Adelene Koh, one of the few, if not the only, local hand bookbinders in Singapore. In her words, “Making books is an art. Nothing beats holding a book in your hand, feeling its cover, turning its pages and even smelling the paper. When you write or draw into a journal, it is forever and leaves your touch in it. When you have a book that is handmade, you know that you are holding something that is made, with heart and soul, by a bookbinder.”
A North Korean general visits his talented daughter at a prestigious Swiss school to test her loyalty towards her motherland. An outstanding singer, with a promising future, she dreams of studying in America. But her dream will be at the cost of her father's life if she doesn't return.
Li Jan, a girl from Northern China travels to Hong Kong with a 90-Day tourist visa to meet with a group Tat, to be brought into the world of underground prostitution. On this first night, she is guided through different back alleys into a series of red light motels, while trying to make a single phone call. As she delves deeper into the world, the phone call seems beyond her grasp.
An insurance agent, Gloria, finds out she has only three months to live. She quits the job she has always hated and starts to follow her own wish to live.
She is a control freak in her relationship, making sure that she is loved by counting hugs and kisses. He replies her neuroticism in a passive way, fluffing to pass everyday. They are such a out of tune couple, everyday she decides to break up with him, and starts all over again.
In Seoul, a Korean girl is passing the French oral exam DELF. Yet the examiner’s questions lead her to speak unexpectedly about her difficult family story. With the stress, her low level of French gets worse, then unconsciously, she starts to express herself with gestures.
Room 12 is a place where people leave their final wills. A boy arrives at Room 12 and meets the owner of the place. They have a strange encounter and each of them understand more about what the other is thinking about.
Hye-won has devoted her whole life to preparing for her university entrance exam. On the day of the exam however, she oversleeps. She reflects on the path she has taken so far and falls into the most peaceful sleep.
Originally trained as a graphic designer and having worked in advertising for a number of years, Mun Foong's story is one about childhood interests - cutting up living room curtains to make cloths - to switching careers to follow a passion, even if it means having to teach herself all the skills needed, right from scratch.