Completely topless. Completely uninhibited. The craze that began in San Francisco is now exploding across the USA and Europe.
Somewhere between Sri Lanka and the island of New Guinea, in the upper reaches of the Amazonia jungle, there is rumoured to be a lost tribe of cannibals. Assembled out of Italo cannibal mondo movies, Hollow Jungle documents their rituals, sourcing their power in narrative repetitions and analogies, before structurally locating them in the prurient pathologies of certain pseudo-ethnographies.
It is a documentary, which submits to the public the most dramatic, subhuman situations in which men find themselves living in all corners of the world. From India to Brazil, from the African nations of the Sahel to Bolivia, the camera ruthlessly shows the images of a humanity marginalized in a thousand ways by the so-called"civil consortium".
A new age Mondo film that explores the realm of urban decay and various oddities of the modern world, ranging from underground club scenes to sex change operations.
A collection of death scenes, ranging from TV-material to home-made super-8 movies. The common factor is death by some means.
A sexy mondo movie narrated by Nico Rienzi. Starring transsexual superstar Bambi.
A documentary about the end of the colonial era in Africa, portraying acts of animal poaching, violence, executions, and tribal slaughter.
Early Mondo film featuring primitive rituals, animals being butchered, unusual birth defects, and a legit trepanation scene.
Cult director Sergio Martino, during the most glorious mondo years, delivered Naked and Violent, a documentary which unveils the brutality of the USA. Hidden behind a mask of perfection and justice, Naked and Violent traces the problems of American society in the 70s: from racial persecutions to the depraved sexual habits of the middle class, from the drug market to illegal gambling.