A group enters a forest to participate in a reality show, everything seems fine until they encounter a Demonic entity. Cruel and murderous, she hunts and kills one by one, now the remaining survivors have to flee from that place before it is too late.
Upon moving into a new apartment, a young woman finds herself surrounded by strange events. Curious about the reasons behind the occurrences, the young woman is sucked into memories and daydreams, remembrances and forgetfulness, places and non-places.
Lucas and Mateo are brothers and have a distant and somewhat conflictive relationship. What seems to be just another morning becomes the beginning of a new stage in their lives. When they wake up, they notice that their mother is not at home and they wait for her to return, but that moment will never come.
A young woman introduces her boyfriend to her extravagant group of friends who she asks to keep up appearances. They decide to subject the young man to an uncomfortable game, which leads to an argument between our protagonists and the owner of the house.