This loosely plotted coming-of-age tale follows the life of 15-year-old Laurent Chevalier as he stumbles his way over the burgeoning swell of adolescence in 1950s France. After having his first sexual experience with a prostitute and dodging the lips of a priest, Chevalier contracts a case of scarlet fever. When the fever leaves him with a heart murmur, Chevalier is placed in a sanatorium, along with his over-attentive and adulterous mother.
A dark comedy that takes place in suburban America. Doug has landed his dream gig - he is about to join the Venture Scouts (a Boy-Scout-like organization) as a Troop Leader. He is taking over for his childhood mentor, Jerry, the former leader of Venture Scout Troop 544 who has been offered a plush job at the Venture Scout National Headquarters. The film takes place over the course of a day, as Jerry shows Doug the ropes before his initiation ceremony. An old, corrupt regime is leaving with a new one taking over - but not without conflict first. It is a story of power, corruption, and morality.
Lem Siddons is part of a traveling band who has a dream of becoming a lawyer. Deciding to settle down, he finds a job as a stockboy in the general store of a small town. Trying to fit in, he volunteers to become scoutmaster of the newly formed Troop 1. Becoming more and more involved with the scout troop, he finds his plans to become a lawyer being put on the back burner, until he realizes that his life has been fulfilled helping the youth of the small town.
As alien invaders plot to conquer the Earth, two Boy Scouts steal a mini-submarine and discover Gamera in their midst. Transported to the alien's spaceship, the Scouts are menaced by the evil inhabitants, including Viras, a squid-like monster that grows to colossal size to battle Gamera.
The story originated from TV program “Bro.Mee, Ghost’s Friend”. The program presented the field part of one ghost story of Mee that took place at the scout camp which is haunted scout camp. TV production team composes of young teenagers whom always dare and encourage haunted scout camp. While they’re shooting their program in haunted scout camp. They have to facet haunted thing inside haunted scout camp which make all of them could not forget all the time.
Comedian Hari Kondabolu discusses the strange and unique experience of having a kid during a global pandemic. From living in a studio apartment in Brooklyn to reluctantly moving to San Diego for the baby’s birth, we see all the challenges he and his partner overcame to create a child… and eventually, this special. Filmed just days after Roe v Wade was overturned, this special is both personal and political. Additionally, he discusses topics that range from loving dark chocolate as proof of aging to the absurdity of white replacement theory to the horrible truth behind Curious George.
Revolves around a mediation center that provides professional mediation services to explore the causes behind the conflicts.
Osvaldo is a normal family man who, however, hides a big secret: he is in fact dealing with illegal activities on whose trail, for some time now, there has been Lucio, a policeman whose life is destined to cross several times that of his "prey": the children of the two men, in fact, met and fell in love without knowing that their parents have been in indirect conflict for some time.
A special Stand Up Comedy show by Raditya Dika in 2019 which talks about family, marriage, household, and having children.
Jing meets Hu Yanjuan, a woman who sells medicine, and gets mocked by her. Seeking revenge, he tricks her father and switches their medicine with rocks, causing them to be stopped from selling it. Yanjuan investigates and discovers Jing's deception. Jing pretends to ask her to teach him martial arts, and she uses this opportunity to teach him a lesson.