The participants now have figured out each other’s exes in Jeju Island. Following this revelation, the senders of the incoming texts are also revealed, along with the ex’s choice. The frustration and confusion among them deepen as they are assigned to different rooms and experience changes of heart. Air Date : 1st-Mar-2024
The participants gather in the house one by one. After their brief introduction, where they can only exchange their names and nothing else, they divide into different teams and prepare dinner. After dinner, Breakup Packages are delivered. The items their exes sent are in the package. Meanwhile, Cho Hwi-hyun’s ex is revealed. Air Date : 29th-Dec-2023 Read More
The participants were enjoying their dinner when suddenly the doorbell rang. They receive Ex Introduction, an introduction written by their exes. Everyone tears up and gets emotional as they read the introduction out loud. Before the first night passes, they send text messages to the people they become fond of. Will some of them receive a text from their ex? Air Date : 5th-Jan-2024 Read More
The participants are told to go on memory fragment dates, in which they will take someone other than their ex to a place that was once meaningful to the broken-up couple. Once the dates are decided, the female participants chat with their dates’ exes and later listen to voice messages left by their exes. Meanwhile, Da-hye and her ex’s story is revealed. Air Date : 5th-Jan-2024 Read More
The participants go on their first dates. The male participants take their dates to places filled with memories of their exes. They learn about each other more through their dates, which could bring a change in their hearts. After their first dates, they gather at the house and talk about their day. Air Date : 12th-Jan-2024 Read More
The participants reveal their occupations for the first time. After dinner, all of them gather and play Truth or Dare. Some are hurt by what their exes say and end up arguing in secret. Ju-won’s ex is revealed, which surprises all the panellists. Air Date : 19th-Jan-2024 Read More
The participants get to find out each other’s feelings through Group Talking Room. They freely ask the questions they had in mind in separate rooms in an altered voice. A new female participant joins the male Group Talking Room, and she chooses a man to go on a date with based on the conversations they had. Air Date : 26th-Jan-2024 Read More
For Selected Date, the male participants get to choose their date and have a chance to chat with the date’s ex anonymously. Surprisingly, they all choose the same female participant, which complicates things more. After Ex Chatroom, the male participants are given a chance to change their date. Will they have a change of heart? Air Date : 2nd-Feb-2024 Read More
The male participants go out for their selection date and use the information gathered in the chatroom. Male and female participants gathered by themselves and talked about their feelings and the changes in their hearts after joining the show. Meanwhile, the last male participant appears. To get to know each other better, everyone gathers and rereads their Ex Introduction. Air Date : 2nd-Feb-2024 Read More
After the new member, Chang-jin moves in, things change for Da-hye. She goes on a date with Chang-jin the next day, causing Dong-jin to get mixed feelings. Hwi-hyun brings out the candies that Hye-won gave to share with everyone, which upsets her. Yu-jung’s ex gets revealed toward the end of this week’s episode. Air Date : 9th-Feb-2024 Read More
Amid the confusion and mixed feelings, the participants continue to find new love. They receive a letter informing them that Personal Rooms are now available for them. They can find new information about their new love interest in the Personal Room. However, Ex-Room, where their memories with their exes are, also opens for them. They must choose between the two. Which room will each participant choose? Air Date : 16th-Feb-2024 Read More
Both Dong-jin and Da-hye choose the Ex-Room. Their memories of 13 years fill up the whole room, which shakes them up. Hye-won clears up the misunderstanding she had with Hwi-hyun through a conversation. A new message arrives, and the ladies are told to pick a date for their trip to Jeju Island. If they can’t find a match, they must travel with the remaining participants who failed to find a match. Air Date : 23rd-Feb-2024 Read More
The participants travel to Jeju Island. The three couples who were matched, Ju-won and Yu-jung, Dong-jin and Hye-won, and Chang-jin and Da-hye, enjoy delightful dates on their own. When all participants gather at the resort, their exes are revealed. After revealing their exes, two new participants join the group. Air Date : 1st-Mar-2024 Read More
The participants now have figured out each other’s exes in Jeju Island. Following this revelation, the senders of the incoming texts are also revealed, along with the ex’s choice. The frustration and confusion among them deepen as they are assigned to different rooms and experience changes of heart. Air Date : 1st-Mar-2024 Read More
The male participants must choose dates for their exes. They are given 20 minutes to discuss it with their exes, which stirs their hearts. Some end up arguing, while some end their discussion in less than a minute. Everyone expresses their feelings honestly to each other, but some misunderstandings don’t get cleared up. Air Date : 8th-Mar-2024 Read More
Air Date : 22nd-Mar-2024 Read More