Big Brother - Season : 5 Episode 5

Big Brother 2004, also known as Big Brother 5, was the fifth series of the British reality television series Big Brother, which premiered on Channel 4 on 28 May 2004 and lasted 71 days until the live finale on 6 August 2004. Following the poor reception and ratings for Big Brother 4, producers decided to cast a more controversial set of housemates and introduced an 'evil' Big Brother. This saw an increase in ratings when compared to the previous edition. In total, the series averaged 5.1 million viewers, thus making it the second highest rated so far, only behind Big Brother 3. The premise of the series remained largely unchanged from the previous instalment in the series, in which a certain number of strangers lived in a house together with no communication with the outside world, filmed constantly during their time in the house, trying to stay in the house for as long as possible in hopes of being voted the winner by the viewing public. It was the first series to feature a prize fund of up to £100,000. Certain elements of the show which had been there present since Big Brother's inception in 2000 were removed, such as the hot water only being present for one hour in the morning, the vegetable patch and the chickens.

Season 5 Episode 5 - Day 4 Highlights

The housemates continued their attempted rebelling, when Stuart came up with the idea of nominating the two housemates at the time that was right for them. Kitten then went on to nominate Big Sister and a statue for eviction. Meanwhile, Jason's new tradition of cooking naked continued with Shellie cooking dinner for the housemates in the nude. Air Date : 1st-Jun-2004

Big Brother - Season : 5

Season 5 Episode 1 - LIVE Launch Show

In this, the totally LIVE Launch Programme of Big Brother 5, Davina introduces us to all 12 brand new contestants. And it couldn't be a more controversial list. A transsexual, a lesbian, an ex-stripper and an outrageously camp gay, to name just a few. In part one, a brief explanation of the application process (accompanied by all new footage) and a tour of the brand new house, lead by Davina. From here on out, the show is dedicated to the new arrivals. One by one, all 12 housemates enter the building that could be their home for up to 10 weeks. There arrivals are accompanied by a short video that shows some of their more memorable audition moments and introduces them to the viewing public. When all 12 have begun their Reality TV journey, Davina announces plans for the following days task and in an added twist, the contestant that loses will not receive their suitcase, containing everything they wanted to take into the house, for as long as they remain in the game. Air Date : 28th-May-2004  Read More

Season 5 Episode 2 - LIVE Task

The 12 new contestants face their first task, live. And to their surprise, just two days into the show the housemates made their first votes. All of them voted for the person they wanted to see go without their suitcase for the duration of their stay in the house. Loose cannon Kitten, who refused to enter the house initially on launch night, continued her rebellious ways and refused to go to the diary room when asked to do so by Big Brother. The votes were counted, and it was Kitten who the housemates decided should go without her case. Back in the studio, Davina looked through her suitcase to see what she would be missing. In addition, she revealed the first eviction would happen on Day 8 of the show. She also announced some shocking plans for the eviction. Air Date : 29th-May-2004  Read More

Season 5 Episode 3 - Day 1/2 Highlights

An hour long highlights programme, airing the most memorable moments from the first two days in the house. They include the contestant's entering their new home and their first night, in which they found the 'surprise' of having less beds than people, meaning that some would have to share. Marco speaks frankly to Kitten and says he thinks that one of the females, well, isn't. Brief clips from the task are also shown and after he 'protest', Victor promptly chats in the diary room, revealing that he 'doesn't like that bitch [Kitten]'. Later the same evening, the contestants have a round of mud wrestling and there was mass debate as to if Nadia's breasts were natural or implants. Intelligent Conversation prevails, then. Air Date : 30th-May-2004  Read More

Season 5 Episode 4 - Day 3 Highlights

In the first of the half hour highlight shows in the series, a selection of the best moments from Day 3. They include extrovert Jason cooking the meal, with nothing but a chef's apron on and with his buttocks on full display, Kitten climbing the roof and looking at the surrounding area, despite Big Brother's rules and warnings. The housemates also set up a singing competition, with Jason and Vanessa acting as 'judges' for the occasion. Performances include Marco's unforgettable cover of a song from 'The Little Mermaid' movie and Nadia's rendition of 'Happy Birthday', for Big Brother. Air Date : 31st-May-2004  Read More

Season 5 Episode 5 - Day 4 Highlights

The housemates continued their attempted rebelling, when Stuart came up with the idea of nominating the two housemates at the time that was right for them. Kitten then went on to nominate Big Sister and a statue for eviction. Meanwhile, Jason's new tradition of cooking naked continued with Shellie cooking dinner for the housemates in the nude. Air Date : 1st-Jun-2004  Read More

Season 5 Episode 6 - Day 5 Highlights

Kitten continues to challenge Big Brother's authority when she pulls the alcohol fridge out from the kitchen and proceeds to try and remove the lock on it. Her actions result in a shocking and drastic statement to be made by Big Brother. It's the last straw for Victor and he doesn't hide his feelings of frustrations towards Kitten's increasingly childish actions. Meanwhile, Jason and Victor tell Ahmed he needs to ""Step Up"" or risk getting booted out of the house. Confused by what they mean, Jason explains to him how he needs to participate more in discussions and ""cause tension"" among his fellow contestants. No longer than 20 minutes after his advice, Ahmed follows through by confronting Marco and accusing him of being ""unfriendly"" towards him and declares that he didn't even greet him properly on the first night. Heavily effected by such comments, Marco visits the diary room in tears later the same evening. Air Date : 2nd-Jun-2004  Read More

Season 5 Episode 7 - Day 6 Highlights

In an especially extended episode, to cover all of Day 6's incredible action, Big Brother makes a shocking announcement that none of the contestants wants to hear. After writing offensive phrases on the mirror's as a ""protest"", Kitten is given a third warning. As explained to the housemates the previous day, such action would mean that one of the contestants would be evicted, and true to their promise, a statement was released to the contestants informing them a contestant will be evicted because of Kitten's actions. When and Who was not revealed. The shocking announcement causes a huge rift, and Emma promptly tells Kitten how selfish she feels she is being, and how she needs to take responsibility for her actions. Her comments are met with fierce rivalry from Kitten and she tells Emma she is naive for 'playing into Big Brother's hands' by blaming her. Air Date : 3rd-Jun-2004  Read More

Season 5 Episode 8 - LIVE Show: Day 7 Highlights & Pre-Eviction

After a night of fun and games, the housemates were reminded that Big Brother was in control. Big Brother had stated that one Housemate would be evicted because of Kitten's continuous rule breaking. And the evicted housemate was Kitten. But for the first time in Big Brother history, a housemate (Kitten) refused to leave the house, and Big Brother was forced to lower the Cash Price to £91,000 before she finally left the house. For Kitten's advantage, there was no crowd to greet her as she left the house, and was only forced to deal with the press. Air Date : 4th-Jun-2004  Read More

Season 5 Episode 9 - LIVE Show: Eviction

The Saturday Night Task featured the 11 Housemates taking part in a task that could cost them to loose up to £9,000 of their Cash Price. The housemates were told to choose the most intelligent housemate (Stuart) and the strongest housemate (Jason). The remaining housemates were placed on a roundabout that was situated in the garden. Jason then began to spin the roundabout until Stuart answered a question correctly, and Stuart continued to chose one housemate to leave the roundabout every time he answered a question correctly. By the end of the task, Marco was sick while on the roundabout, with Shellie on the edge of sickness. And the housemates lost another £5,000 of their Cash Price, which now leaves them with £86,000. Air Date : 4th-Jun-2004  Read More

Season 5 Episode 11 - Day 8/9 Highlights

Highlights from the second weekend in the Big Brother House. The build up to Kitten's eviction is profiled, including one of her last protests. Demanding more alcohol, better food and no eviction/nomination procedures, Kitten climbs onto the roof again. Vanessa, Daniel and Shell begin to air there feelings about Michelle and Stuart's romance in private to each other and all agree that they do not think Michelle's show of emotion and affection is genuine. "Part of her game plan", they suggest. An argument breaks out and sends a strong divide down the group when a party, provided for by Big Brother turns into a mass food fight amongst Stuart, Michelle, Emma, Marco and Nadia. Distinctly unimpressed by their antics, Daniel demands they clean up the mess, and along with Shell, Vanessa, Jason and Ahmed makes it clear he is angry at their "selfish and childlike" behaviour. Air Date : 6th-Jun-2004  Read More

Season 5 Episode 12 - Day 10 Highlights

The Drama continued in the Big Brother house with yet another outburst between two of the Housemates, by Emma walking in on Victor on the toilet. Meanwhile, a relationship between Vanessa and Jason is slowly developing, but Vanessa is not sure where she wants it to go. And the housemates have begun their weekly task, which involves them running a 24 hour Burger Bar, under the name of Big Bro. Air Date : 7th-Jun-2004  Read More

Season 5 Episode 13 - Day 11 Highlights

This Episode marked the Housemates first Nominations in the Big Brother House. But this week, Big Brother will create another twist, as the two housemates chosen to leave the house will go into a secret room and watch the housemates for 4 days, until they return back into the house. The housemates that are up for the 'Eviction with a twist' are, Ahmed, Emma and Michelle. Meanwhile, the housemates continued their Weekly Task at running a burger bar, and failed to deliver the correct order for the first time. As Michelle struggled to remember the order that Big Brother had given her. The housemates only have two more chances, before they fail the weekly task. Air Date : 8th-Jun-2004  Read More

Season 5 Episode 14 - Day 12 Highlights

The housemates are told the results of the first nominations by Big Brother. Michelle takes the news badly and cries twice during the day, to be comforted by Nadia and Marco and later by her love interest Stuart. Ahmed confronts Marco about why he brought in 300 cigarettes to the house when he doesn't even smoke. When the group tries to explain that it was a thoughtful gesture, Ahmed begins complaining about passive smoking. Later in the evening, Jason discusses his tactics for the ten weeks with Victor and Stuart. Air Date : 9th-Jun-2004  Read More

Season 5 Episode 15 - Day 13 Highlights

Ahmed completely loses his temper when the wake-up call [the sound of a car alarm going off] pushes him over the edge. In a fit of rage, he throws a stack of china plates, making them smash into hundreds of pieces all over the garden. After his show of 'emotion', he retires to the spa room and cries for 45 minutes. In an attempt to ease his troubled mind, Emma tries to comfort him and tells him his plate chucking antics reminded her of a "Spanish festival". Things get steamy by night when Emma, Shell and Michelle all have a topless mud wrestling championship. Victor, Jason and Marco also join in the games. Jason and Vanessa's relationship continues to grow, and Victor, Jason and Stuart joke about Ahmed's earlier inexplicable behaviour. Air Date : 10th-Jun-2004  Read More

Season 5 Episode 17 - LIVE Show: Fake Eviction

In a first for the UK Edition of Big Brother, a "fake" eviction was staged. Davina guides the viewers around what will become, for the two "evicted" contestants, their new home for as long as Big Brother decides, the Bedsit. A 70's styled and by anyone's standards, distinctly grotty, one-bedded room with a tiny kitchen and bathroom and little else. However, most importantly, the room contains a large plasma screen and two sets of headphones. The room's feature will allow the two inhabitants of the room to view all the action from the house, live. After the highlights package, Davina drops a bombshell on the unsuspecting housemates. Instead of one, she reveals to them two people will leave the house. Shocked and bemused by this new revelation, the group have precious few seconds to adjust before Davina announces the nominated contestants will have to wait an excruciating 30 minutes to learn of their fate. Air Date : 11th-Jun-2004  Read More

Season 5 Episode 18 - LIVE Task

The 9 remaining housemates get ready for their 3rd live Saturday task. The housemates were gathered in the living room where a housemate was told to read envelope 1 to the rest of the housemates. Marco read aloud and told his fellow housemates, that they had to pick four housemates to do a physical part of the challenge, and picked were; Vanessa, Jason, Stuart and Dan. Vanessa went to the diary room to confirm the housemates, and while taking another laminate out side the other housemates followed her. It was said that the remaining housemates must sit on a bench, while the chosen 4 were to divide them self's into pairs (Dan, Stuart, and Vanessa and Jason) On the grass was a trail of red cones, and at the end was a group of yellow circles. Reading a laminate, it was said that one housemate had to be wheelbarrowed over to the rings, and pick them up one at a time and back to start, with each pair taking it in turns. Air Date : 12th-Jun-2004  Read More

Season 5 Episode 19 - Day 15/16 Highlights

Big Brother gets evil, with the introduction of the bedsit. Before the pending eviction, Michelle and Marco discuss their other contestants and who they think is ""playing a game"". They agree that Dan and Vanessa are doing just this. When a mistake with Davina's link to the house means the housemates overhear the word 'Bedsit' on Friday night, the whole group go into a frenzy. Theories about what will happen are going left, right and centre, including Jason's idea that two people will be evicted and then one voted back into the house. When the voting news comes, the housemates think Emma and Michelle are evicted, when really they are going to the bedsit. Over Excited by being in the bedsit, Emma's breasts constantly fall out of her top, to much amusement by the two girls. The following morning, they are set their first task. They must decide which of the 9 housemates they left behind should have to take a cold shower. Air Date : 13th-Jun-2004  Read More

Season 5 Episode 20 - Day 17 Highlights

The bedsit duo, Emma and Michelle are set a task by Big Brother. They must pick one of their fellow housemates to receive cool showers. For all of the day, the housemate they pick will only ever receive cold water when they enter the shower. The girls pick Victor and watch with much delight as the London rude-boy gets increasingly stressed out as everyone else enjoys nice warm showers. In the evening, things get raunchy when after a week-long flirtation, Jason and Vanessa end up passionate kissing in the garden and bathroom. There fun soon ends when Marco's screams of excitement from witnessing the two's romance are heard by Jason. Air Date : 14th-Jun-2004  Read More

Season 5 Episode 21 - Day 18 Highlights

The contestants make their all-important nominations for the second time. After receiving the most votes from their housemates, it's Vanessa and Daniel who will be facing the chop. Heavy smoker Nadia is worried to discover she has run out of cigarettes completely, and with no more in the house until the shopping arrives in almost a week, she will have to go cold turkey. Her predicament is a source of amusement for Jason and he jokes and mocks about her openly with all the housemates in the living area. His outburst is not just a frustration to Nadia, but also to Shell who takes it particularly badly. Later the same evening, unaware of Nadia's sex change the group discuss transsexual's in a frank and upfront manor. Nadia retreats to the bathroom and cries for nearly an hour. Meanwhile, Shell is having her own problems, and goes to the treatment room and throws some pillows around and generally loses his temper, thanks to Jason's outburst earlier. Vanessa comforts her. Air Date : 15th-Jun-2004  Read More

Season 5 Episode 22 - LIVE Show: Day 19 Highlights

In this special episode, the bedsit duo return to the house. Informed by Big Brother, the other contestants believe they are just enjoying a special fancy dress party. Special it will certainly be. When contacted by Big Brother on their bedsit telephone, the girls rush about getting prepared for the return. When they do arrive back in the house, something special is planned. With their housemates locked safely away in the bedroom, sent their by Big Brother, the two girls hide under the huge dinner table in the living area. Once inside, they each put their heads through holes in the table which lead to the inside of a platter dish. Unaware of the trick, Nadia removes the lid to the platter containing Emma and gets the shock of her life, as do the other contestants. The two they thought were gone are back, and they know more than anyone can imagine. Air Date : 16th-Jun-2004  Read More

Season 5 Episode 23 - Day 20 Highlights

On the night June 16th 2004, Day 20 of the fifth season of Big Brother UK, an argument broke out on a scale never before witnessed in the reality show. This episode, especially extended to one hour, airs the brawl itself and the events of Day 20 that lead to such a colossal disaster for the housemate's relationships. During the day, tempers within the house were already reaching boiling point. Irritated by his constant cold showers (which Emma and Michelle set up), Victor rants inside the Diary Room, but getting no response takes to the roof to protest. Vanessa makes a fatal mistake when she tells Dan and Shell how she doesn't respect Michelle and that her opinions do not matter, unaware that the 'evictee' she is talking about is watching and listening to it all. By the time the two 'evicted' contestants return at around 10.45pm, the atmosphere in the house is at it's most explosive yet. Annoyed by the girls' return, Victor and Jason retreat to the garden to lick their wounds. Air Date : 17th-Jun-2004  Read More

Season 5 Episode 24 - Day 21 Highlights

Davina McCall hosts the LIVE Friday night programme, but only this time there is no crowd and no eviction. When events in the house took a sensational turn during the week, Big Brother, eager to avoid any further explosive scenes, decided to put the eviction off for the week in order to give the contestants time to get themselves all sorted out. In this episode, Davina's role is pretty pointless. She introduces a selection of highlights from the previous day. These all revolve around "the morning after the night before" and show the contestants struggling to build the bridges they burned in the previous night's fury. Vanessa and Marco have an argument, when Marco ignites the already volatile situation by calling her "fake" and "two faced". Jason struggles to apologise to anyone, still believing his actions were justified. Nadia and Vanessa put everything behind them and enjoy a genuine apology. Air Date : 18th-Jun-2004  Read More

Season 5 Episode 25 - Day 22 Highlights

Highlights from Day 22 in the Big Brother House. The contestants continue to speculate about what has happened to Emma and wonder if she's been ejected or not, following events on Wednesday evening. Vanessa and Shell discuss it further and decide that whatever happens to Emma should happen to Victor also, and that both should be treated exactly the same. Nadia becomes upset, and comforted by Shell, Vanessa and Marco admits she is feeling guilty for her actions in the brawl, and is considering leaving, Jason's refusal to accept her apologies only makes the situation worse, and yet when told about Nadia's sorry state by Daniel, Jason continues to ignore her apologies. Air Date : 19th-Jun-2004  Read More

Season 5 Episode 26 - LIVE Show: Day 23 Highlights & Emma Interview

The contestants are told of Emma's departure from the house. After some silence, out of respect for their friend, the contestants pretty much end in agreement that it might be for the best. Outside the house, Davina interviews the ejected housemate, discussing her time in the house and her plans for the future. Discussion on the Big Brawl is limited, but Emma is clearly sad to be evicted from the house because of it. It's also clear that if she is out, so should Victor be. Air Date : 20th-Jun-2004  Read More

Season 5 Episode 27 - Day 24 Highlights

In the first of the Psychoanalysis programme's of Season Five, the resident Big Brother psychologists analyse and comment on the housemate's behaviour over the past 24 hours, and reveal what it tells us about them. They kick off with an analysis of Stuart and Michelle's relationship - labelled "A Dangerous Liaison". Stuart's hot and cold approach to Michelle is under the microscope, and so his reactions to her eviction on Day 15, and her unexpected return on Day 20. Daniel is also analysed further, and his role as the mediator is further investigated. Friendly with both camps in the house, and the ultimate bridge builder after the big fight of Night 20, he was surprised when he found himself nominated for eviction, but have the housemates made a terrible mistake in risking losing him from the group at this stressful and unstable time? Plus, a further look at Nadia and her big secret. Air Date : 21st-Jun-2004  Read More

Season 5 Episode 28 - Day 25 Highlights

With no nominations due to the delayed eviction, their is a positive and cheerful mood in the house. Big Brother sets the contestants a new challenge. They must all make a clay cast of a body part. Once all the clay cast's from each contestant have been made, they must all be applied to a wire frame to form the "perfect housemate". A ironic conversation takes a turn for the bizarre and uncomfortable when Michelle asks transsexual Nadia if she had "it" put in a pickle jar when it was "cut off". The conversation was planned by Marco and Michelle as a joke, but they do not realise how close they are to the truth about Nadia's secret past. The perfect housemate model, which was originally a female, becomes A Sexual when the boys in the house mould a penis onto it. Air Date : 22nd-Jun-2004  Read More

Season 5 Episode 29 - Day 26 Highlights

The housemates are set another task for the day. They must, in groups of two, put on a play about their time in the house and their Big Brother experiences. Vanessa vents her annoyance over Jason's constant bad mood to Daniel. Later that evening, Jason leaves the table without thanking Vanessa for the meal she prepared. His actions mean Dan marches into the bedroom to let him know how much it irritated him. It's clearly not Jason's day because later that evening Vanessa confronts him about his recent mood swings. Both him and Victor disrepute it though, commenting "You've been hanging around with too many w*nkers lately". Vanessa accuses him of being "weird and condescending". Air Date : 23rd-Jun-2004  Read More

Season 5 Episode 30 - Day 27 Highlights

While the Housemates did their weekly shopping list, Stuart noticed that there was a Cowboy Hat priced at £20.00. He gave up hope in buying it, until Big Brother informed him that the price of the hat had been reduced to £6.00. The hat shall now be delivered with the rest of the food on Saturday. Meanwhile, Jason apologized to Vanessa about the argument that they had the night before. And informed her that she was one of the only Housemates that he could feel comfortable talking to. Also, the Housemates were given a task in which they had to give a News Report to Big Brother. Air Date : 24th-Jun-2004  Read More

Season 5 Episode 31 - LIVE Show: Day 28 Highlights & Pre-Eviction

In the first true eviction night of Big Brother 2004, house beauty Vanessa was shown the door by the public. Highlights from the past 24 hours in the house were aired in the first of the evening's episodes as always. They included the 'hareem' enjoying fun and games as always, when Nadia and Michelle conspire to rip Marco's boxers off him to leave him naked. Even his attempts to find refuge in the Diary Room don't work when the girls follow him, and after achieving thier goal, Big Brother asks Marco to take a seat on the diary room chair. Daniel complains to Jason about his continuing bad mood once more and the two end up having a debate about the scot's turbulent moods. When the eviction announcement finally comes, the contestants gather on the sofa's to hear that Vanessa will be evicted. Upon her eviction, Vanessa is evicted too loud and shattering booing from the audience outside Air Date : 25th-Jun-2004  Read More

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