The story involves various ninja clans in a constant state of war with one another. The female protagonist is Miko Mido, a young ninja-in-training and the next leader of the Miroku ninja clan. This clan has control over the Shikima, a perverted race of sex-hungry demons led by Miko's father, the Shikima Lord. However, when thieves steal the magic compact that grants the clan this power, Miko has to fight the Shikima, utilizing her "sexcraft" ninjutsu in order to save the world. The Shikima live in a parallel dimension called the Shikima Realm, and one must perform specific sexual rituals in order to travel there. A Compilation of the first four Episodes of La Blue Girl.
A beautiful young escort suffers from trip-like dreams he doesn't understand. These visions are shared by his clients, both scaring and exciting them.
Venus-Award 2001: Bestes deutsches Softvideo 'Die Teufelsinsel' von Inkognito Filmproduktion. In 14 Tagen auf Gran Canaria gedreht. Mit 3 Mast Holzschoner, Sunseeker Yacht, eigener Feriensiedlung und einer Crew von 40 Leuten.
Welcome to the Private Life of Kyle Ross. In this intimate documentary, you'll get to know the boy behind the star. From his corporate gig at Helix Studios to the dissolution of his high profile relationship, nothing is off the table. Intent on bending stereotypes and gracefully aging in an industry that celebrates youth, Kyle shares the work that goes into maintaining an image while simultaneously shedding it. After all, he's always enjoyed a contradiction.
The doctor makes a house call but three is a crowd after the action is over… A film about existential loneliness.
The amazing wartime saga of a young American GI who travels to Budapest to find his former companion, a French soldier who told him of the spectacular bathhouses he visited there. The GI explores the fraternal joy of these Turkish baths and loses himself in passion - only to discover his real sexual self!
eXposed documents the making of Buckle Roos, a four hour gay pornographic film that is revered in some circles for being the finest film of its type. The director of the documentary reveals the personal stories of the actors as well as the crew members.
A nephew sets out to uncover the truth behind his infamous great-uncle - Washington D.C.'s forgotten king of porn.
For decades, a nice Jewish couple ran Circus of Books, a porn shop and epicenter for gay LA. Their director daughter documents their life and times.