***A hilarious bee movie*** Released in 2007, "Bee Movie" is an animated movie about a bee, Barry B. Benson (voiced by Jerry Seinfeld), a fresh college graduate who becomes disillusioned by his limited career choices in the hive. Upon taking a special trip to the outside world his life is saved by Vanessa (Renée Zellweger), a beautiful florist in New York City. As their relationship develops, he discovers humans actually harvest honey by enslaving bees; and understandably decides to sue humanity, but this has repercussions. I'm not big on animated flicks, but this one has frequent laugh-out-loud moments, particularly the first half. But you have to pay attention to the rapid fire dialogue and the details in the frame or you'll miss out on half the laughs. Consider for, for example, the ATFH officer (What's the 'H'stand for?). The second half remains compelling, but is more low-key in amusement. Bottom line: "Bee Movie" is one of my all-time favorite comedies. By the way, I know Vanessa's animated, but she's actually HOT. ADDITIONAL VOICES are supplied by the likes of Matthew Broderick, Patrick Warburton, John Goodman, Chris Rock, Kathy Bates, Barry Levinson, Larry King, Ray Liotta, Sting, Oprah Winfrey and Rip Torn. The film runs 91 minutes. GRADE: A
Morioh, 1999—a normally quiet and peaceful town has recently become a hotbed of strange activity. Jōtarō Kūjō, now a marine biologist, heads to the mysterious town to meet Jōsuke Higashikata. While the two may seem like strangers at first, Jōsuke is actually the illegitimate child of Jōtarō's grandfather, Joseph Joestar. When they meet, Jōtarō realizes that he may have more in common with Jōsuke than just a blood relation. Along with the mild-mannered Kōichi Hirose and the boisterous Okuyasu Nijimura, the group dedicates themselves to investigating recent disappearances and other suspicious occurrences within Morioh. Aided by the power of Stands, the four men will encounter danger at every street corner, as it is up to them to unravel the town's secrets, before another occurs.
A group of misfits encounter a young Yeti named Everest, and they set off to reunite the magical creature with his family on the mountain of his namesake.
College and high school serve as the backdrop for two stories about dysfunction and personal turmoil.
In this animated retelling of the story from the Bible's Book of Genesis, Joseph's gift of dream interpretation and his brilliantly colored coat inspires jealousy in his brothers.
Charles Price may have grown up with his father in the family shoe business in Northampton, central England, but he never thought that he would take his father's place. Charles has a chance encounter with the flamboyant drag queen cabaret singer Lola and everything changes.
A progressive graduate student finds success and sparks outrage when his interest in battle rap as a thesis subject becomes a competitive obsession.
A classically trained actor gets a role in what he believes will be a first-rate thriller TV series. But, A director obsessed with realism challenges his talent, intelligence, and professional instinct. Will he survive series one? Or will the first day of shooting be his last? With the added bonus of the (never seen before found) footage of the making of The Realistic Project, the audience gains an insight into the workings of the production and its main cast.
Two young men, Martin and Rudi, both suffering from terminal cancer, get to know each other in a hospital room. They drown their desperation in tequila and decide to take one last trip to the sea. Drunk and still in pajamas they steal the first fancy car they find, a 60's Mercedes convertible. The car happens to belong to a bunch of gangsters, which immediately start to chase it, since it contains more than the pistol Martin finds in the glove box.
When a huge alien probe enters the galaxy and begins to vaporize Earth's oceans, Kirk and his crew must travel back in time in order to bring back whales and save the planet.
During the Nazi occupation of Poland, an acting troupe becomes embroiled in a Polish soldier's efforts to track down a German spy.