In the second part of this manga adaptation, Tairaku Arihiko, who is a teacher at a local high school, lives with his student Shirakaba Aya and things are becoming steamier. As she becomes aggressive with her love for him he has to navigate his responsibility and job, his cute student and her thug father.
Superior technology may have bloomed by the year 2012, but it has not changed the face of humanity. For young men like Kay, life is still plagued by nothing but homework and girl trouble. When an unknown force besieges Earth with robotic war machines, however, it is Kay who is chosen to defend the human race. In order to activate the super-weapon Devadasy, Kay must find his perfect match. Only one man and one woman together can use the Devadasy, and protect the peace of mankind!
A world where the existence of magic has been known for a century as a mysterious power to rival science. However, the discovery of MISO — the Material of an Impediment to the Sorcerer's Orders — made magic into not a special power, but a technique that can be raised. One morning, while Shōta Hacchōya (a high school boy attending a magic academy) was tasting miso soup, a princess of Majieeru suddenly breaks in. Majieeru happens to be the birthplace of magic.
Narrowly escaping the clutches of Lord Guizei and his band of professional killers, Elysse Mordish is on the run and in possession of a vital computer code needed by the military to reactivate a high-powered secret weapon. Enter Tita, intergalactic pet shop hunter and captain of the Cha Cha Maru. Through shear dumb luck she finds herself rescuing Elysse from military hunters thus putting the lives of both herself and her crew in mortal peril! It's a dangerous game of cat and mouse on a planet-wide scale with one crucial difference... mice don't shoot back, but Tita does!
The gag ova depicts the everyday life of the demon Memumemu-chan, who appears before the high school student Hyouta one day. She's come to seduce men and steal their souls, however, has neither the motivation nor the ability to carry out her duty. The story revolves around Memumemu, Hyouta, who is often misunderstood as a lolicon due to Memumemu, and the super sexy mother-daughter duo who manages the apartment Hyouta resides in.
A bunny alien, a maid-dominatrix, a cyborg, a magical girl, and a transforming super hero set out to vanquish a set of monsters to retrieve a set of magical Mahjong tiles known as the Pai - these ancient artifacts will grant the one who gathers them a wish, and these girls aren't going to let anything stand in their way - monsters, or each other!
The first chapter of the Refrain Blue series, tells about the recollection of Yoshihiro's past about various events of summer school, of the fate where encounter and separation are interwoven with each other, as Yoshiro and Matsunaga will pass the Toyo Gakuen and will arrive at summer school at seashore. A mysterious girl smiles as she watches Yoshiro who stands still at the seashore dusk.
The second chapter in the Refrain Blue series focuses on Nao Morisawa and the events that happened at the summer camp last year, with her and Yoshihiro Matsunaga both unable to let go of feelings of the past.
In the last chapter of the Refrain Blue series, the bond between Yoshihiro Matsunaga and Nao Morisawa grows stronger, while Yoshihiro finally finds out the identify of the mysterious girl from the first chapter.
Masayuki's parents have gone overseas, leaving him alone in the house. To his surprise, they have hired Sayaka, a fellow student from school, to work as his maid while they are gone. Masayuki wants his life to be peaceful, but alongside Sayaka's affections he also has to fend off the attention of his kohai, his younger aunt, and his aunt's yandere lesbian admirer.
Ousai Academy was originally an all-girls high school. Due to the declining birth rates in recent years, it was converted into a co-ed school. The first year male students would find themselves surrounded by girls and unfortunately, Tsuda Takatoshi is one of them. What's worse, he gets scolded on his first day by the student council president Shino Amakusa, which did not give a good first impression of him. Tsuda also meets the other student council members while getting scolded, and in the end, he gets late for class. As an apology for ruining his morning, Shino lets him join the student council for various of "reasons" and he accepts it, or rather, he's forced to accept. Thus begins his days as Tsuda soon realizes that he's the only normal student in Ousai Academy...