Wat Yan Wai searches for Lok Man to take a revenge. Lok Tin meets the challenge for his father. During their heated fighting, Fung King Yiu stops them. Yan Wai leaves with anguish. Tong Son and Ka Pei Tak reach Bik Shui Town. They take advantage of Kwok Choi's greediness and they buy a big piece of land and the water supply of the town at a bargain price. Choi Siu Fa discovers gold dust on the river bank by chance. Hence, Bik Shui Town starts a gold rush. LoK Tin is reluctant to inherit his father's undertaking. He goes with uncle Kau to start his career in Bik Shui Town. Lam Ah Kiu, who hides in a film-producing team in order to escape from his enemies, has also reached Bik Shui Town. There are numerous misunderstandings between Ah Kiu and Yik Lung. On the other hand, Yik Lung is pleased to be reunited with Lok Tin. People flock to Bik Shui Town. Tong Son uses this opportunity to make a big profit…… Air Date : 10th-Sep-1990
Wat Yan Wai searches for Lok Man to take a revenge. Lok Tin meets the challenge for his father. During their heated fighting, Fung King Yiu stops them. Yan Wai leaves with anguish. Tong Son and Ka Pei Tak reach Bik Shui Town. They take advantage of Kwok Choi's greediness and they buy a big piece of land and the water supply of the town at a bargain price. Choi Siu Fa discovers gold dust on the river bank by chance. Hence, Bik Shui Town starts a gold rush. LoK Tin is reluctant to inherit his father's undertaking. He goes with uncle Kau to start his career in Bik Shui Town. Lam Ah Kiu, who hides in a film-producing team in order to escape from his enemies, has also reached Bik Shui Town. There are numerous misunderstandings between Ah Kiu and Yik Lung. On the other hand, Yik Lung is pleased to be reunited with Lok Tin. People flock to Bik Shui Town. Tong Son uses this opportunity to make a big profit…… Air Date : 10th-Sep-1990 Read More
Yan Wai operates an European-style restaurant. Oi Pei Sai that located just next to Lok Tin's Kau Li Heung. This leads to confrontation between them again. Although Wat Yan Oi is the fiancee of Lok Tin, she wants to kill him in order to avenge her father's death. Yan Oi, however, is attracted by handsome Lok Tin. So, she changes her mind as she is in love with him. Moreover, she persuades her brother not to hurt Lok Tin. The renovation work of Kau Li Heung is almost finished. Yan Wai sends Pu Tai and Pu Siu to ruin the restaurant. However, they are found by Ah Kiu and he stops them at once. Lok Tin hires Ah Kiu to show his gratitude. Kau Li Heung and Oi Pei Soi are ready to commence business. In order to attract more customers, Yan Wai invites Miss Shanghai Wai Wan Lee to boom his restaurant. Successfully, Oi Pei Soi becomes the focus 0f the masses' attention. Yan Wai introduces Wai Wan Lee to director Law…… Air Date : 11th-Sep-1990 Read More
Yik Lung recognizes that Wai Wan Lee is indeed a failed contestant of Miss Shanghai Pageant and he teases her. In return, Wai Wan Lee's hatred for him has reached the zenith. Mong Tin, Mong Tei and Mong Yan sneak in Lee's flat as burglars. At the same time, Lok Tin, Yik Lung, Sum Wai, Kwok Choi and Tong Son are all paying their visits to Wai Wan lee. This coincidence brings out a lot of funs. Till then, Lok Tin and Yik Ling realize that they have both fallen in love with Wai Wan Lee. They decide to have an open competition for the girl's heart. As Yan Oi is Lok Tin's fiancee, she takes a close look at, Lok Tin. Lok Tin is unable to visit Wai Wan Lee. On behalf of Lok Tin, Siu Fa goes to visit Lee. In fact, Siu Fa is an admirer of Lok Tin. She is very disappointed when she finds that Lok Tin is deeply in love with Wai Wan Lee. The business of Oi Pei Sai has fallen behind Kau Li Heung…… Air Date : 12th-Sep-1990 Read More
Lok Tin dates with Wai Wan Lee to worship god. Yan Wai and Yan Oi follow them to the temple and they start a fight there. Yan Wai, who is beaten by Ah Kiu, feels shame and angry that he pr6poses to fight a duel with Lok Tin in the following month. On the other hand, Yan Oi has given 3 years time for Lok Tin to accept her. So, she urges Yan Wai not to Kill Lok Tin in the duel, Yan Wai promises her. Lok Tin fears that Yan Oi will hurt Wai Wan Lee, therefore, he stops his dating with her. However, he is anxious that Yik Lung will take this opportunity to date with Wai Wan Lee. In order to let Lok Tin concentrate on his martial training, Yik Lung promises that he will not date with Wai Wan Lee in the subsequent three years. Siu Fa finds a pretext to date with Lok Tin, howevery, Lok Tin has mistaken her as a wooer of Ah Kiu. Thus, he provides chances for them…… Air Date : 13th-Sep-1990 Read More
Ah Kiu confesses to Siu Fa that he has no interest for her. Siu Fa recognizes there must must be some misunderstandings between them. Thus, she reveals her love for Lok Tin to Ah Kiu. After hearing that, Ah Kiu feels more relaxed. Tong Son starts courting with Wai Wan Lee but he is refused. Ka Pei Tak suggests a plot to Tong Son. On the pretext of hiring Wai Wan Lee to star in a new film, Tong Son deceives her to sign a contract. Then he makes her get drunk and tries to rape her. At that critical moment, Pei Tak, out of sympathy, informs Yik Lung to rescue Wai Wan Lee. Yik Lung saves her at time but she suspects that Yik Lung has acted frivolously to her. They argue and both of them leave with resentment. Yan Oi rushes to Wai Wan Lee's flat to fetch Lok Tin. Wai Wan Lee feels that it is unresonable for being scolded by Yan Oi and they start a quarrel…… Air Date : 14th-Sep-1990 Read More
Yik Lung is caught by Yan Wai's trap and he is almost killed by the bomb. Fortunately, Lok Tin, at the risk of his own life, rescues him. They go to beat Yan Wai. In order to revenge on Yan Wai, Lok Tin decides that if a customer buys a bowl of rice, he will send a dish of pork free as bonus. Though such an act means a loss of money, it has dealt a fatal blow to Oi Pei Sai. Yan Wai asks his former girl friend Yim Hung to assist him so that he can deal with Lok Tin. Yim Hung uses attractive salary to hire the young girls in the town as Miss Di Pei Sai. The business of Oi Pei Sai prospers and Yan Wan makes a show of his success to Lok Tin. Lok Tin is very upset. With the inspiration from Siu Fa, he decides to call the customers back by bigger dishes whereas the price is still the same. Yan Wai pollutes the river water so that the bean-curd made by Siu Fa is unsuitable for eating. Lok Tin asks uncle Kau to think of some new dishes…… Air Date : 17th-Sep-1990 Read More
Wai Wan Lee urges LoK Tin to buy her a diamond. However, her wish is smashed by Yan Oi's sudden appearance. Siu Fa recognizes that Wai Wan Lee is trying to deceive Lok Tin’s money but she still asks Yik Lung and Ah Kiu to help Wai Wan Lee. On behalf of Wai Wan Lee, Yik Lung asks Lok Tin to lend him money. Wai Wan Lee is deeply moved. Their love relation is further improved. Yan Oi orders Pu Tai and Pu Siu to threaten Wai Wan Lee in order to get rid of her. Wai Wan Lee is so frightened that she wants to go back to Shanghai. Yik Lung makes a duly move to stop her. Lok Tin wants to break with Yan Oi. With Yik Lung's advice, Lok Tin shifts Yan Oi's attention by asking Ah Kiu to pretend to be a wooer for her. Yik Lung tries his best to show Yan Oi the affinity between Ah Kiu and her. Finally, Yan Oi starts courting with Ah Kiu. Air Date : 18th-Sep-1990 Read More
Yan Oi is such a bad-tempered girl that Ah Kiu cannot bear her. Thus, he shows his true color and tames her eventually. Yan Oi is crazy for Ah Kiu's masculine strength and she breaks her engagement with Lok Tin. Lok Tin is free then. Once again, he dates with Wai Wan Lee. However, Yik Lung does not stand back because he has made up his mind to compete with Lok Tin. In order to boom the business, Yan Wai accepts Yim Hung's proposal and he hires young girls to perform cancan. Men of the town are all attracted that the business of Oi Pei Sai has a remarkable improvement. Kwok Choi stays in Oi Pei Sai all day. Mok Ngor and Kam Fa dress themselves as cancan girls to make Kwok Choi stay at home. Kwok Choi bursts into laughter for their clumsiness. Tai Cheung discovers that Yan Wai secretly practises prostitution in Oi Pei Sai. He wants to expose it to the public, however, he is bribed to become a partner of Yan Wai…… Air Date : 19th-Sep-1990 Read More
As Wong Tin fails to extort money from Yan Wai, he bombs the neon lamp of Oi Pei Sai. On the verge of being raped, Siu Fa is awakened by the explosion and she drives the lustful customer away. Yan Wai misjudges that it is a plot of Lok Tin and he goes to ruin the setting of Kau Li Heung. Yan Wai's practice of prostitution is unveiled. The feminists strongly denounce and urge him to close Oi Pei Sai. It deals a fatal blow to the business of Oi Pei Sai. Tong Son claims that he will buy machines to open the gold mine. He issues depentures as a means to raise money. In fact, it is just a gimmick to defraud the villagers' money. However, the villagers are all willing to use their savings to invest in Tong Son's project. Director Law's movie is nearly finished. Wai Wan Lee doubts that Yik Lung will follow them back to Shanghai. So, she asks the permission from director Law to allow her to go with the team…… Air Date : 20th-Sep-1990 Read More
When Yan Wai is fighting with Tong Son, Wai Wan Lee somehow gets the money. As Wai Wan Lee is such a money-minded girl, she flees with the money at once. Yan Wai chases after her. Fortunately, Yik Lung rescues her and saves her from persecution. Lok Tin, together with the villagers, demands Ka Pei Tak to let inspect the machines. Ka Pei Tak requests them to postpone the inspection. Lok Tin gives him three days time. Yik Lung and Wai Wan Lee escape in disguise by train. Yan Wai also boards the train to catch them. The couple takes the risk to Jump from the train and they are escaped from Yan Wai. They reach a small town, however, they meet Tong Son there and Yik Lung is caught. Wai Wan Lee tries to save Yik Lung with the money. On the other hand, Yik Lung has beaten Tong Son and he flees with Wai Wan Lee. At that time, Yan Wai arrives and they start another fighting…… Air Date : 21st-Sep-1990 Read More
Yan Wai shifts all the guilts to Yik Lung as he does not mention that Tong Son has run away with the villagers' money. Besides, he forces Pei Tak to join him to run the mining business so that they can continue their immoraI practice to deceive the villagers. In order to deal with Lok Tin, Yan Wai asks Wai Wan Lee to get close to Lok Tin. He takes this opportunity to remove Ah Kiu. Moreover, he pretends to become reconciled with Lok Tin. Lok Tin accepts his claim as he does not recognize the plot behind. Then Yan Wai proposes to become the sworn brother of Wai Wan Lee so that he can tighten his control on her. For the sake of Yik Lung's safety, Wai Wan Lee promises him reluctantly. Yan Wai uses Kwok Choi as a means to make Mok Ngor and Kam Fa promise to let Oi Pei Sai open again. Wai Wan Lee takes the active role in getting close to Ah Kiu and she shows her good wills to him…… Air Date : 24th-Sep-1990 Read More
Ah Kiu celebrates Wai Wan Lee's birthday but Yan Oi finds him. Wai Wan Lee is so witty that she says Ah Kiu is just holding the celebration for Yan Oi. Yan Oi is moved and she is deeply in love with Ah Kiu. Lok Tin cannot concentrate on his work because he has to escort Wai Wan Lee to go sightseeing. He decides to promote one employee as manager to share his work. He asks Ah Kiu for opinion, however, Ah Kiu misinterprets Lok Tin's intent and he thinks that he is the candidate. Lok Tin finally chooses uncle Kau. Ah Kiu is very depressed and he suspects that Lok Tin has played a trick on him. He is very discontented. Wai Wan Lee lies to Lok Tin. She tells him that she has signed the deed of sale because she is in debt. Lok Tin trusts her. He proposes marriage to her and agrees to pay the debt. Ah Kiu thinks that Lok Tin forces Wai Wan Lee to marry him by monetary rewards…… Air Date : 25th-Sep-1990 Read More
Yan Oi is loath to kill Ah Kiu. Instead, she changes her image and appearance to please Ah Kiu. However, he still declines to accept her love. As their contacts become more frequent., Ah Kiu finds that Wai Wan Lee is not an idealistic partner for him. Until then he thinks of' Yan Oi and he suspects that he has really fallen in love with Yan Oi. Yan Oi is so frustrated that she wants to go back to Shanghai. Ah Kiu duly stops her and declares his true love. They become lovers again. Ah Kiu apologizes to Lok Tin. He promises that he will never compete with Lok Tin for Wai Wan Lee. They become reconciled. Ah Kiu works for Kau Li Heung again. Lok Tin discovers by chance that Yan Wai has forced Wai Wan Lee to kill him. He is panic-stricken that he keeps Wai Wan Lee away. He is so sensitive that he makes himself a figure of ridicule. Air Date : 26th-Sep-1990 Read More
Wai Wan Lee recognizes that Lok Tin has suspicion on her. So, she loses her temper and refuses to meet. Lok Tin. Lok Tin tries every means to call her but all in vain. Yan Wai is very angry as he knows that Wai Wan Lee refuses to see Lok Tin. He warns her that she must kill Lok Tin as soon as possible. As Lok Tin has collected enough evidence to prove that the stocks in the warehouse are stones instead of machines, he tells the villagers immediately. Yan Wai uses Yik Lung as the scapegoat again. In order to prevent the secret from leaking out, Yan Wai sends Pu Tai and Pu Siu to kill Yik Lung. Wai Wan Lee discovers this plan and she rushes to rescue Yik Lung. Yan Wai encircles the couple with his subordinates. Yik Lung calls the police and they are escaped as Yan Wai has to set them free. As soon as they are escaped from Yan Wai, they are chased by Kwok Choi and the villagers…… Air Date : 27th-Sep-1990 Read More
Yan Wai puts all the guilts on Yik Lung and he instigates the villagers to execute Yik Lung. Wai Wan Lee, at the risk of her life, claims that Yik Lung is innocent. However, no one believes her words. Lok Tin suggests that no action can be taken until Tong Son is found. All villagers agree to his proposal. Yik lung is imprisoned. Although all the villagers look down on him, Wai Wan Lee still looks after him. Their love relation is improved. Wai Wan Lee asks Lok Tin to help Yik Lung. Up to that moment, Lok Tin realizes that Wai Wan Lee is in love with Yik Lung instead of him. He is disappointed and he expresses his feelings to Siu Fa. Siu Fa's consolation makes Lok Tin feel pacified. Then they always stay together and their love relation is gradually established. Lok Tin receives his father's letter which asks him to go back to Shanghai to discuss the business of Kau Li Heung…… Air Date : 28th-Sep-1990 Read More
Yan Wai accuses Lok Tin of stealing Tong Son's money to buy the gold bars. Although it is a false accusation, the villagers treats it as the fact. Lok Tin can find no word to defend himself. Yan Wai proposes that the gold bars should be confiscated and distributed to all the villagers. However, Commissioner Tao insists that such an act should be held on unless there is substantial evidence. He keeps all the gold bars for the time being. Yik Lung is released. He talks with Lok Tin to find the proof for their innocence. However, Ah Kiu strongly believes that Lok Tin is a wicked man. He breaks with Lok Tin and allies with Yan Wai. As there is misunderstanding between Lok Tin and the villagers, the business of Kau Li Heung drops drastically. Siu Fa tries to explain to the people but the villagers even discriminate against her. As mine-drilling is suspended, a miner kills himself as he is in heavy debt…… Air Date : 1st-Oct-1990 Read More
Ah Kiu refuses to continue the lover relationship with Yan Oi because he dislikes Yan Wai. Yan Oi finds no alternative to change Ah Kiu. For the sake of the miners, Lok Tin plays the role as a warrantor who ensures the miners will pay all the debts within three months. In other words, if they fail to do so, Lok Tin will be responsible for the payment. Siu Fa is anxious about that. Ah Kiu approaches Lok Tin orrd Yik Lung to make apology. They forgive him and they are friends again. Lok Tin accept Pei Tak's suggestion and he decides to earmark on enormous sum of money for purchasing drilling machines. Yik Lung does not want to sit back and let things drift, he lends his helping hand to Lok Tin. Wai Wan lee breaks with Yik Lung. She goes back to follow Yan Wai as he can provide financial support for her. Yim Hung Shows great jealousy when she finds that they are so intimate. She insists to leave but Yan Wai begs her to stay with him…… Air Date : 2nd-Oct-1990 Read More
Lok Tin makes use of Wai Wan Lee's beauty to ensnare Yan Wai in order to get back the IOUs of the villagers. Yan Wai thoroughly understands the plot. He takes advantage of it and tries to rape Wai Wan Lee. Fortunately, Yik Lung duly rescues her. Siu Fa is deeply in love with Lok Tin while Lok Tin also shares the same feeling. However, Siu Fa misjudges that Lok Tin still cannot forget Wai Wan Lee. She is very upset and she decides to break with Lok Tin. The drilling machines have been forwarded to Bik Shui Town. The villagers fear that Yan Wai will destroy the machines, therefore, they patrol on shifts to protect the machines. Yan Wai uses Yan Oi to draw Ah Kiu away so that he can destroy the machines. Ah Kiu recognizes the plot and there is no destruction for the machines. Ah Kiu believes that Yan Oi is an ally of Yan Wai. The misunderstanding between them become more complicated…… Air Date : 3rd-Oct-1990 Read More
Yik Lung with the aids of the others, saves Lok Tin and Siu Fa. After such a catastrophe, Tin and Fa become an intimate couple. Yan Oi praises this kind of intimacy but Ah Kiu still does not forgive her. Lok Man goes to Bik Shui Town to inspect the business of Lok Tin. Yan Wai tries to stop Lok Man at the station in order to tell him Lok Tin has mortgaged Kau Li Heung and the mine to him. Fortunately, Yik Lung uses his wit to lead Lok Man away. Yik Lung makes a plot to catch Yan Wai and imprison him so that he can prevent Yan Wai from exposing the fact to Lok Man. Lok Man is satisfied after he has taken a look at the mine and the restaurant. When he leaves Bik Shui Town, Yan Wai has escaped from the detention and he tells Lok Man the fact. However, Lok Man is not angry because he thinks that it is good for Lok Tin to face with some challenges. After hearing that, Yan Wai is almost fainted…… Air Date : 4th-Oct-1990 Read More
Lok Tin tries to save Wai Wan Lee but he is beaten by Yan Wai. Yik Lung persuades him to be coll-headed and takes no action so as to see what happen. Wai Wan Lee is tortured by Yan Wai. She has to dress as a clown to publicize Miss Oi Pei Sai such work is tough and bitter. However, Yik Lung behaves in an indifferent way to show he does not care about it. Yik Lung tries to make Lok Tin more confident of dealing with Yan Wai. He feeds Lok Tin with philtres but he deceives him those pills are good for improving his power. Pu Tai and Pu Siu believes that those pills can really make one powerful, so they tell Yan Wai at once. After hearing this secret, Yan Wai proposes to fight a duel with Lok Tin. Yan Wai takes away Lok Tin's pills and swallows them. Lok Tin becomes diffident. Yik Lung and Ah Kiu encourage him and make him become full of confidence again. Although Yan Wai holds Siu Fa as a hostage, he is beaten by Lok Tin at the end…… Air Date : 5th-Oct-1990 Read More
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