Martha Stephens and Aaron Katz's buddy comedy Land Ho! follows former brothers-in-law Mitch (Earl Lynn Nelson) and Colin (Paul Eenhoorn) as they travel through Iceland. The pair of 70-year-olds find themselves in need of an adventure to break out of their rut, and soon the extroverted Mitch has talked Colin into the trip. Along the way they have various amorous encounters, and attempt to recapture the spirit of their youth.
A young hero defeats a dragon to find acceptance to the court of burgundy.
Episodes about different stages of relationships: from flirtation to falling out of love.
Wealthy, aging patriarch Thordur assembles his scattered heirs in his remote Icelandic fishing village to discuss the future of the family fishery. But bringing everyone together unleashes a storm of long-repressed dark family secrets.
Siegfried, son of King Siegmund of Xanten, travels to Worms, capital of the Burgundian kingdom, to ask King Gunther for the hand of his sister, the beautiful Kriemhild.
James Bond is sent to investigate the connection between a North Korean terrorist and a diamond mogul, who is funding the development of an international space weapon.
In search of kicks in Reykjavik in the year 2000, a pretty teenager, Stella, teams up with a handsome alcoholic, Robbi, and in a stolen car careers through Iceland with unexpected and bizarre consequences.
An Edinburgh professor and assorted colleagues follow an explorer's trail down an extinct Icelandic volcano to the earth's center.
A politician learns just how quickly things can go terribly wrong when a career-defining live TV interview goes off the rails due to a surprise coughing attack.
A Eurovision singer, Iceland's strongest woman, a male model, a plumber who wants to direct movies. They all work in the shopping mall that this documentary focuses on ... most of them want to get out, even just to the bigger mall down the road.