A comedy short film following an unlikely pair's pilgrimage to a reenactment near King Arthur's birthplace, Tintagel. These misfits must put aside their sibling differences to travel to the heartland of their obsession.
An Asian-American high school football player is forced to confront his deepest fears after a strange encounter with a mysterious figure.
Noah battles to overcome his grief at the death of his mother, a journey that takes him from his flat to beyond the stars. An animation in stop-motion and oil paint.
A bordertown detective who is trying to stop a rampaging Chupacabra, until another detective is brought in to investigate.
After a brief visit with the neighborhood flower vendor, a vibrant young man searches for his true love Norma, only to deliver a bouquet of terror to an unsuspecting young woman.
An overworked and arrogant lawyer describes the terrifying incident he has just experienced on his drive home from the office... but his night may not be over yet.
After exchanging glances between "good mornings" and "good afternoons", Marcelo realizes it's time to try to go further with Márcio, the doorman in his building. Two worlds will collide through these men's bodies.
Whilst doing their last concert before the Christmas Holidays, Busted find that their guitars have all disappeared mysteriously. With their only clue to there where-abouts being a mysterious note signed by 'Sinister Santa' the band take on London in hopes of finding their Guitars but learn the true meaning of Christmas along the way.
What would happen if the boys were girls and the girls were boys? Kim is still a virgin and unhappily in love with a girl. After the gym class he talks to his friend Robin to get some support and ask for advice.