In a dystopian nation where people's lives are determined based on 3 phases, a 13-year-old living in the monotonous, coercive, repressive, and repetitive life cycle of phase II attempts to progress to phase III hoping for a better life.
Cris is a film student going through a creative crisis. Her professor rejects her latest script because it is empty, conveys no emotion, and advises her that whatever it is that is blocking her, she should put an end to it and fix it, so that she can turn in the script again the following week.
Many are aware of the heinous crimes against civilizational heritage in the Middle East committed by ISIS. But do people know that this kind of terror is happening in the very heart of Europe? Over 150 Christian churches and monasteries have been destroyed in Serbia's province of Kosovo since 1999. 4 monasteries are part of UNESCO's List of World Heritage in Danger.
A biopic about the life of Umberto Boccioni, an italian futurist painter (1882-1916).
A family of four gathers for a humble dinner on Chinese New Year, yet also preparing for what is about to take place the day after.
Hector is a widower who owns a corner shop with his young daughter Cleo. With the threat of a new 'Hypermark' opening, Hector battles for the store's survival while Cleo longs for the world beyond.
A young man who goes door to door in search of an automotive apprenticeship spends his free time kicking up dust doing donuts with his buddies on the outskirts of Melbourne.
Rashid was born into a Christian family, shortly after an attack on his village, he was kidnapped and his mother killed. The boy was saved by a Muslim family, who raised him as their own child, but the memories challenged him to rediscover his true identity. In this amazing film you will discover the drama of confessing the Christian faith in a Muslim parent.
An habitant of the Paraná Delta is tempted to engage in smuggling but abandons it for the love of a teacher.