Menaka appears and Alpha & Omega bring her up to speed on Vastyayan’s shenanigans. An excited Menaka decides to takes matters in her hands. On earth, Aditya is surprised to see Ananya at his house. Ananya is the ultimate seductress and Aditya just cannot get her out of his head. A listless Vatsyayan is distributing condoms to girls in the neighbourhood café. Aditya comes there to look for Ananya and realizes that Adity was spell bound and this could have been done by no one else but Menaka… his lost love… his arch-rival… his nemesis. Vatsyayan confronts Menaka and she informs that she is ready to break her spell on Aditya if he and Ananya genuinely fall in love. Can Vatsyayan do the impossible? Will Aditya and Ananya now armed with all of Vatsyayan’s knowledge discover true love? What happens in this battle between Menaka and Vatsyayan? Air Date : 17th-Feb-2019
Somewhere up there in the celestial world, a game of poker is in progress. Two people, Alpha and Omega are feeling lucky as they are quite certain that they will beat Vatsyayan this time and end all their humiliation. Aditya is in a relationship with Ananya and he loves her dearly. Unfortunately for him, he just doesn’t get her and she leaves him. Vatsyayan accepts the gauntlet of making a ‘man’ of Aditya and teaching him a thing or two about love… but only as long as Alpha & Omega do not mention ‘her’. Who is this woman who makes the great Vatsyayan shudder? Will Vatsyayan manage to transform Aditya into a Casanova? Air Date : 26th-Nov-2018 Read More
This confidence of their nemesis is a little worrisome for Alpha & Omega but they take solace in the fact that Aditya is the ultimate loser. On earth, Aditya is pining away for Ananya and has lift a bonfire of everything that reminds him of her. Aditya is pissed drunk and despondent when Vatsyayana appears before him in his heavenly garb. Air Date : 3rd-Dec-2018 Read More
Vatsyayana is fuming because he realizes that he has been set up by Alpha & Omega. But now there is no option… it is a do or die situation and Vatsyayan must transform Aditya and hence starts Aditya’s training. And when Aditya refuses to comply, Vatsyayana takes matters in his own hands. Air Date : 10th-Dec-2018 Read More
Breaking news in the celestial world is that the ‘Anus of the Golden Musk Deer’ has been stolen. This is the ultimate aphrodisiac that can turn the wimpiest of wimps into ultimate studs. Alpha & Omega are certain that this is Vatsyayan’s doing and boy they are right. Vatsyayan sprinkles the extracted elixir on Aditya and tell him to conquer the world. Vatsyayan is quite smug about Aditya’s assured transformation when alarm bells begin to ring. Aditya seems to have attracted the wrong kind of female attention including cows and other animals. Ananya hears of this and comes across to taunt him but she is all enchanted as soon as she gets a whiff of the elixir on Aditya. Air Date : 17th-Dec-2018 Read More
It is Vatsyayan’s turn to gloat now as he makes fun of Alpha & Omega trying out positions from the Kamasutra. And then there is another distress call from Aditya. He is caught in a situation where two super-hot women are in his bedroom and Ananya has also landed up and now all Aditya wants is for the elixir to stop working. Aditya decides to wash everything off him and Ananya is introduced to Vatsyayan as the ‘the’ Sex Guru. Ananya is not impressed one bit as she is no longer under the enchantment of the elixir of the anus of the Golden Musk Deer. Ananya storms off and Vatsyayan holds his head as he can see himself as Menaka’s slave forever and after! What drastic measures will Vatsyayana take to overcome these desperate times? Air Date : 28th-Jan-2019 Read More
Alpha and Omega are belittling the Kamasutra because they are assured of their victory. A desperate Aditya is attempting suicide. But he can’t even kill himself because Vatsyayan saves him and imparts all his knowledge to Aditya. Drunk on this knowledge and power, Aditya starts believing that he is now the master and not the student. Aditya meets Ananya at the café and she likes this new confident Aditya but he breaks her heart and walks away. Ananya is heartbroken. Has Vatsyayan created a monster? Will Vatsyayan manage to undo this damage and unite Aditya and Ananya? Air Date : 4th-Feb-2019 Read More
Up above, Alpha & Omega are struggling to open a bottle of champagne to celebrate their almost victory. They tell Vatsyayan that he no longer has a monopoly on love and sex because he has created another him. Unwilling to lose, Vatsyayan does that one thing that is totally against his own rule book. He goes to Ananya. Vatsyayan manages to make Ananya realize that she loves Aditya and that the two are meant to be together… and that it is love that makes the world go round and not spite. And now Vatsyayan creates another master in Ananya. Alpha & Omega also decide to resort to break rules and invoke Menaka! What will happen when Vatsayan meets his blast from the past? Air Date : 11th-Feb-2019 Read More
Menaka appears and Alpha & Omega bring her up to speed on Vastyayan’s shenanigans. An excited Menaka decides to takes matters in her hands. On earth, Aditya is surprised to see Ananya at his house. Ananya is the ultimate seductress and Aditya just cannot get her out of his head. A listless Vatsyayan is distributing condoms to girls in the neighbourhood café. Aditya comes there to look for Ananya and realizes that Adity was spell bound and this could have been done by no one else but Menaka… his lost love… his arch-rival… his nemesis. Vatsyayan confronts Menaka and she informs that she is ready to break her spell on Aditya if he and Ananya genuinely fall in love. Can Vatsyayan do the impossible? Will Aditya and Ananya now armed with all of Vatsyayan’s knowledge discover true love? What happens in this battle between Menaka and Vatsyayan? Air Date : 17th-Feb-2019 Read More