This documentary follows various migratory bird species on their long journeys from their summer homes to the equator and back, covering thousands of miles and navigating by the stars. These arduous treks are crucial for survival, seeking hospitable climates and food sources. Birds face numerous challenges, including crossing oceans and evading predators, illness, and injury. Although migrations are undertaken as a community, birds disperse into family units once they reach their destinations, and every continent is affected by these migrations, hosting migratory bird species at least part of the year.
This Feature documentary is about the lives of Louis Brunke and Vladimir Fissenko who rode on horseback from the southern tip of Argentina to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska. It took them five years to cross 14 countries - and they filmed it all.
Ilford's Fairlop Plain provides the battlefield for ploughing matches between local hands and Essex outsiders.
Fafai, a young boy, lives with his grandfather on the island of Glamador in the Camargue. To help the old man who can no longer work, Fafai finds a job as a caretaker. He must tame wild horses. But during a storm, they escape and swim to the island of Glamador. Fafai leaves for the island to bring back the herd... Glamador is none other than the island on which Folco and Crin-Blanc end up arriving after their escape, told in Crin-Blanc. This film is the sequel to “Crin Blanc”.
A bold documentary in a measured style about the modern-day quest for meaning and personal growth.
A short documentary comemmorating 50 years of the Tiverton Canal Co. operating on the Grand Western Canal in Tiverton, Devon.
Have you ever been to the bullfights in Tijuana? Larry Wessel's TAUROBOLIUM is not only cinema verite at it's best, Larry Wessel's TAUROBOLIUM is the best documentary on bullfighting ever made!
Journey across Morocco, Spain, Mexico, Argentina, Patagonia, Texas and British Columbia, to meet vaqueros, gauchos, baqueanos and cowboys - all part of a single global horse culture, an unbroken trail stretching back 1,500 years.