Jay runs away from Joe the morning after they slept together. Unable to face his feelings, Jay goes out to the bar to find another top when he’s hit with anxiety on the dance floor. Bolstered by the memory of his old friend Darlene, Jay hooks up with a random guy to forget Joe. Air Date : 19th-Sep-2020
Jay uses an app called Gruff to hook up with gay cis men. Instead of sex, he ends up in an uncomfortable conversation about his trans experience. In response, he lets Penis Mascot, a cartoon caped penis, whisk him away on a bender that doesn’t leave him in a much better state. Air Date : 19th-Sep-2020 Read More
After being treated for gonorrhea, Jay decides to be safer by hooking up with his friends with benefits. Jay lets someone from his past named Keith orchestrate a threesome that ends up making him feel uncomfortable. He decides to walk away out of respect for himself. Air Date : 19th-Sep-2020 Read More
Jay wonders what his place is in Los Angeles. He’s a creative voice? Does he even have a chance as a transman when there aren’t many on TV? Feeling stuck in his courier job, Jay goes to a showcase for trans talent at his favorite bar, and ends up meeting a cute agent named Joe. Air Date : 19th-Sep-2020 Read More
Jay runs away from Joe the morning after they slept together. Unable to face his feelings, Jay goes out to the bar to find another top when he’s hit with anxiety on the dance floor. Bolstered by the memory of his old friend Darlene, Jay hooks up with a random guy to forget Joe. Air Date : 19th-Sep-2020 Read More
Jay tries to occupy himself with anything else but sex and tells Joe he doesn’t want to date. Reluctant to hang out with anybody and daydreaming of Joe, Jay enlists his best friend Selena and her mother Susan for a night out to make him forget everything. Air Date : 19th-Sep-2020 Read More
Selena and Susan attempt to take Jay, Sam, and Holly to a club. After being turned away, the gang ends up drunk at a pizza place where Jay tells everyone he’s still hurting from a guy from his past. Air Date : 19th-Sep-2020 Read More
Penis Mascot finds Jay on the doorstep of an old flame, only he’s moved. Darlene shows up in Los Angeles and tells him she’ll teach him self-respect if he recruits his friends to help. Selena, Joe, Jay, Darlene and Penis Mascot training-montage to level up Jay’s confidence. Jay and Joe kiss, but what does it mean? Air Date : 19th-Sep-2020 Read More