Freemasonry is one of the most secretive organizations in the world, and for the first time, this documentary reveals long-hidden truths.
This new documentary examines the history of the New World Order and demonstrates that the New World Order is 'New Age' oriented. The Zeitgeist films and movement are exposed and shown to have ties to the New Age, Theosophy, Freemasonry and the New World Order movements.
Behind closed doors, cliques of the world's most powerful men form societies so secret and controversial that their very names spark fear in our hearts and minds: the Freemasons, the Illuminati, Skull and Bones. What are the intentions of these secret societies? Are the members of these brotherhoods the innocent victims of mudslinging conspiracy theorists or are they untouchable elitists who control the world?
For anyone who has ever wondered just what that mysterious pyramid on the back of the dollar bill really represents, investigative mythologist William Henry digs deep into history to demystify the symbols that the founding fathers employed to represent the new land where anything was deemed possible and the pursuit of a dream was a beacon that attracted citizens from across the globe. From the all-seeing eye to the unmistakable goddess qualities of lady liberty, this release delves deep into the mystical realms of the Kabbalah and the age old practice of alchemy to reveal a group of men with a driving desire to start life in a new land, and a strange connection to such groups as the Freemasons and the Knights Templar.
Members of the Shield and Helmet Masonic Lodge, sent by the CIA, are preparing a coup in one of the western countries. The criminal chronicle reporter manages to infiltrate the headquarters of the conspirators. The information he produces will play a decisive role in preventing the putsch. However, the successful journalist soon became convinced that he had discovered only the tip of the iceberg...
A Keith Thompson film on the ruling elite’s involvement with satanic activity. This film dives into the formation of the Illuminati, how it infiltrated freemasonry, and the satanic nature of it’s aims.
In 1898, a Minnesota farmer clearing trees from his field uprooted a large stone covered with mysterious runes that tell a story of land acquisition and murder. The stone allegedly dates back to 1362. Initially thought to be a hoax, new evidence suggests the find could be real, and a clue that the Knights Templar discovered America 100 years before Columbus, perhaps bringing with them history's greatest treasure... the Holy Grail. Follow the clues as experts use erosion studies on the rune stone and match symbols in Templar ruins all over Europe to support this theory. Stones with similar markings have been found on islands across the Atlantic Ocean, and in Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Is it possible the Knights Templar, long thought to have been massacred, escaped on an incredible journey and were leaving clues to the whereabouts of the stone?
Uncover the spiritual and historical roots of Freemasonry and the truth that is helping thousands to pass From Darkness to Light. Breaking the veil of secrecy which for years shrouded the subject of Freemasonry, this video represents a major challenge for Freemasons to take a deeper look at what their organization stands for.
After attending esoterical studies with a wise man, Cagliostro, a mysterious Italian count, received the gift of supernatural powers. He started to travel all over Europe to heal the poor. But he is also a member of a pre-revolutionary lodge the aim of which is to give freedom to the populations of Europe. This cannot be tolerated by the 18th century's establishment and bought the Pope and the regal house of France try to eliminate him. So Cagliostro is locked up in a castle, while his wife is killed. But when in 1795 the door of his cell is opened there is nothing inside but a sword...
A middle-aged government accountant is determined to secure a stable job for his son before retiring, willing to go to great lengths to achieve his goal.