Light Up the Night is an analog science-fiction short film set in an Orwellian, futuristic 1980s. The story tells the tensions flaring between rebellious citizens and robotic law enforcement. We are introduced to two dissidents as they take aim at the city's looming, panoptic control tower, while local band The Protomen take the stage amidst the action, inciting unrest as they narrate the struggle.
The horrors of a shipwreck, the bells of aforgotten lighthouse and the coming and going of the tides surround a tale about the sea. 'Sailor’s Grave' is the result of a workshop based on a work method taking its inspiration from the exquisite corpse game, a mechanism of collective creation where the participants manipulate and transform one another's drawings to construct an intuitive, improvised narration.
The program Aikamme uskomuksia - ei ainoastaan leivästä (1973) looked into spirit beings, horoscopes, predictions and everything else from the rest of the world of the future appeal of the paranormal. Natural explanation for all of the world and the everyday reality is not enough. Astrologer Lyyli Mikkonen says the preparation of a horoscope, lecturer Liisa Tuovinen and Pastor Juho Tenhiälä show the relationship between the Christian faith and the miracle of UFOs. Chairman of the Helsinki UFO Society Timo Pyhälä familiar with the detection of light phenomena. (
The majority of the story occurs in the office of Dr. Harper, a psychiatrist, where a man named Lester Billings talks to the doctor about the "murders" of his three young children.
This technically quite well-made cartoon from pre-war Nazi Germany is a commercial (or propaganda piece) for Volksempfänger ("people's receiver"), inexpensive radios. First we see agricultural statistics: the far-away village of Miggershausen is quite below standards in milk and egg production. An anthropomorphic radio undertakes the long voyage by express train, steam train, hay carriage to Miggershausen to advertise its services. It is not well received. Then, it collects and leads an army of radios to try again. They flood all the farmhouses and seem to be more convincing that way - at day, they spread agricultural knowledge to bring milk and egg production up to standards; later, they just play music and illustrate how various people enjoy various kinds of music.
A weary magician with an uncontrollable power must make a redemptive choice when confronted with the deepest secret of his past.
When a young girl loses her mother right before a game, it takes her teammates to help her pull through.
Ricardo receives a visit from Daniel, his teenage cousin. Together they will explore the city and themselves.
A young man’s life is suddenly and inexplicably derailed, as he finds himself at the mercy of automated ‘justice’.