In this 5th installment of "The Blackwell Ghost" series, the ghost hunting filmmaker returns to the "Lightfoot House" where he hopes to solve a newly discovered puzzle which may lead to the location of more undiscovered victims.
A fascinating quest for proof of life after death - a true-life enigma that begins with one small, odd incident and mushrooms into a huge scientific inquiry into apparent messages from the 'Other Side.'
In this sequel to Darren Wilson's groundbreaking film, Finger of God, filmmaker Will Hacker embarks on his own journey around the world in an attempt to discover the very core of Christianity. This step of faith takes Will on an adventure of a lifetime. He filmed with terrorists in the Middle East, with drug addicts in California, is smuggled into the underground church in China, transforms a religiously charged bar in Northern Ireland, and faces down a Muslim king in Africa. The lessons Will learns on his journey, and the miracles and moments of raw love and emotion captured on film, reveal a God who doesn't just want to save you, but is worth everything you have.
Follow filmmaker Don Meers on a paranormal road trip across the sunburnt landscapes of the Australian outback in hopes of solving one of Australia’s greatest mysteries: the Min Min light.
A Canadian couple reflect on how their painful journey in fundamentalism led to them rescuing their faith & relationship. Along the way, they uncover a supportive community that helps them navigate their journey of rediscovery.
The Hidden Hand is a controversial Award-winning documentary that explores the possibility of an extraterrestrial presence here on Earth. The film takes a keen look at a spectrum of topics like alien abduction, human/alien hybridization, the military's reverse-engineering of alien technology and the government cover-up of anything related to extraterrestrials. Is preoccupation with E.T.'s a form of cultural madness, or is something really going on? How would E.T. contact change the religious and political institutions of our society? The Hidden Hand is full of riveting interviews with experts and experiencers alike: Whitley Strieber, Dr. Edgar Mitchell, the 6th astronaut on the moon, Paul Hellyer, a former Canadian Defence Minister, Richard Dolan, Jim Marrs, Linda Moulton Howe, Col. John Alexander, Lyn Buchanan, Clifford Stone, Nassim Haramein, David Icke, Dr. Roger Leir, Graham Hancock and Paola Harris, among others. The shadowy world of UFOs is suddenly brought to light.
In 2007, The Sci-Fi Channel premiered "Ghost Adventures," a raw documentary in which 3 men go to Virginia City, NV and Goldfield, NV on a ghost hunting expedition. Virginia City is rife with macabre lore and reputed to be one of the most haunted cities in America. Ghost Adventures has won a Grand Jury Prize for Best Documentary that was given by the New York International Film & Video Festival.
An Original Documentary that takes you in and under the Oldest City in America, St. Augustine, Florida with a Team of Residents, Ghost Hunters and Historians. Investigations include the Oldest Lighthouse in America, a Curiosity Shop on the oldest Street in the USA, more.
An Original Documentary that explores the unexplained events at 5 unique locations including an Antebellum Haunted Mansion, the most spirited Movie Palace in America, a tragic spot in the Florida Clay Pits, Al Capone's Florida Hideout and more with 4 Expert Investigation Teams.
Real Haunts: Ghost Towns reveals the secrets of America's most fascinating ghost towns with "The Beard of Knowledge", the residents and a family of ghost hunters.