Nashville: A tourist is experiencing painful breathing at his hotel room; A motorcyclist has crashed into a utility pole; An elderly man is suspected of having a heart attack; A 33-year-old man has been beaten up in a fight; A 12-year-old boy has injured his leg in a little league game; Paramedics have to respond to a SWAT team raid on a crack house; An elderly woman is unable to get to her feet after falling inside her home. Air Date : 4th-Oct-1999
A woman has been run over by a car in the French Quarter; A firefighter has been injured on the job; A man receives a head injury after passing out on Bourbon Street; A man is showing signs of a diabetic seizure; An elderly woman complains of abdominal pains; A seven-year-old boy was struck by a car while riding his bike; A man faints after an altercation at a store. Air Date : 20th-Sep-1999 Read More
Nashville: A tourist is experiencing painful breathing at his hotel room; A motorcyclist has crashed into a utility pole; An elderly man is suspected of having a heart attack; A 33-year-old man has been beaten up in a fight; A 12-year-old boy has injured his leg in a little league game; Paramedics have to respond to a SWAT team raid on a crack house; An elderly woman is unable to get to her feet after falling inside her home. Air Date : 4th-Oct-1999 Read More
Pittsburgh: A 94-year-old woman complains of shortness of breath; A 27-year-old woman is suspected of a heroin overdose; The daughter of one of the paramedics falls and cuts her lip; A woman seven-weeks pregnant is complaining of severe chest pains; A father and son were assaulted in front of their store; A man is found on the ground unresponsive; Another man is suspected of having taken too many pain killers; A woman is trapped inside her car after an accident; A 30-year-old woman was assaulted by her boyfriend; A 24-year-old frequent flyer has a seizure; An 18-... Air Date : 11th-Oct-1999 Read More
Boston: A pedestrian receives a badly injured foot when she is struck by a speeding car; An EMS dispatcher was broadsided by another motorist; An electrician was burned in a flash fire; A man injures his hand when he punches a wall in anger; A man trying to rescue a cat on his roof fell and injured his ankle; A drunk man falls down hard on the sidewalk; Another drunk has been beaten up in a drunken street fight; A cancer patient who has just returned home from the hospital has a malfunctioning oxygen machine. Air Date : 22nd-Nov-1999 Read More
Portland, Oregon: A 56year-old man is suffering a seizure; A 31-year-old woman becomes trapped in her car after being t-boned by a semi; A young experiences trouble breathing after overdosing on some unknown substance; A woman has trouble breathing after an allergic reaction to an antibiotic; A man overdosing on heroin is found seizing; A stoned woman has crashed into a utility pole; A soccer player breaks another player's leg after kicking the leg instead of the ball; A man who has collapsed at the Portland Airport is suspected of having a heart attack; A young man has been slashed in the head; A young woman was punched in the face and robbed. Air Date : 6th-Dec-1999 Read More
New Orleans: A man hits a utility pole after his brakes failed; A man claims to have accidentally stabbed his wife in the neck; A six-year-old child complains of head and belly pain after a car accident; A motorcyclist has fallen 40 feet from an overpass after having crashed; A boy at a summer camp as been hit with a baseball bat; A fender bender has turned into a violent family feud; A 13-year-old boy who had had hip surgery two weeks earlier re-injured his hip after falling off his crutches; A 71-year-old woman complaining of asthma goes into cardiac arrest; a 23-year-old woman has given birth two months prematurely. Air Date : 13th-Dec-1999 Read More
Pittsburgh: A boater hits the steering wheel when he crashes; Firemen respond to a structure fire; A boater is trapped underwater; A resident of the structure fire has lost his medicine in the blaze; An 83-year-old man is found vomiting blood in his bathroom; A man in a nursing home is found unconscious and unresponsive in a diabetic coma; A 33-year-old man is found passed out stoned on the riverbank; A 49-year-old man has taken so many drugs that he is having trouble breathing; A medical secretary collapses at work with back pain; Paremedics respond to a medic alert. Air Date : 27th-Dec-1999 Read More
Nashville: A nine-year-old boy who had recently had hip surgery is coughing up blood; A car has collided with a van on the interstate; A homeless girl wandered across the road and was hit by a car; A 43-year-old man has walked out of a hospital with IVs still in his arm; A frequent flyer is complaining of Tourette Syndrome; A non-responsive elderly lady has pressed a medical alarm; A man has crashed his car against a median; A 46-year-old man with a history of heart disease and alcoholism thinks he is having a heart attack; A young woman with a history of mental problems has been hit in the head by a man who had tried to rob her. Air Date : 3rd-Jan-2000 Read More
Oklahoma City: A 77-year-old woman is experiencing breathing difficulties; A man crashes after skidding over a wet highway; A man is injured in a fight outside the Will Rogers Theater; A shooting on the south side; A man is shot in the knee outside of a night club; Six people, four critical, are injured in a car accident; An 18-year-old woman is having a panic attack. Air Date : 7th-Feb-2000 Read More
Albuquerque, New Mexico: A man accidentally shoots his 14-year-old nephew in the arm while hunting; An 89-year-old man collapses at his son's wedding; A Canadian tourist complaining of chest pains has to be airlifted 80 miles east of Albuquerque; A store clerk calls paramedics on a homeless man who had been robbed and assaulted; A car accident near Cuba, New Mexico, results in an ejection; A woman faints at on her front door step after her daughter evicts her; A two-year-old sitting in her grandfather's lap was ejected in a car accident when her mother fell asleep at the wheel. Air Date : 6th-Mar-2000 Read More
Portland, Oregon: A 32-year-old unrestrained is unresponsive after he crashes his car and goes down a 15-foot embankment; A 17-year-old was shot in the chest; Life Flight responds to a head-on collision near Mt. Hood; A heroin overdose at a crack house; A 67-year-old woman has some unknown illness with a low heart rate; a drunk pedestrian has been hit by a car. Air Date : 13th-Mar-2000 Read More