Set in the late 1950s, in a retro futuristic world, widowed father Richard arrives home from work to find his house in chaos. His son Thomas scares off their caretaker, Julie and steals her necklace. Richard prepares dinner, however Thomas is dissatisfied with the meal, broccoli soup, arguing his mom would have made it better. Richard snaps at Thomas, who leaves his soup on the table and retreats to his bedroom. Richard is left alone, defeated, takes a seat on the couch and sees a commercial for Rob.B, a personal caretaker robot. The next day, Rob.B shows up to take care of Thomas, but after a puzzle piece goes missing, Rob.B tries to find it and ends up being electrocuted causing a malfunction. Julie returns to find her necklace and the now aggressive Rob.B chokes her unconscious. Richard and Thomas must learn to communicate and work together to defeat Rob.B.
Nicky's whole world revolves around fitness, with the goal of getting bigger and stronger. By constantly monitoring his food consumption and weight, he seems to have his body and entire life under control. But when hidden childhood memories emerge, Nicky starts losing control and his body obsession sets off to an unhealthy direction.
In the 21st Century, Tony Ricks was a criminal who was executed for his crimes. In the distant year 2020, he is revived in a freak accident, and must infiltrate a futuristic prison and retrieve a powerful bioweapon in exchange for his freedom... and his life.
Eiji Hino returns to Japan and delivers some shocking news to Hina...
As the ancient king OOO continues his onslaught on humanity, Kougami gathers his former employees to create a resistance... and introduce a new weapon in the fight!
40-something Tom has his boyfriend Mikey move in. What seems like domestic bliss at first gives way to creeping dread as a malevolent spirit makes itself known. This gay ghost will stop at nothing to get close to Tom, even if that means eliminating Mikey.
The Simpsons family are having a night in watching television when the cheeky bullies of Springfield Elementary enter their home and decide to pull a particularly mean prank on them.
Two astronauts fight for survival and the chance to return home, after their ship suffers a water leak.