Wan An was confused as to why Yong Cheng paid Cecilia to frame Tianliang, and tricked Yong Cheng into telling her. She was shocked that Tianliang was the loan shark runner who locked up their house, indirectly causing the death of her mother. Wan An was devastated. When she got back to Shuying’s place, Tianliang actually proposed to her……. 婉安怀疑永诚付钱给Cecilia,陷害天亮,感到不解,向永诚套话,永诚终说出天亮就是当年锁门的大耳窿跑腿,也就是间接害死婉安母亲的罪魁祸首,婉安宛如晴天霹雳!她失魂落魄地回到书莹家,天亮竟向她求婚……。 Air Date : 10th-Feb-2020
Zhang Tianliang and Zheng Weilong have been close friends since secondary school. Both of them often get themselves into trouble, and ended up being suspended from school. They were forced to be loanshark runners due to the debt Weilong owed, little did they know in the process, they indirectly caused the death of one of the debtor's wife, Wan An's mother, thus causing Wan An to bear a grudge against loanshark runners. Air Date : 21st-Oct-2019 Read More
Wan An is a new prosecutor in the office, dating Judge Wu Renxing who is currently filing for divorce with wife, Chu Lin. Wan An was publicly insulted as a third party by Chu Lin. Tianliang happened to witness the episode, and when Wan An who cannot get over what happened asked him on the definition of a third party, Tianliang explained it from a legal point of view that surprised Wan An. 婉安当上检察官,与法官仁兴交往。仁兴正在办离婚,妻子楚琳当众羞辱婉安,指她是破坏别人家庭的小三,,, Air Date : 28th-Oct-2019 Read More
Wan An was hurt when someone pushed her down the stairs of an overhead bridge. Both Wan An and Renxing suspects the culprit to be Chu Lin, but she denied when confronted by Renxing, and was hurt and disappointed by the accusation. By chance, Wan An found a video screenshot in her father’s mobile phone, and realized the real culprit was Ah Dong, a defendant’s family member in one of the cases she handled. 婉安被人从天桥楼梯推下受伤,与仁兴两人以为是楚琳所为。。。 Air Date : 4th-Nov-2019 Read More
Tianliang was thrown out of his rental apartment when he exposed the landlord for installing pinhole camera in the bathroom. Shuying decided to take him in temporarily, against the objections of Wan An, who is one of Shuying’s tenant. Wan An and Tianliang don’t see eye to eye, and are constantly picking on each other. Shuying suspects Tianliang likes Wan An, but he denies it... Air Date : 11th-Nov-2019 Read More
Wan An feels uneasy living with Tian Liang, knowing that he had been behind bars and is now a suspect of a peeping-tom case. She plans to move out, but was pre-empted by Tianliang, who already packed up and left. Coincidentally, Tian Liang met Ah Dong, the culprit who pushed Wan An down the stairs of an overhead bridge. Ah Dong decided to turn himself in and wants Tianliang to represent him... Air Date : 18th-Nov-2019 Read More
Weilong and Hua Zai are out collecting debts at an eatery, not knowing that the owner, Mr Wong had hired thugs against them. Shu Ying found out by accident and alerted Weilong. As they were escaping, Mr Wong held Shuying hostage, threatening Weilong to kneel down and had him beaten up. For Shuying’s safety, Weilong did not fight back, and it breaks Shuying’s heart. 伟龙和华仔到小吃店追债,店主Mr Wong找打手来对付他们。书莹无意中得知,通知伟龙。三人逃走时,书莹被Mr Wong挟持,他以此来威胁伟龙下跪,命人将他毒打一顿。伟龙为了书莹的安危,忍着痛不敢还手,书莹心痛不已。 Air Date : 25th-Nov-2019 Read More
Tianliang won the court case for Ah Dong. It is a major boost for Tianliang’s reputation with the media coverage from the case, but it hurt his relationship with Wan An further as their misunderstanding deepened. Shiman saw the video of Weilong being beaten up. Unhappy that Weilong did that for another woman, the couple quarreled again. 天亮成功驳回控方的控诉,为阿东打赢了官司,记者还特地来采访他,天亮一时声名大噪,但他和婉安的关系却更陷入谷底,两人误会加深。 诗曼看见伟龙被打的视频,不满他竟然为了另一个女人下跪,大发雷霆,夫妻又再闹翻。 Air Date : 2nd-Dec-2019 Read More
Wan An is shocked when Chu Lin blurted out that she is pregnant with Ren Xing’s child on the day of their divorce! Ren Xing admitted with guilt that it happened two months ago when Chu Lin asked him to go home for their son’s birthday celebration, and he got drunk. Ren Xing begged for forgiveness but an utterly disappointed Wan An initiated a break up despite her own heartache. 仁兴的离婚生效日,楚琳忽然爆出自己怀有仁兴的孩子,不能离婚,婉安愕然!仁兴愧疚地透露两个月前,楚琳叫他回家为儿子庆祝生日,自己在酒醉下跟她发生了关系,求婉安原谅他。但婉安已经心灰意冷,忍痛提出分手。 Air Date : 9th-Dec-2019 Read More
Hui Yi got arrested as murder suspect in the case of landlord He Yao Fa’s death. She claims it was for self-defense. When she found out that the landlord installed pinhole camera, the landlord tried to take advantage of her during the confrontation. She stabbed him to protect herself. However, Wan An insist on charging Hui Yi for murder due to the multiple stabbing wounds found on the victim. Hui Yi approached Tianliang for help... Air Date : 16th-Dec-2019 Read More
During court, Wan An exposes the fact that Hui Yi and the victim already knew each other 18 years ago, and given that the victim, who was Hui Yi’s tuition teacher then sexually assaulted her, Hui Yi committed the crime out of revenge. Hui Yi denies the allegations. When Wan An showed that Hui Yi’s credit card records indicated she bought two pinhole cameras of the exact same model as that found in the landlord’s house... Air Date : 23rd-Dec-2019 Read More
By accident, Tianliang found Yao Fa’s pinhole camera, and found out from the recordings it was Hui Yi who installed it. Yao Fa confronted Hui Yi, and wanted her to move out. He did not sexually assault her. However, memories of Hui Yi’s painful past agitated her and she stabbed him to death. Hui Yi was found guilty of murder in court, and she did something unexpected… 天亮误打误撞,找到耀发偷藏的针孔相机,里头录下了案发当天的经过。原来耀发发现慧怡偷偷安装针孔相机,找她对质,要她搬走,并没有性侵她,而是慧怡被勾起旧恨,将他刺死。慧怡谋杀罪名成立,在庭上做出极端行为……。 Air Date : 30th-Dec-2019 Read More
Tianliang was knocked down by a car, and it was Yong Cheng who did it on purpose to seek revenge for his deceased wife. Wan An was shocked and guilty. She took care of Tianliang and in the process, got to know him better and gradually accepted him. When Tianliang finds out about Wan An’s intention, he started to woo her. Wan An was moved by Tianliang’s actions, and they finally got together. 永诚为死去的妻子复仇,故意驾车撞伤天亮。婉安得知父亲撞伤的人是天亮,感到震惊又歉疚。。。 Air Date : 6th-Jan-2020 Read More
Lian Mei feels helpless and sorry for Tian Qing, who has to take care of the both of them elderlies. She tricked Huo Shui into suffocating her with a pillow. By the time Tian Qing realized what happened, it was too late. Huo Shui ran away, and Tian Qing was arrested for suspected murder. 莲妹见天晴照顾他们两老很辛苦,自己又无能为力,便骗活水帮她做一件事,用枕头盖住她的头,紧紧压住,活水照做。等到天晴发现的时候,莲妹已经没了呼吸。活水径直离家,天晴涉嫌谋杀被捕。 Air Date : 13th-Jan-2020 Read More
Shuying was elated to hear that her parents has reconciled and were planning to visit her in Singapore. However, they met with a fatal accident on the way to the airport, and a devastated Shuying could not control her emotions. Max took the chance to console and drink with Shuying, and sexually assaulted her while she was drunk! 书莹原本离异的父母复合后,决定回来新加坡探望她。书莹雀跃不已,谁知其父母却在前往机场途中遇到车祸,双双去世。书莹大受打击,痛哭流涕。Max趁机安慰,陪她喝酒,并趁她喝醉时性侵她……。 Air Date : 20th-Jan-2020 Read More
Wan An was shocked to hear of Shuying’s ordeal. Shuying initially did not want to pursue the matter further as she was handling her parent’s funeral. However, with Wan An’s encouragement, she eventually went to the hospital to get her injuries checked. Wan An and Shuying relationship got better as a result. Wan An told Tianliang about Shuying’s parents death, but kept mum about Shuying being sexually assaulted. Air Date : 27th-Jan-2020 Read More
The prosecutor found out that Tianqing’s husband, De Guang stopped sailing since last year. Instead, he was cohabiting with a woman, leaving the responsibilities of taking care of their father to Tianqing. This served as a convincing reason and Tianqing was eventually convicted of murder. Tianliang felt horrible for not being able to prove his sister’s innocence. 检察官查出天晴的丈夫德光从去年开始就没有出国跑船,而是与一个女人同居,把照顾父亲的事丢给天晴,如此一来天晴就更加有杀人的理由。。。 Air Date : 3rd-Feb-2020 Read More
Wan An was confused as to why Yong Cheng paid Cecilia to frame Tianliang, and tricked Yong Cheng into telling her. She was shocked that Tianliang was the loan shark runner who locked up their house, indirectly causing the death of her mother. Wan An was devastated. When she got back to Shuying’s place, Tianliang actually proposed to her……. 婉安怀疑永诚付钱给Cecilia,陷害天亮,感到不解,向永诚套话,永诚终说出天亮就是当年锁门的大耳窿跑腿,也就是间接害死婉安母亲的罪魁祸首,婉安宛如晴天霹雳!她失魂落魄地回到书莹家,天亮竟向她求婚……。 Air Date : 10th-Feb-2020 Read More
Wan An agreed to Tianliang’s marriage proposal out of revenge, but changed her mind on the day of registration. She told Tianliang about how he indirectly caused the death of her mother, and her plan on revenge. She wanted to leave everything behind and not see Tianliang again. Tianliang was shocked, and insist on marrying her for a lifetime of compensation. 婉安答应天亮求婚,打算折磨他作为报复,但注册结婚仪式当天却改变主意。她把天亮害得她母亲无法送医的事说出,坦言与他结婚是想报复,但现在决定离去,不想再见到他。天亮震惊,坚持与婉安结婚,表示要用自己的一生来赎罪……。 Air Date : 17th-Feb-2020 Read More
Tianliang prepared dinner but Wan An insisted on ordering food delivery. Tianliang was discouraged. On their wedding night, Wan An set boundaries despite sleeping on the same bed, and knowingly blasted music that Tianliang do not like listening to before bedtime. Despite all these, Tianliang gave in to Wan An. Wan An was touched, but reminded herself not to give in. 天亮煮好了晚餐,婉安却不吃,自己叫外卖,天亮泄气。新婚第一夜,两人同睡一张床,婉安却不让天亮碰,明知道天亮不喜欢睡前听音乐,她故意开着手机的音乐。天亮处处迁就忍耐,婉安有些动容,但提醒自己不能心软。 Air Date : 24th-Feb-2020 Read More
Tianliang tricked Wan An into revealing her true feelings for him, but Wan An refused to admit. Tianliang begs Wan An to stop hurting herself. Knowing that Tianliang cares most about her wellbeing, Wan An purposely injured herself by rolling down the hill. Tianliang was devastated, and to protect Wan An, he finally decides to let go, and let Wan An leave… 天亮以苦肉计,揭穿婉安是爱他的,婉安死不承认。天亮求婉安不要再伤害自己,婉安发现天亮最在意这一点,故意滚下山坡,让自己受伤,天亮痛心婉安竟用这种方式来伤害他。为了不再让婉安受伤,他决定放手,让婉安离开……。 Air Date : 2nd-Mar-2020 Read More