Paloma is a young adult who finds herself living in automatic mode, following every imposed social norm, already working in an office and living alone in a studio apartment. Her daily life passes fleetingly and with little taste, until one night, after a long day of work, she receives an email titled FOR MY FUTURE SELF, which prompts her to change her life.
A young woman invites her literature teacher to a discussion on a story about a man who wants to freeze the moment. She suggests that he is writing to disguise his own inner desires. They fall in love, and life takes an unexpected turn.
Following the death of his father, Lyle Bennett sets out on an extreme weight loss journey in the hopes of reaching health and happiness. His goal will push him past his physical limits and test the strength of his mental and emotional stability.
The life of “Rose England” the CEO of the multi-billion dollar cosmetic company, England Cosmetics. Growing up in a less affluent household, Rose will soon find out just how far her avaricious mother Rita will go to change the course of their lives.
Following a very public fall from grace, country music star Faith Winters seeks refuge in her rural Texas hometown, where she rediscovers feelings for her high school sweetheart, the local pastor. But the homecoming is bittersweet.
Lars, a male nurse from Saarbrücken, moves to Berlin with his lover, Roland. They begin to renovate an apartment and their happiness seems almost complete. What Roland doesn’t know is that, while secretly checking out Berlin’s night life, Lars is also experimenting with a deadly poison.