Smart as a Fox is a 1946 short documentary film supervised by Gordon Hollingshead. In this short film, a fox cub experiences life in the forest. It was nominated for an Oscar for Best Live Action Short, One-Reel.
Documenting Taiwan from an aerial perspective offering a glimpse of Taiwan's natural beauty as well as the effect of human activities and urbanization on our environment.
This video has won festival prizes in Chicago and Rotterdam and has been declared Norway’s finest video for tourists by “Aftenposten”, one of Norway’s largest newspapers, witch wrote: “The reality of this region, communicated by craftsmen who know what they are going, is by itself fantastic enough. Here you will see real people – fishermen and Sami – in our best known travel destination, in magnificent, flowing scenes revealing rapturous artistic flair. Three cheers!” Life in this part of the country is totally dependent on nature. Winter storms, cold polar nights, the midnight sun and warm summer days. Communities that rebuilt themselves after being totally destroyed during World War II. You can take part in all of this and experience life at the North Cape, the northern outpost of Europe. You will find yourself watching this video time and time again…
Exploring the impact of human behavior on our environment from the perspective of one of South Florida's most beloved and fragile underwater creatures: the sea turtle. A critical look at the effects of global warming, water pollution, and our "throw-away" plastic lifestyle on this keystone species...and inevitably ourselves.
Tasmania lies on the Australian continent, but is a world apart. It is home to an extraordinary cast of black devils and white wallabies. Trees here tower to one hundred metres and green lights dance in the southern sky. As the last landfall heading south before Antarctica, Tasmania's isolation, cooler climate and distinct seasons influence everything.
In Southern Bahia, seven indigenous women invite to reflection, sharing their mythology, ancestry and paths to living well.
A documentary on Al Gore's campaign to make the issue of global warming a recognized problem worldwide.
Their huge ears locate the underground crawling sounds of beetles, larvae, and other insects in the sands of the Kalahari desert. But their resemblance to the thieving jackal lead to their inadvertent targeting by farmers defending their livestock. With their numbers dwindling, the bat-eared foxes of southern Namibia have become the passion project of veterinarian Margit Du Toit.
Inclusive Nature is a short film that addresses the theme of social inclusion through the beauty and simplicity of nature.