The adventures of two amiably aimless metal-head friends, Wayne and Garth. From Wayne's basement, the pair broadcast a talk-show called "Wayne's World" on local public access television. The show comes to the attention of a sleazy network executive who wants to produce a big-budget version of "Wayne's World"—and he also wants Wayne's girlfriend, a rock singer named Cassandra. Wayne and Garth have to battle the executive not only to save their show, but also Cassandra.
Bob Larson interviews various metal bands and talks about their satanic influence on the youth. Featuring Slayer, Lȧȧz Rockit, and some lame Christian Metal guy.
The embodiment of ultimate evil, a glowing orb terrorizes a young girl with bizarre stories of dark fantasy, eroticism and horror.
British heavy metal legends Saxon will unleash Let Me Feel Your Power, their 10th live album, on September 23rd via UDR Music (out on October 7th for US & CA). The 16 track album was recorded in Munich during November 2015 and Brighton in January 2016, with bonus materials from Chicago in September 2015, Let Me Feel Your Power will be available in several formats, including DVD/2CDs, Blu‐Ray/2CDs, digital download and a deluxe vinyl version which will also include the blu‐ray, DCD and CD (limited to 1500 copies). The album was recorded during their ongoing tour in support of their twenty-first studio album, Battering Ram, and has been compiled from live shows performed at three different locations, which are: Zenith - Munich, Germany (November 20/21, 2015) The Old Market - Hove, England (January 23, 2016) Arcada Theatre - St. Charles, Illinois, USA (September 20, 2015)
The Lone Rangers have heavy-metal dreams and a single demo tape they can't get anyone to play. The solution: Hijack an FM rock radio station and hold the deejays hostage until they agree to broadcast the band's tape.
Last year marked the 25th anniversary of Extreme’s classic multi-Platinum, Grammy® nominated PORNOGRAFFITTI, the definitive album of the band’s career. To mark the anniversary, Loud & Proud Records releases PORNOGRAFFITTI LIVE 25 / METAL MELTDOWN, a 3-disc set as part of their four-part “Metal Meltdown” DVD series. The concert film captures the Boston band performing PORNOGRAFFITTI in its entirety. The BluRay/DVD/CD release also features a documentary that takes fans through Extreme's story, archive footage and a photo gallery. The band achieved their greatest success with their 1990 album PORNOGRAFFITTI, which peaked at #10 on the Billboard’s “Top 200 Albums” chart, and was certified multi-Platinum. Musically, PORNOGRAFFITTI is dominated by blistering guitar riffs, often with funky, syncopated timing, and incendiary, high-speed rock/metal solos
"The Road To OR-Shalem" is the premier Middle Eastern progressive metal crusaders' DVD debut and documents the band's incredible mission to unite warring factions in their home region through the power of music. Filmed in Tel Aviv, Israel in December 2010, 'The Road To OR-Shalem' features nearly two hours of stunning live material, as well as a second bonus DVD. The bonus DVD material includes additional live footage, a behind-the-scenes documentary and video clips.
A wannabe rock star who fronts a Pennsylvania-based tribute band is devastated when his bandmates kick him out of the group he founded. Things begin to look up for Izzy when he is asked to join Steel Dragon, the heavy metal rockers he had been imitating for so long. This film is loosely based on the true story of the band Judas Priest.