World War II might be over, but it still casts a long shadow over royal family’s, particularly those with links to fascism. In Britain King, George VI works to keep his brother’s closeness to the Nazis away from the British people. Air Date : 20th-Oct-2021
In this episode, the British monarch, Queen Victoria, attempts to create peace in Europe through royal marriages. But when three cousin’s linked by Victoria’s royal blood turn against each other, and plunge Europe into the First World War, her dream of peace turns into a nightmare. Air Date : 20th-Oct-2021 Read More
In this episode, Royals across Europe embrace fascism. King George V knows he must keep his country safe from the dangers of Nazi Germany. But when his eldest son Edward VIII abandons royal duty for love, the crown is thrown into a deep crisis. Air Date : 20th-Oct-2021 Read More
World War II might be over, but it still casts a long shadow over royal family’s, particularly those with links to fascism. In Britain King, George VI works to keep his brother’s closeness to the Nazis away from the British people. Air Date : 20th-Oct-2021 Read More
In this episode, royals discover that breaking with tradition can get them into deep water, while other royals embrace change and by doing things differently, manage to cling onto their crowns. During the 60s and 70s, royal culture meets celebrity culture, giving the crown a popularity boost. Air Date : 20th-Oct-2021 Read More
In this episode, Queen Elizabeth has clung to power, but the royals’ position is made all the more perilous as powerful anti-establishment voices in the press threaten to end the era of deference to royals. Air Date : 20th-Oct-2021 Read More
To survive into the future, the royal family must reinvent themselves - ditching their ‘stiff upper lip’ approach, appearing more ‘normal’, in order to stay relevant and in touch with their subjects. Air Date : 20th-Oct-2021 Read More