Set in the late 1950s, in a retro futuristic world, widowed father Richard arrives home from work to find his house in chaos. His son Thomas scares off their caretaker, Julie and steals her necklace. Richard prepares dinner, however Thomas is dissatisfied with the meal, broccoli soup, arguing his mom would have made it better. Richard snaps at Thomas, who leaves his soup on the table and retreats to his bedroom. Richard is left alone, defeated, takes a seat on the couch and sees a commercial for Rob.B, a personal caretaker robot. The next day, Rob.B shows up to take care of Thomas, but after a puzzle piece goes missing, Rob.B tries to find it and ends up being electrocuted causing a malfunction. Julie returns to find her necklace and the now aggressive Rob.B chokes her unconscious. Richard and Thomas must learn to communicate and work together to defeat Rob.B.
Late Bloomer is the pastoral romance of an eternal recurrence. Director's talent to plea for love without any dialogue would touch the hearts of audiences. The old man's day out which at first seemed like the ordinary visit of his family's graves turns out to be the poem about the everlasting love. Actor Yoo Soon-cheol wrote this poem with his old and stoop-shouldered body.
Eiji Hino returns to Japan and delivers some shocking news to Hina...
As the ancient king OOO continues his onslaught on humanity, Kougami gathers his former employees to create a resistance... and introduce a new weapon in the fight!
Two astronauts fight for survival and the chance to return home, after their ship suffers a water leak.
His Oriental predator is at first clothed in black, her 'victim' in white; slowly the costumes change, the victim acquiring a veil of mourning, until finally - as if to underline the ambiguity and interchangeability of their respective roles - the colours are reversed altogether. Still more interesting is the way in which, as the game becomes more ambiguous, Dwoskin adds fresh layers of make-up to his characters' faces, until they become almost caricature masks of their original selves.
When a teenager receives a text message that says "I love you" from a boy she's been dating just 10 days, what does that mean? Two best friends have very different views.
An ambitious artist is to present his magnum opus, a time controlling device, at a gala in his nemesis' museum. Getting him into the device is the perfect opportunity to exert revenge and create the ultimate art piece. Stakes rise when the artist's ex-wife volunteer to test the machine instead.