Exploring Greenwich, the great lost palace, and a look at the Gold State Coach. Air Date : 28th-Jan-2023
More behind-the-scenes tales of the British monarchy’s residences, looking at Queen Elizabeth II added the Royal Gallery to Buckingham Palace after swathes of it were damaged by bombs during the Second World War. Kate Williams explores the make-up used in the Elizabethan court, including arsenic, beetles and the urine of a small boys, and also reveals how George III was imprisoned and tortured in Kew Gardens to hide his mental decline and how Holyrood Palace became the nerve centre of the Jacobite Rebellion. Air Date : 7th-Jan-2023 Read More
Behind-the-scenes tales from the Palaces of Westminster, with the State Opening of Parliament the event where royalty and democracy come together. The Prince’s Chamber was specially built for Queen Elizabeth II to rest before entering the Lords and taking her seat on the palace’s royal throne, while a secret tunnel hidden behind the ancient walls is explored. Other stories featured include a hologram portrait of Elizabeth II and how Charles II dabbled in cannibalism. Air Date : 14th-Jan-2023 Read More
Windsor Castle is the largest permanently lived in castle in the world, and it’s still packed with secrets. There is the Welsh Cottage, a 2 fifths life size Dolls house that the young Elizabeth 2nd played in as a child. It had been gifted to her by the people of Wales but she almost never got to play in it, as caught fire on the way to Windsor. We examine the stunning Waterloo Chamber, built from contained courtyard and turned into one of the most stunning rooms in the Palace, dedicated to Britain’s greatest military victory. Air Date : 21st-Jan-2023 Read More
Exploring Greenwich, the great lost palace, and a look at the Gold State Coach. Air Date : 28th-Jan-2023 Read More
The history of Hampton Court’s Great Hall, a huge dining area built by more than 400 stonemasons, bricklayers, carpenters, joiners and labourers that was also used by Henry VIII to keep an eye on his household. Plus, a look at the 2002 Golden Jubilee Party, which was held in the grounds of Buckingham Palace and is considered to have changed the public’s perception of monarchy. Air Date : 4th-Feb-2023 Read More
Exploring St James’s, the palace at the heart of the monarchy built by Henry VIII. Air Date : 11th-Feb-2023 Read More
Behind-the-scenes tales of Osborne House on the Isle of Wight, which was bought by Queen Victoria and Prince Albert in 1840 and was turned into their perfect renaissance hideaway. Kate Williams goes on a culinary adventure and tries traditional Tudor cuisine, including snails and pigs’ feet, while the horrors of the palaces’ bedding ceremony is revealed, where a royal bride is observed on her wedding night to make sure the marriage is consummated. Air Date : 18th-Feb-2023 Read More
Behind-the-scenes tales of Kensington Palace, which started out as Nottingham House until it was bought in 1698 by William III and transformed into a royal residence after a major renovation. Kate Williams explores some of the more gruesome pieces of palace history, including the grim death of Henry Stuart, the murder of Amy Robsart to clear a path for the queen, and the amazing story of Eleanor Cobham, the `Royal Witch”. Air Date : 25th-Feb-2023 Read More