
Judy Gringer

Judy Gringer er datter af en jødisk skrædder i Bagsværd. Hun startede som balletelev på Det Kgl. Teater 1950-1955, men blev kasseret og drog i stedet på turné til Italien med Rita Clair-Balletten. Senere deltog hun som danserinde i Tivoli-revyen og efter medvirken i film kom hun i 1957 til ABC-Teatret, hvor hun var Lommer-pige i årene 1957-1964 og samtidig spillede på Aveny-Teatret. Her fik hun et gennembrud i samspil med Dirch Passer i succes-sketchen om "Babs og Nutte". Judy Gringer var fra 1964 freelance-skuespiller og spillede på de fleste københavnske teatre, bl.a. Fiolteatret og i provinsen. I sammenlagt tre år levede Judy Gringer som hippie i New York, hvor hun havde forskellige småjobs som babysitter og statist. Hun medvirkede også på revyscener bl.a. i Holstebro-Revyen. Hun sluttede sin scenekarriere i 1984 på Aveny Teatret i "Amalie Skram". Judy Gringer traf som 17-årig skuespilleren Dirch Passer som hun levede sammen med i fem år og senere i ti år med filminstruktøren Knud Leif Thomsen (2/9-1924 - 14/10-2003), med hvem hun har datteren Julie Gringer. Hun har også været gift med psykolog Bent Tage Truelsen, men dette ægteskab varede kun eet år. Hun medvirkede i en lang række populære spillefilm, bl.a. "Pigen og pressefotografen", "Fem mand og Rosa", "Gift", "Sådan er de alle", "Den gale dansker", "Lenin, din gavtyv" og "Julefrokosten" fra 1976 samt i TV-spillet "Farfar til hest". Born : 23rd-Jan-1941

Movie Credits

Otto Is a Rhino

The boy Topper is bored. He finds a pencil that proves to have magical powers. Draw a rhino, and right away, you have a real rhino for a companion. A little heavy perhaps, when you live on the second floor. No matter, it's a modern fairy-tale of the baroque, and everything goes. Based on kiddie entertainment by Ole Lund Kirkegaard, but as was the case with the book, the fun is to be enjoyed by one and all.
Released : 25th-Mar-1983

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In the Sign of the Lion

Elderly sisters write a tell-all erotic memoir that threatens to undermine a nasty nobleman.
Released : 15th-Jul-1976

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Agent 69 in the Sign of Scorpio

Clumsy secret agent Jensen (aka Agent 69) must deliver secret formula for new revolutionary fuel source to Western agents. Instead, he mistakenly gives it to a random kid, so now both him and evil rogue agent Scorpio go after the kid.
Released : 22nd-Jul-1977

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About the traditional celebration at Christmas.
Released : 1st-Jan-1976

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Friends at Arms

Every year, thousands of young men are summoned to undergo an education where completely different demands are made than in civilian life. The soldiers must be in perfect physical form and they must learn to deal with modern weapons.
Released : 16th-Oct-1958

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The Veterinarian's Adopted Children

The Veterinarian's Adopted Children is a 1968 Danish comedy film directed by Carl Ottosen and starring Dirch Passer.
Released : 29th-Nov-1968

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Released : 10th-Feb-1978

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Poeten og Lillemor i forårshumør

Danish comedy film from 1961 directed by Erik Balling.
Released : 11th-Sep-1961

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Sømænd og svigermødre

Danish comedy film directed by Bent Christensen
Released : 6th-Aug-1962

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Kid Gang on the Go

The last day of school before the summer, held farewell to the school year. Hurray a long summer ahead. Rikke joined the feminist and is demonstrating against marriage.
Released : 15th-Oct-1971

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Five men and Rosa

På et sygehus's 5 mandsstue - stue nummer 13 - ligger der 5 meget forskellige mænd, med meget forskellig baggrunde: Byretsdommer Winther, modedesigner Philip André , bankkasserer Madsen, den uforbederlige indbrudstyv Herluf "Smukke Arne" Jensen , og legationssekretær Konrad Konradsen. Legationssekretæren har begået en dumhed og er kommet i lommen på en pengeafpresseren Helmer Gamtofte . Han er i besiddelse af nogle kompromitterende billeder, som han opbevarer i en bankboks i den bank, hvor Madsen er ansat. Det mandfolkekammeratskab der opstår på stue 13, bliver drivkraften, der får byretsdommeren, til at foreslå "Smukke Arne" at hjælpe Konradsen og bryde ind i banken og tilegne billederne.
Released : 13th-Nov-1964

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Mine tossede drenge

Released : 17th-Mar-1961

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Mor skal giftes

Released : 26th-Oct-1958

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Still Dust on the Brain

Det Støver Stadig er den anden film i den populære "Støv-serie" (Støv På Hjernen, Støv For Alle Pengene). Atter stod Arvid Müller og Aage Stentoft for det festlige manuskript, der introducerede nye sæder og skikke på det danske boligmarked. Man genkender let det lille samfund i "sovebyen", men store omvæltninger har fundet sted siden sidst, for beboerne på Solvænget har - med kommunestøtte - købt den ejendom, de bor i, og (- så kom noget, dengang, helt nyt) hustruerne har måttet tage arbejde for at klare økonomien! Helt forrygende er fru Rigmor Hansen (Bodil Udsen) som bestyrerinde af et Quick-vaskeri. Hendes "sandheder" om det nye dagligliv i Danmark sidder klokkeklart - og er evigt unge. Ejendommens første generalforsamling med gutterne i opgangen - og aflæggelse af første års regnskab, er gyldne scener fra dansk familiefilms guldalder.
Released : 28th-Sep-1962

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A Day Without Lies

A Day Without Lies
Released : 2nd-Sep-1963

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Når enden er go'

Ebbe Langberg er journalisten Claudius, der mister sit job, og er forelsket i Dorte. Hendes far nægter at give sit samtykke, før Claudius igen har fundet et passende job med en god løn. Og så sker der en masse! I forrygende tempo og med afsindige forhindringer - hvor bl.a. den dansk-amerikanske Miss Thomson - med afrikanske masker og tomatcocktails som speciale - spiller en afgørende rolle. Selvfølgelig vender alt sig til det bedste - og Claudius får sin Dorte.
Released : 23rd-Jul-1964

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Verdens rigeste pige

Danish comedy from 1958.
Released : 31st-Jul-1958

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The Poet and Lillemor and Lotte

The poet and Lillemor have become parents, but poetry and washing the diapers are two subjects which are hard to unite under the same roof. The two just married couples, the barber Anton and Vera plus the baker and Lise, are having some difficulties with their marriages but that doesn't scare off the butcher, who's got the hots for the midwife.
Released : 2nd-May-1960

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Peter's baby

Peters baby is a 1961 Danish comedy film directed by Annelise Reenberg and starring Ebbe Langberg.
Released : 28th-Jul-1961

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Pretty-Arne and Rosa

Released : 20th-Jul-1967

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How to Behave in a Fourposter Bed

A police lieutenant woman goes undercover into a mansion where a couple maintains a school to teach young women how to catch a man... Especially if they are rich and into marriage. The courses include a number of disciplines, including judo and strip-tease.
Released : 4th-Feb-1972

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Onkel Bill fra New York

Released : 17th-Jul-1959

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Turn Right by the Yellow Dog

A fair point, considering the father happens to be dead! Philip is a successful architect with little or no time for his 16-year-old son. When his own father dies, Philip suddenly realises the pain of having been abandoned years ago. Enter Karl, a charming old rogue who claims to have been a close friend of Philip's dad. Philip invites Karl to stay at his house, where Karl quickly becomes a surrogate father-figure for both Philip and his son. But just as Philip's mind starts to open, the truth about Karl threatens to emerge, and soon both men are in for big surprises in this heartwarming, bittersweet comedy about a man's struggle to make peace with his dead father.
Released : 19th-Sep-2003

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Vi har det jo dejligt

Released : 1st-Mar-1963

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Heaven and Hell

Maria grows up in a seedy 1960s working class neighborhood, the daughter of an ambitious emigrant father and soon caught up in her own dangerously one track-minded pursuit of a violinist's career. A rich gallery of highly original characters contribute, for better and for worse, to Maria's coming of age. Based on Kirsten Thorup's critically acclaimed 1982 novel, filmed by Morten Arnfred.
Released : 13th-Oct-1988

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Crazy Paradise

Romantic comedy, based on the discovery that eggs from a particular island provide men with great virility and make them irresistible.
Released : 26th-Jul-1962

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Oskar? That's my driver. And Tina, my maid, must have taken my suitcase with her to the baron - the one my daughter should have been engaged to. But now she is having a child with Oskar. And one of my people has stolen more than 300,000 DKR from me, because he wants to marry my daughter, who is not my daughter. And now the has girl run off with all of my jewels ..
Released : 12th-Oct-1962

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Sofies skolegang

Released : 16th-Aug-1977

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Sikke'n familie

Released : 11th-Aug-1963

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Nøddebo præstegård

Ny filmatisering af den klassiske danske julefortælling om studenten Nikolaj og hans to ældre brødre, der holder ferie hos den rare præstefamilie i Nøddebo. Præstens døtre Emmy og Andrea Margrethe interesserer i høj grad Nikolaj, men det bliver hans brødre, pigerne forloves med.
Released : 22nd-Nov-1974

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The story concerns a hedonistic young chap who delights in stirring up trouble with his video camera, screening filmed private intimate moments to parents of their children who are prominently featured on the video.
Released : 24th-Mar-1966

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Drømmen om det hvide slot

Throughout his childhood "The White Castle " stood as something special for Susanne . The towering spiers, the swans in the moat , yes everything she can recall his mind's eye . But Susanne has never seen the castle - she are totally blind! One day she nevertheless castle completely into poå life . Count's two sons , Walter and Albert , discover the beautiful woman hiding behind the dark briller.Det is the start of a drama that will shake to its foundations - and do not let any of the implicedrede be unchanged. Unless they otherwise are alive ...
Released : 26th-Dec-1962

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Gold for the Tough Guys of the Prairie

Comedic western, where the 4 guys this time have to help find a gold transport. They get help from the cunning girl Shannahoo.
Released : 29th-Aug-1971

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Sømand i knibe

Eva comes to visit the ship, and when the alarm is raised and they are facing the sea, she hides in a cabin. This leads to various complications, not least because the admiral later come aboard.
Released : 19th-Sep-1960

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Majorens oppasser

The Danish minister of defense decides to join the army incognito to observe. This causes CHAOS. It also causes him to meet the major's daughter. He ends up becoming the major's orderly which gets him closer to the daughter.
Released : 14th-Feb-1964

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Lenin, You Rascal, You

Released : 15th-Feb-1972

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In the Middle of the Night

Benny and Arnold are homeless and along with others living on Nørrebro in Copenhagen. The police is set to clear the building they squat in, but on the night of the forced eviction, local acid head Spacy jumps from the sixth floor.
Released : 9th-Mar-1984

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The Poet and the Little Mother

Poeten and Lillemor are making their living on his writing, but the general interest in modern poetry is low and their income very small. A creditor is dogging them, when a sudden bequest gives them some breathing-space. They buy an old house in a small village, where living is cheaper than in Copenhagen. The villagers are distrustful towards the newcomers. After a while the baker, the butcher and the grocer won't give Poeten and Lillemor credit anymore. Also the old creditor is back dogging them. Should Poeten renounce his high poetical standards and write simple verses for popular music, to get money?
Released : 6th-Mar-1959

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The Girls Are Willing

On the idyllic Birkø lives Christian a parish executive officer. He is a brave and honest man, happily married to Martha, and this couple has a son called Theo and he will once take over the farm.
Released : 23rd-Jan-1958

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Hvis lille pige er du?

Released : 1st-Aug-1963

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Syg og Munter

Released : 25th-Apr-1974

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Bedside Romance

A girl inherits a string of industrial concerns that will become bankrupt by the inheritance tax unless the girl marries the son of the owner of a competing industrial concern.
Released : 1st-Jan-1973

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The Girl and the Press Photographer

Bastian and Lene are a good couple, as a journalist and press photographer. They take turns to get ideas for how to get a scoop for the magazine "Tit og Lyt". They agree to play husband and wife so that Bastian can get an apartment. Lene is deeply in love with Bastian why she gets their mutual friend Soren to send a man from the housing authority. He says that they most have one child to stay in the apartment.
Released : 15th-Feb-1963

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Biedermann og brandstifterne

Released : 17th-Jan-1965

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Nu går den på Dagmar

Released : 23rd-Oct-1972

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The Heritage

Released : 26th-Dec-1978

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Bizarre satiric tale about an ordinary Danish man disappointed in life and the welfare system. Close to a total collapse he decides to take the easy way out. He seeks help at Doctor X, head of a suicide school that guarantees 100% efficiency.
Released : 30th-Mar-1964

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6-Day Race

Semi documentary on a famous cycle race in Copenhagen. The story is about the competition between the riders as well as about their private and marital struggles.
Released : 18th-Aug-1958

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TV Credits

Tyllefyllebølleby Banegård

Released : 5th-Jan-1973

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Huset på Christianshavn

Lilly - The series follows the residents of an apartment building on Copenhagen's Christianshavn, as they go about their daily lives and challenges. There is Olsen, a mover with an old fashion view of the world, Clausen who runs the local pet shop, Egon the career focused assistant, their wives who work hard to keep their spouses lives together, the young couple Tue and Rikke who recently moved in, the hard working caretaker Meyer, who never puts in to much effort, and of course Emma, the innkeeper of Rottehullet, where all the important decisions are made while running up the bar tab. The series was produced by Nordisk Film for Danmarks Radio TV station between the years 1970-77. The series' first director was Ebbe Langberg, then Erik Balling and Tom Hedegaard respectively. The series was conceived by an author team of well-known Danish authors such Leif Panduro, Benny Andersen, and Lise Nørgaard.
Released : 16th-May-1970

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en kunde - TAXA is a Danish television drama made by Danmarks Radio with 56 episodes, written by Stig Thorsboe and produced by Rumble Hammerich. The series revolves around a small taxi central, CrownTaxi, in Copenhagen. The series was a success from the start, 14 September 1997 on DR1. The series was broadcast during the period 1997-1999 for a total of five series. CrownTaxi has its ups and downs and in the course of the series, following the various drivers, radio opertor Lizzie and boss Verner Boye-Larsen. They have all their problems both with clients and family life and constantly threaten the show's villain Hermann from the competing taxi firm, City Car, which wants to take over the CrownTaxi. TAXA was also screened in Sweden on SVT1.
Released : 14th-Sep-1997

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