From the super-dreadnought battleships of the First World War to the stealth submarines of the Cold War, maritime vessels have proved decisive in the fight for naval supremacy. This episode counts down the ten most iconic and game-changing ships and submarines of the 20th century. Air Date : 27th-Mar-2016
Since the dawn of aerial warfare in the First World War, air supremacy has been key to victory. From the Sopwith Camel bi-plane and the P-51 Mustang, to the hi-tech F22 Raptor and the game-changing Harrier Jump Jet, this episode uses dramatic and rarely seen archive footage and expert interviews to identify and rank the most influential aircraft in history. Air Date : 6th-Mar-2016 Read More
Wars have been won and lost on the battlefield, and during the 20th Century, specific battles have changed the course of history. With incredible archives from the heart of the action, and interviews with world-leading historians, this action-packed episode counts down the most decisive and game-changing battles of warfare ever caught on camera. Air Date : 13th-Mar-2016 Read More
Warfare has always driven the development of new technology, and technological innovations of warfare have changed the world. From the mass production of life saving penicillin and pioneering plastic surgery, to the development of the Internet and GPS, This episode uses rare archive footage and expert interviews to identify and rank the most influential inventions of warfare. Air Date : 20th-Mar-2016 Read More
From the super-dreadnought battleships of the First World War to the stealth submarines of the Cold War, maritime vessels have proved decisive in the fight for naval supremacy. This episode counts down the ten most iconic and game-changing ships and submarines of the 20th century. Air Date : 27th-Mar-2016 Read More
It’s been said that the human race has spent more time, money, and effort developing weapons than in any other endeavor. From the mass production of the torpedo and the tank-busting rocket-propelled grenade launcher, to the development of poison gas and the groundbreaking science of the atomic bomb, this episode identifies and ranks the most influential and iconic weapons of warfare. Air Date : 3rd-Apr-2016 Read More
What makes a successful war leader? Influential leaders of warfare all share a vision and the ability to inspire others to follow their orders, but how they lead differs greatly. From Winston Churchill and Adolf Hitler in World War II, to dictators Mao Tse Tung and Saddam Hussein, this episode investigates what makes or breaks a war leader. Air Date : 10th-Apr-2016 Read More
In warfare, secrecy can mean the difference between victory and defeat. Spies, sabotage, and deception plans are crucial. At the height of war, military commanders frequently turn to secret plans in order to gain a strategic advantage. From the Great Phenol Plot of WWI to the D-Day deception plan "Operation Fortitude", this episode reveals the greatest secrets of warfare of the last century. Air Date : 17th-Apr-2016 Read More
The greatest 20th century commanders understood warfare at both the strategic and tactical level. Some installed loyalty in their troops through fear and intimidation, while others inspired confidence in the face of overwhelming odds. This episode reveals insights in to the greatest generals ever to be caught on camera. Air Date : 24th-Apr-2016 Read More
Over the last century, warfare has changed radically, and armed forces have had to adapt to new technologies and tactics. From Hitler’s army of the Second World War and today’s People’s Liberation Army of China, to the French Foreign Legion and the SAS, this episode identifies the most influential and iconic fighting forces ever to be caught on camera. Air Date : 1st-May-2016 Read More
The Mark 1 battle tank was first used in 1916 to give the Allies an advantage in the trenches. It changed how battles were fought forever and became the foundation of a century of technological innovation in armored vehicles. This episode ranks the most influential and iconic tanks who shaped the face of modern warfare. Air Date : 8th-May-2016 Read More