A comedy short film following an unlikely pair's pilgrimage to a reenactment near King Arthur's birthplace, Tintagel. These misfits must put aside their sibling differences to travel to the heartland of their obsession.
Noah battles to overcome his grief at the death of his mother, a journey that takes him from his flat to beyond the stars. An animation in stop-motion and oil paint.
Roadkill is a stop-motion animated thriller. One alpha male deer goes for an evening car ride and has an unfortunate car accident.
A dead body became stuck by a river bank. Its decaying insides still hide a human soul - a miniature of the deceased. Rotting organs part and a tiny creature gets out. Standing on the river bank, it says goodbye to the corpse and sets off on a journey through the post-mortem land.
Charlie and Rachel run away from home to get married in Las Vegas. But they get attacked by a zombie who takes Rachel with him to hell, where she will become one of Satan's brides
When Lady Tremaine steals the Fairy Godmother's wand and changes history, it's up to Cinderella to restore the timeline and reclaim her prince.
After exchanging glances between "good mornings" and "good afternoons", Marcelo realizes it's time to try to go further with Márcio, the doorman in his building. Two worlds will collide through these men's bodies.
Whilst doing their last concert before the Christmas Holidays, Busted find that their guitars have all disappeared mysteriously. With their only clue to there where-abouts being a mysterious note signed by 'Sinister Santa' the band take on London in hopes of finding their Guitars but learn the true meaning of Christmas along the way.