Aired on July of 1997, this installment in MTV's "Unplugged" series sees the legendary Fiona Apple performing a live acoustic show. The performance includes the songs "Shadowboxer", "Sleep to Dream", and "Criminal" off her debut album "Tidal", and a cover of "Angel" by Jimi Hendrix.
Story of trailblazing American rock singer-songwriter Suzi Quatro, who helped redefine the role of women in rock 'n' roll when she broke out in 1973.
The music of Pink Floyd and the total work of art of this iconic group has been shaping our culture for six decades now. It is an indispensable part of our view of the world. For more than 30 years, The Australian Pink Floyd Show has ensured that this unparalleled cultural heritage appears as vividly as ever, and can renew itself time and again. With their very own, often humorous but always dedicated look at the oeuvre of great role models, they not only create the faithful audio-visual reproduction of Pink Floyd's best moments from all eras, they also rarely bring what they hear to life and thus create magnificent concert experiences.
Featuring the classic Foreigner line-up of Jones, Gramm, McDonald, Greenwood, Gagliardi and Elliott, this show captures the essence of a group who would go on to become one of the best-selling bands of all time. On April 27 1978 rock's conquering heroes played a sold-out show at London's legendary music venue, the Rainbow Theatre.
GWAR, the greatest live band In the universe unleashed Scumdogs XXX Live! The 30th Anniversary reunion show of the shock rock classic Scumdogs of the Universe!
Filmed at a special concert for members of the Erasure Information Service at The Sanctuary, Birmingham on Fridy 13th December 2002.
Glamorously eccentric and enigmatic Theremin master Armen Ra recounts his dynamic journey in this life-spanning documentary that mixes rare concert performances, candid interviews, and archive material with the magical power of music that can alchemize ancient sorrow into timeless beauty.
This was a concert performed in Houston for employees of NASA and their families to celebrate the US space program. Archival footage of NASA space missions was shown throughout the concert.