I first learned about Hyperspace a.k.a. Gremloids when the character Lord Buckethead appeared as a voting candidate for the 2017 UK General Election after making his appearance on "Last Week Tonight with John Oliver" and the character has become a hero in both that election and on the Internet. After that it was natural that I really wanted to see this film and I have to say I absolutely enjoyed it, I had tons of laughs out of this and it's an absolute blast of a fun film to watch, the only thing that could have been better would be the ending but oh well. It an obscure movie that deserves its place as a cult classic and maybe thanks to Lord Buckethead's new fame, more people will know of this wonderful film.
When a virus threatens to turn the now earth-dwelling friendly alien hybrids against humans, Captain Rose Corley must lead a team of elite mercenaries on a mission to the alien world in order to save what's left of humanity.
On the occasion of the 40th birthday of the almighty filmmaker Steven Allan Spielberg, inquisitive reporter Clip Maxwell attempts to uncover the truth behind his undisputed rise to the throne of the Amblin Empire.
Three adventure seeking hillbilly buddies make enemies with the wrong alien brood inadvertently igniting a war of the worlds, and it's gonna take all the skillbilly tech these ET busters can muster to end this feud.
When the chances of winning the heart of a newslady are slimmed by a wealthy rival of his, a caring yet clumsy college professor creates a love potion from the DNA of a praying mantis. However, a lack of testing mutates him into an insectoid monster that can only be stopped by the professor's friends as well as 2 hectic detectives, before the hateful vice principal finds everything out.
A series of unusual sightings has a man heading out into the night to find answers, only to be interrupted by his ex moving out.
A comedic version of 1988's "Cocktail" starring Tom Cruise, featuring comedian Chris Fairbanks as a desperate bartender named Chris who tries and fails to start a business with the main characters from the original movie, which leads to fist fights, stalking, and eventually murder. The film features Mike Upchurch's distinct style of film parody, digitally adding actors and props to old footage to create new scenarios and gags.