : 19th-Oct-2010 Read More
A five-minute mini-featurette / commentary in which Romero opines on various aspects of Darkside and social life as pertaining to the "Devil's Advocate" episode. Found on the second season DVD set. Air Date : 1st-Jan-1970 Read More