
Sean Oliver

Presenter / Actor. Born : Unknown

Movie Credits

Ring Roasts III: The Roast of Jim Cornette

See the stars roast Corny! Featuring: Jim Cornette, Al Snow, Bob Holly, Dutch Mantell, Dennis Condrey, Bobby Eaton, Nick Dinsmore, Missy Hyatt, Bill Apter, Prince Nana, Amy Lee, Ryan Maher, Sean Morton and Sean Carlucci.
Released : 8th-Dec-2010

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Timeline: The History of WWE – 1997 – As Told By Jim Cornette

Universally regarded as one of the greatest shoot interviews ever, Cornette leads us on another journey into 1997. RAW is going live every week. The Shawn and Bret situation is reaching its boiling point. Bad news from Pillman’s hotel. 1997 is the year that will set up the big boom period to follow, as Austin, The Rock, and Undertaker were getting set to ignite the business. And our guest for this tour is none other than the most outspoken shoot DVD guest ever, Jim Cornette. Jim was working WWE creative in ’97 so you have unprecedented access to every meeting, locker room fight, and TV taping there was. And Cornette brings his WWE agent journal along just to make sure he gets every detail right!!!
Released : 1st-Sep-2011

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Timeline: The History of WWE – 1963-1969 – As Told By Bruno Sammartino

In early 1963, Toots Mondt and Vincent J. McMahon seceded from the governance of the NWA to form the WWWF. Shortly thereafter they would crown their champion and hang the fortune of their venture on him. That man will be your guide for a journey back to 1963 and the formative years of the WWWF up through 1969. Bruno Sammartino was selling out houses all across the northeast and was privy to all the inner workings of the company.
Released : 16th-Dec-2013

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Timeline: The History of WWE – 1999 – As Told By Sean Morley

The edgy, dark product that was gracing WWE TV in the mid-90s gave birth to a towel wearing, adult film character named Val Venis. The man behind that character was Sean Morley and the year 1999 would see a high-point for Val…as he won the Intercontinental title. But celebration would be short lived as a parents’ group trained their crosshairs on the risque product and the “Right to Censor” angle was born. The porn star was gone, and the new clothes just didn’t fit Morley or his aspirations. We go back to another year in the TIMELINE!!!
Released : 7th-May-2012

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Timeline: The History of WWE – 2001 – As Told By Lisa Moretti

The WWE began to see the marketability of its lady wrestlers as both performers and sex symbols in the last decade or so. And man, did we find someone who has some stuff to say about it! Lisa Moretti had an incredibly successful run as the character “Ivory” on WWE television. Join her as she takes us back to 2001 and we will live one year in the world’s most storied wrestling federation through the eyes of a DIVA!
Released : 12th-Feb-2011

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Timeline: The History of WWE – 1989 – As Told By Brutus Beefcake

We’re still in the 80s and we’re flying high! Hogan is still drawing his legion of fans and the WWE is running 2,3, and even 6 (yes SIX) shows in a day. Things are good and Hogan’s best friend in the business would get his highest profile run, albeit in the form of a very odd gimmick. Brutus Beefcake had become “The Barber” and was struttin’ and cuttin’ his way to headlining Summerslam with Hogan against Savage and Zeus. Yeah, remember him?! Go back in time and relive yet another chapter in the ongoing history of the world’s biggest federation, and fill in another year in the 80s on your Timeline shelf!
Released : 27th-Aug-2013

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Timeline: The History of WWE – 2008 Blue – As Told By Brian Myers

Our series travels to a year where the world’s largest federation is split among three brands. In this era of roster shuffles and drafts, find out what it meant to be a member of one of those brands. And just how those brands worked together to create winning television. Join Brian Myers, as he outlines the journey of his character, Curt Hawkins, and life inside the WWE in the new millennium.
Released : 2nd-Jan-2015

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Timeline: The History of WWE – 1995 – As Told By Kevin Nash

The WWE would soon feel the explosion of what has come to be known as the second boom period. But in 1995, those benefits could not yet be reaped. Business was down, the B shows were cancelled. What could turn this around? Vince hoped it would be a group of guys working at the top of his card…a group that became known as the clique. Kevin Nash will take us back to ’95 when the kliq was formed, and he was given the strap. But was he REALLY Vince’s “guy?” Join Kevin for a journey into this pivotal year as the kliq solidified their stranglehold on the WWE.
Released : 9th-Jul-2012

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Timeline: The History of WWE – 1994 – As Told By Sean Waltman

This Kid was ready to impress everyone on the biggest wrestling stage in the world, and also make some very powerful friends as well. It’s 1994, the business is preparing to rebound in a couple of years, and the guys are jockeying for position for that ride. Sean Waltman will take you back to that year in another edition of the Timeline series. Bret and Lex are vying for footing at the top, while Nash, Shawn, and Razor are ready to get the world’s attention. This was such a critical time in the formation of the Kliq, and Waltman will show us how it happened.
Released : 11th-Jun-2013

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Timeline: The History of WWE – 1985 – As Told By Greg Valentine

The fuse has been ignited on the explosive popularity of the WWE in 1985. The world was about to get its first Wrestlemania. The roster was loaded with the country’s hottest talent and the ‘Fed was all over cable TV, and the networks as well. Royalty checks begin pouring in for WWE stars as their images hit lunchboxes and dolls all over the world. The business has moved beyond wrestling as music and pop culture embrace it in this magical time. Saturday Night’s Main Event…Wrestlemania…CBS Cartoon…Mr. T…The IC strap…The Dream Team…Andy Worhol…Rick McGraw’s death…Rita Marie…Snakes and Bulldogs…Tito…The 20/20 expose’…The Wrestling Album…Blading…Cyndi Lauper…Albano’s face turn…
Released : 1st-Jun-2011

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Timeline: The History of WWE – 2006 Blue – As Told By Fit Finlay

During this era of the brand split, we began seeing promos shot at an Irish castle, featuring an intriguing figure. This guy would debut in January, get some gold around his waist, and work the “Smackdown” brand in the WWE. Dave Finlay is that guy, and he’s our guide back to the year 2006 in the world’s biggest federation. Finaly would also agent for the the WWE, as well as train, so he’s got a very unique perspective of life in the federation, both on camera and off. Come back with us just a few years, and see life from inside the BLUE side of the WWE.
Released : 29th-Apr-2012

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Timeline: The History of WWE – 2000 – As Told By Rikishi

The new millenium is upon us and the WWE machine is cranking out product as fast and furiously as ever. The federation is loaded with big names and big ideas…like the WWE Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas…well, besides that one! Rikishi was working near the top of the card for the better part of the year, winning the IC title in 2000. And now he walks you through the entire year month-by-month. Hear about Rock, Triple H, Stephanie, Linda, Vinnie Mac and the whole gang as Timeline tackles Y2K!
Released : 29th-Aug-2009

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Timeline: The History of ECW - 1995 - As Told by Sandman

Another entry in the series that chronicles the rise and implosion of ECW, is here. This time we head back to 1995 with the guy who was wearing the ECW title that year... The Sandman.
Released : Unknown

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Timeline: The History of ECW - 1999 - As Told by Rob Van Dam

As ECW rounds the corner of the decade that made them, cracks in the façade deepen and the company's challenges mount. But that's largely invisible to the bloodthirsty fans that begin packing venues in cities new to ECW.
Released : 11th-Aug-2016

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Timeline: The History of WWE – 1988 – As Told By Hacksaw Duggan

The 80s are winding down, business has seen its amazing peak and the arenas are still full. The world’s biggest federation is front and center in the spotlight, fighting to keep its growing market share. But Ted Turner has purchased WCW. The fallout of Duggan and Sheik’s arrest is still in the news. Wrestlers aren’t getting along. It’s big time, it’s 1988! Summerslam…Wrestlemania…Ventura…Adonis dies…Duggan/Sheik arrest…the locker room…Rougeaus and Bulldogs…road life with Jake the Snake…Turner gets in the ring…Von Raschke…Vachon…Survivor Series…Saturday Night’s Main Event…
Released : 21st-Sep-2010

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Timeline: The History of WWE – 1992 – As Told By Bret Hart

The Ric Flair phenomenon wasn't turning out to be what Vince had hoped it would be, and five names were put on a list to be the new flag-bearer for the world's largest wrestling federation. And one of those names is here to take you back to a troubled time in WWE history, but a great time for himself. The Excellence of Execution himself, Bret Hart joins us for a journey back to the year he became the World Heavyweight Champion and took of on a singles journey that truly made him a pro wrestling legend. Its a tough time in WWE as scandals are surfacing and sending the business on a downturn. The kid-friendly product is being hampered by allegations of sexual misconduct and steroid use. But Bret would be the breakout star and deliver what juiced up monsters could no longer.
Released : 31st-Jul-2014

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Timeline: The History of WWE – 1993 – As Told By Lex Luger

The year of 1993 saw the pressures of indictments befall the WWE, but there was a glimmer of hope in restoring the image of the P.R. troubled company. There was a ‘narcissistic’ heel working the arenas that would soon become a flag bearing, all-American hero. And that guy is here to take you back in time with him. Lex Luger became the focus of the company as he led the charge across the US in his famous “Lex Express” tour bus, as the biggest wrestling federation in the world sought to polish off its bad press and attempt to build wrestling’s superhero babyface for the next generation in wrestling. But did it work?
Released : 1st-Oct-2013

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Timeline: The History of WWE – 1980 – As told By Larry Zybszko

1980 in the WWF. Business isn’t so hot. Backlund isn’t drawing the houses they thought he would and business is moribund at best. That is, until a young Larry Zbyszko proposes an idea to his mentor that would change the course of the federation, and make the career of Zbyszko himself. This journey into 1980 is an incredible illustration of how Bruno Sammartino gave Larry Zbyszko the education of a lifetime in both the construction of the “Shea Stadium” program, as well as how to play the game of politics with the heavy hitters, like McMahon. No one saw the impact this angle would have on the gate at Shea, the direction of the company, the shadow it would cast on World Champion Backlund, and the heat and hatred Zbyszko would have to get used to living with. Relive the angle that re-ignited the biggest federation in the world…from the INSIDE…from the angle’s conception, to holding McMahon up for more money.
Released : 17th-Dec-2012

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Timeline: The History of WWE – 1983 – As Told By Magnificent Muraco

The WWE had yet to go national. The talent raids had not begun. Hogan was still Verne’s guy. And the biggest draws in the company would revolve around the Intercontinental title, held by The Magnificent One, Don Muraco. And the inside story is here! The series that blows open the real, unauthorized story of the WWE is back, and we head into the 80s again! Backlund…Morales drops title…Allentown…Rocky feud…Snuka and Nancy…Gilbert’s crash…McMahon power shift…Invading California…Wizard’s passing…Iron Mike Sharpe and OCD…Madison Square Garden…Victory Magazine…
Released : 1st-Dec-2009

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Timeline: The History of ECW - 1997 - As Told by Sabu

Kayfabe Commentaries brings you that explores the history of harcore year by year. From the producers of 'Timeline The History of WWE' comes this journey through all the major ECW moments in the ring and behind the scenes. Told by those that were there.
Released : Unknown

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Timeline: The History of WCW – 2000 – As Told By Vince Russo

There has never been another name in pro wrestling that has sparked so much debate. Savior? Provocateur? Whatever you think, he was behind the most talked about moments in a wrestling ring. And now he’s here to take you through a first-hand account of the most rocky time in WCW’s history. In what Vince has declared his last wrestling interview, he has nothing to lose in setting the record straight on many issues he’s never been able to be open and honest about…until now. Vince tackles the tough stuff head on, and lets you inside the meetings and arguments inside WCW, as the ratings war was winding down. As Russo came into WCW with great hopes, he also realized there was a target on his back from day one. Did he ever really have a shot? They didn’t realize it, but he heard their whipsers around ever corner. WCW 2000…from the only man that can tell it!
Released : 27th-Aug-2013

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Timeline: The History of ECW – 2000 – As Told By Justin Credible

It is said that the brightest lights burn out the fastest, and the explosive flash that was ECW is headed for the twilight in 2000. The company would collapse in early 2001 and we will join Justin Credible to walk down the plank toward the end of an era. Credible would wear the ECW title in 2000 and complete the journey he calls the most creatively satisfying time in his career. Put this one at the right end of the DVD shelf as we detail the closing chapter on the federation that changed the game. The renegades would leave behind a wrestling legacy like no other as ECW fades with very little fanfare…in this edition of Timeline!
Released : 1st-Nov-2014

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Timeline: The History of WWE – 1977-1978 – As Told By Superstar Graham

It was before Hogan, before Ventura, and before charisma counted as much, perhaps moreso, as mat skills. It was 1977 in New York and Bruno’s run would soon come to an end. Enter The Superstar… Superstar Billy Graham burst onto the scene in the WWWF, unseated Bruno Sammartino, and rewrote the rulebook for pro wrestling heels. And now he wants you to join him on a journey to that pivotal year, where he’ll tell you everything that was happening within the walls of the largest wrestling federation in the world! We pick up the action in April of 1977, just before Graham gets the strap, and we follow the action into 1978, when Backlund takes it. The Sammartino title change…the McMahons…the ‘Wiz’…Japan…Backlund…the backroom dealings…missed opportunities…Albano’s antics…working the blade…the TV tapings… …all that and EVERYTHING that was happening in 1977/78 in WWE!!!
Released : 8th-Jul-2010

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Timeline: The History of WWE – 1987 – As Told By The Honky Tonk Man

At last, the storied history of wrestling’s biggest, most legendary federation can be told! Year-by-year, Kayfabe Commentaries will assemble the epic story of World Wrestling Entertainment, as told by the stars of the era. They were there. They’ll tell you about it. In this edition, 1987, our guest is The Honky Tonk Man. Travel back with him and go inside the locker rooms, hotel rooms, inside the ring, and on the road. Now the whole story of the WWE can be told!
Released : 1st-Jun-2009

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Timeline: The History of ECW- 1994- As Told by Shane Doughlas

The ongoing history of wrestling's most dangerous and innovative organization in recent times, rolls on! This edition is very special as we tackle the beginning of ECW's "hardcore era," as Eastern became Extreme. This 1994 edition is told by the man that was at the center of that transition, as he grabbed a mic, threw down a belt, and changed wrestling history.
Released : 5th-Apr-2011

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Timeline: The History of ECW - 1998 - As Told by New Jack

The effects of the hardcore revolution were well felt by 1998 and their reach was wide, penetrating into the major feds and showing them how to have a little "attitude." So much so that WWE and WCW were now plucking talent right out of ECW and giving them contracts to appear on a massive national stage.
Released : 11th-Apr-2012

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Timeline: The History of WWE – 1986 – As Told By George Steele

The first Wrestlemania is history and business is booming! Wrestlers are making top dollar, traveling all over the world, seeing dolls in their image, and some can even quit teaching and wrestle full time! Especially if they were in one of the WWE’s hottest angles with Macho Man Randy Savage and Elizabeth. And such is the case with George The Animal Steele. The man behind that scary and lovable character takes you back to 1986 and examines all the major happenings in wrestling’s biggest federation. Saturday Night’s Main Event skits…a jealous Savage…JYD…Adonis…turning babyface…Albano…the McMahons…Steele’s students…Wrestlemania 2…the Funks…”King” Harley Race…The Wrestling Album…the dangers of TV…more…more…MORE!!!
Released : 1st-Jun-2012

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Timeline: The History of WWE – 1984 – As Told By Roddy Piper

The closing month of 1983 in WWE saw the arrival of an individual that would go on to set the entire pro wrestling landscape on its head. Roddy Piper’s effect on the largest federation in the world would set up Hogan for his massive championship run, introduce the concept of Wrestlemania, and push TV ratings to the stratosphere. Simply put…Piper helped make it all happen for WWE in the 80s. Join Roddy for a three and a half hour journey back in time and see how each piece of the puzzle was laid. Roddy, Vince, Hogan, Dave Wolf and others had a vision of what was to come. Now head back to the birth of the boom and hear about it all in the first-person, from one of the all-time greats. Here comes the ‘Pit, MTV, the coconut, and the HOT SCOT himself! All in this edition of the open-ended historical telling of the WWE’s history.
Released : 29th-Apr-2011

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Timeline: The History of ECW – 1995 – As Told By The Sandman

Another entry in the series that chronicles the rise and implosion of ECW, is here. This time we head back to 1995 with the guy who was wearing the ECW title that year…The Sandman. ECW was headed for an explosion in popularity as the extreme nature of its brand began to reinvigorate jaded wrestling fans…the gang from South Philly started branching out…Florida, Delaware…and began to show the business that fans can believe again! Hard to believe that so much happens in only 12 months…but those are ECW months. Let Hak take you back to the year he carried the best for the growing company, set to blow up!
Released : Unknown

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Breaking Kayfabe with Jim Cornette

That may say it all, from the lips of our most recent guest on the series that seeks to get inside the people of the wrestling business. Jim Cornette joins Sean on Breaking Kayfabe to probe all that contributes to his admitted anger issues. Jim’s most recent hiatus from wrestling has brought him a clarity and happiness he’d not experienced in years…and he agrees to head down the dark path here at the risk of upsetting the applecart by going through the entire Ring of Honor catastrophe from start to finish. Jim tackles all that went wrong there, and also addresses TNA, his struggle with anger, and the falling out between him and Kayfabe Commentaries after producing the shoot industry’s most celebrated programs together. It’s nearly three hours of Cornette’s dark journey. Are you ready for it?
Released : 7th-Jan-2014

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Guest Booker with JJ Dillion

The most crucial aspect of pro wrestling’s salability, its television, is explored. The man who wrote WWE television beside Vince McMahon and Pat Patterson for years, JJ Dillon, joins us to explore the art and science of writing wrestling television. We gave JJ a fictional pay-per-view supercard from the early 90s era and gave him one month of TV with which to advance the angles. See how JJ uses the weekly A and B shows, as well as a Saturday Night Network Special to build up to the pay-per-view at month’s end. He then books the results of that big card. When should a run-in be employed? How to use promos and packages? How does one choose a TV arena? What does it mean politically if Wrestler A makes the save for Wrestler B on TV? JJ shows us how to use just the right amount of exposure fangles for a most effective build-up. The booker’s job doesn’t end there, as we hear about the very delicate practice of employing diplomacy in dealing with the “big egos/TV time” equation.
Released : Unknown

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Guest Booker with Kevin Nash

When you look at the WWE roster in 1996 you may be surprised at what you find. There were pig farmers, hockey players, hunters and more living cartoons than wrestlers. To make matters worse, two of the wrestling stars in the company would soon be jumping to the competition and igniting a war that would severely wound their former home base. But what if things were different? What if they stayed? That’s the premise in this edition of Guest Booker wherein we charge former WCW booking committee member Kevin Nash with the task of keeping himself and Scott Hall in WWE and booking it to correct all that was going awry. Kevin’s highly reality-based philosophy conflicts with much of what was happening in WWE at the time so how will he approach this? Go inside the big jump to WCW and watch Kevin undo it… On the critically acclaimed series Guest Booker!
Released : Unknown

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Guest Booker with Raven

It is June 1996. Scott Hall and Kevin Nash leave the WWE and prepare to head to the competition. But in our world here, they land NOT in WCW…but rather ECW. And what if total creative control of their angles were given to the ECW champion of the moment? In this very special “booker-at-heart” edition of the show, Raven steps in and takes the book in June 1996, and books Hall’s and Nash’s angles right up to and including the first ECW pay-per-view Barely Legal, in April 1997. Raven steps in and proceeds to take over the show. He moves to the booking board for total control, and doesn’t come up for air until the end of the show. Raven books all of Hall’s and Nash’s angles in astounding detail.
Released : Unknown

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Guest Booker with Bruce Prichard

That’s our guest’s take on the happenings in Montreal when Vince McMahon strong-armed his belt back from his one time franchise player, Bret Hart. Millions watched, millions have their opinions about what took place. It remains wrestling’s most talked about screwjob. But how many people were actually THERE for it…for the meetings beforehand, the options the office was considering, the day to day events as the company was heading down a financially tumultuous road? And how many people were with Vince the night it all went down? Our Guest Booker, Bruce Prichard, was. Let Bruce take you back to the booking meetings and the locker room when Vince and Bret finally met. Prichard’s long tenure with WWE creative is covered as we spend time with a writer who transcended the goofy days of Goons and Mantaurs through the era of attitude.
Released : Unknown

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Guest Booker with Dutch Mantell

On January 4, 2009 TNA was to give birth to a new era in pro wrestling. They said they were poised for the relaunch that would reinvent the company. And in doing so, they captured the imagination of the wrestling world. But what interested us was the creative workings of that company. So we bring you an individual that was on the booking team in TNA from the day Jeff Jarrett pitched him the crazy idea of starting a new company. Welcome inside TNA. Join Dutch Mantell and explore the TNA before any relaunches and “new directions.” You’ll get the philosophies and experiences of this well-traveled booker, and what he brought to the TNA table. And while we’re at it, we’ll see what HE would have done on January 4th and where he would have taken the company had he still been booking. Hogan, Bischoff, Russo, Cornette, Dixie…they’re all here. Join Dutch and relive his TNA years…and rewrite wrestling history!!!
Released : Unknown

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Guest Booker with Bill Eadie

There was once a time when bookers sat in the audience to gauge the reaction to their decision. They realized that it was the fans that decided whether their ideas were good or not. Today, writers are disconnected from the desires of the paying fans, and their opinions and Internet postings are largely ignored. Bill Eadie booked at a time when the fans were everything. He learned from the greats that sat up in the “cheap seats” to hear what the true fans were saying. And he shares that old school mentality on this edition of Guest Booker. We give Bill the task of booking a breakup of one of wrestling’s most formidable teams. That team, Demolition, Eadie helped build. And now he’ll have to tear it down for his booking exercise. Bill Eadie reminds us that there was little relevance to a heel or babyface designation when someone was as over as Demolition was. And now he’ll try and tap into the fans’ imagination and have them choose sides…in this Guest Booker!
Released : Unknown

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Breaking Kayfabe with Vince Russo

One of the most maligned, controversial figures to ever enter the pro wrestling game has agreed to open up all aspects of his life for you to examine. In this edition of the probing Breaking Kayfabe series, Vince Russo sits across from Sean and takes part in a nearly two and a half hour exploration of what makes Russo who he is. In the spirit of all editions of this series, we go deep inside our guest and try to root out the causes for the things he’s done and said. You may know what Vince Russo has done, but we are pretty sure you don’t know the man. From his childhood to his faith, Sean explores the positives and negatives and won’t drop the issue until we have the answers on issues ranging from his views on women’s roles to today’s wrestling fans. It’s part therapy, part interview, all shoot. It’s another Breaking Kayfabe.
Released : 12th-Feb-2018

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Guest Booker with Gabe Sapolsky

IT’S JUNE 2006 AND ECW WILL BE RAMPING UP AGAIN. WITH ONE EXCEPTION…GABE. Vince buys it. Gabe books it. That’s how it will go in this installment of the critically acclaimed series, Guest Booker. Gabe Sapolsky, three-time Wrestling Observer booker of the year and booker of Ring of Honor, joins us in our booking experiment. Gabe’s task is to take over ECW for Vince in June 2006, and book the remainder of the year up to and including the December to Dismember pay-per-view. Gabe steps from the shadows for the first time and applies his booking philosophies to the new ECW!
Released : Unknown

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Guest Booker with Jerry Jarrett

In Spring of 2000, having expended their supply of bookers, World Championship Wrestling turned again to Vince Russo. But they almost didn’t. Now Jerry Jarrett, a main poised to help the ailing company, finally gets his chance in the latest edition of the critically acclaimed series Guest Booker. Jarrett is given control of the bloated, failing empire and an opportunity to revive it before ultimate peril. Jarrett is asked to trim a roster of dozens down to the bare necessities and use the remaining talent to create the angles that would finally allow them to be competitive with the WWE product again. How many guys? How many titles? How many angles? Just what on earth can get WCW back in the race?
Released : Unknown

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Guest Booker with Robert Fuller

Baby’s got a pot roast on. Those fateful words ended Robert Fuller’s booking tenure with WCW back in the days of committees and confusion. So though he wouldn’t have had a chance to book Shawn Michaels jumping ship, we give him that opportunity here in our booking exercise. The latest Guest Booker on the only show that chronicles the minds of wrestling’s creative forces, was a booker for more than two decades. Fuller was given the book in Florida, Memphis, Continental, and WCW. And now he agrees to share his wealth of knowledge with our eager viewers, and students of the wrestling game. On the critically acclaimed series Guest Booker!
Released : Unknown

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Guest Booker with Gary Hart

In 1986, the world came crumbling down around Fritz Von Erich’s World Class Championship Wrestling empire. Although the federation remained active, this crucial year was the blow they never recovered from. They lost talent, their association with the NWA, and their booker Ken Mantell. We now hop in the Guest Booker time machine and reinstate former WCCW booker Gary Hart in the driver’s seat. Under his direction, can WCCW be saved? Join us for this exploration of the mind of the late, great booker, Gary Hart. Gary’s talents are as remarkable as his tales from the road, all explored in this his final DVD. We are proud to enshrine Gary into the Guest Booker family.
Released : 10th-Jun-2008

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Guest Booker with Terry Taylor

It’s 1987 and Jim Crockett Promotions is about to claim ownership of Bill Watts’ legendary territory. With that will come an influx of talent from Watts’ roster. In reality, that purchase was rather unspectacular and nothing interesting was ever made of the acquisition. But through the magic of Guest Booker, we will have Terry Taylor, a booker who has worked creatively for WWE, WCW, and TNA, analyze the purchase and use his talents to try and conjur up a more compelling use of the expanded roster. Taylor was working for UWF at the time of the purchase, but we ask him to switch hats and display the skills and philosophies that made him such a valuable creative force in the eyes of the bosses at pro wrestling’s majors. Join us as Terry Taylor gives a veritable booking master class.
Released : Unknown

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Guest Booker with Sheepherder Luke

It’s the early 90s and the WWE has transitioned its product to friendly and cartoonish. But a few years away lies a darker, more violent, bloody style of wrestling that would jumpstart the business. And what if Vince could see that? What if he were to predate ECW, and launch the hardcore style across the U.S.? Who would he hire to book it? Well, there was a booker working for him in a wrestling capacity at the time. This booker had traveled the world, and violence was his middle name. Luke Williams has booked all over the world, but his time booking Puerto Rico alone gives him the credentials to spearhead our little experiment. If anyone can make The Godwins hardcore, it’s Luke!
Released : Unknown

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Guest Booker with Glenn Gilbertti

After giving life to the Disco Inferno character, Glenn Gilbertti became a part of the creative teams in first WCW, then TNA, under Vince Russo’s direction. Legend has been made over some of the suggestions Gilbertti came up with. But as with legend, one must do some prying to separate fact from fiction. Just how much of what is attributed to Gilbertti is true? In the spirit of Guest Booker, we bring to fruition some of these booking ideas of lore…The Invisible Man, Bill Ding the evil architect, and the Martian Invasion. If you’re reading this all for the first time, your eyes are fine. Go inside those real life booking meetings and hear about Gilbertti and Russo heartily enjoying advancing these proposed angles, to the disgust and great annoyance of Terry Taylor and others. It’s all consistent with Disco’s booking philosophy of trying things that have never been done, no matter how ridiculous it may seem!
Released : Unknown

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Guest Booker with Vince Russo

It’s notable that the man whose booking was in part responsible for one of the biggest boom periods in wrestling, had nothing to do with wrestling’s most hotly anticipated angles. Vince Russo was already gone when the WWE completed its purchase of WCW and planned to integrate the talent and history of the WCW and NWA. Many feel WWE dropped the ball on this opportunity. What would Russo have done? The most controversial figure in pro wrestling in the last 15 years was not known for being in the ring or on camera. Russo was a writer and his decisions sparked passionate debate, wild ratings points, and hatred. Well now, we profile the creative mind of the most polarizing off-camera wrestling figure ever, and we have him bring his unique philosophies and techniques to the WCW Invasion angle. Love him, hate him…if you were running a federation, chances are you’d want him! For the first time, watch Vince Russo weave angles over the weeks and months after the WCW purchase.
Released : Unknown

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Guest Booker with Jim Cornette

This remarkable edition of the Guest Booker series was voted one of the best DVDs of 2009 in the Wrestling Observer when released on DVD, and now for the first time you can get it On Demand! What could have been remembered as pro wrestling’s most complelling storyline, has come to be known as the sport’s biggest blown opportunity. The WCW Invasion angle fell short of expectations and the wrestling world watched WWE swallow WCW without fanfare. Jim Cornette has a thing or twenty to say about that! One of wrestling’s most outspoken and creative minds attacks this edition of Guest Booker with unmatched vigor in this nearly 3 hour show. Watch Jim turn the tepid Invasion into a flaming hot angle as he books in remarkable detail with extensive explanation for each move.
Released : 15th-Aug-2009

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Guest Booker with Kevin Sullivan

It’s January of 1984 and the entire WWE has hinged its future on one man. And now he has changed his mind. Hogan has called and he’s not coming. What now? Join Kevin Sullivan in this remarkable DVD as he sits down in our mock booking office and proceeds to rewrite the year 1984 in the WWE. The task we’ve given him…make 1984 the breakout year it was for the WWE, but without Hogan. Watch as Sullivan books scenario after scenario in the wrestling organization that he has never actually booked for! Kevin Sullivan is a former booker/wrestler and he now brings his experience and vast knowledge to our booking session in the first edition of Guest Booker! Hop in our time machine and watch as Sullivan books twelve months of pro wrestling before your eyes. A must see for the smart fan!
Released : Unknown

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Guest Booker with Al Snow

In an era where “PG” rated wrestling rules, it’s easy to forget about the late 90s and a wrestling product on television that featured irreverent, vulgar, and sexual themes. As today’s fan seems far less passionate about WWE offerings, perhaps what they need is a jumpstart with some of yesteryear’s themes. A product with “attitude.” This edition of Guest Booker features former OVW booker and current TNA creative member, Al Snow. Snow was right in the mix during the edgy attitude era, reminding audiences what “everybody wanted.” So how would he define the “attitude era” and just what separates that from today’s product? We figured we’d ask the always opinionated former booker that exact question. Snow tackles all that and so much more as we once again explore the lost art of booking with one of the creative minds of the business. Get ready to spend some time exploring the most controversial era in the sport with our Guest Booker…Al Snow
Released : 30th-Mar-2011

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Guest Booker with Kevin Sullivan & Gabe Sapolsky

The WWE has historically integrated competing wrestling organizations into its global machine. It’s not a longshot to assume that TNA Impact will eventually fall under the WWE umbrella. And in the spirit of the Guest Booker series, we ask “what if?”, as we have Kevin Sullivan and Gabe Sapolsky take the hypothetical spot in booking the newly acquired TNA, for Vince and the WWE. Sullivan brings to the table a pedigree of booking knowledge that extends back to his mentors Vince J. McMahon and Eddie Graham. Gabe Sapolsky learned under Paul Heyman, who was a student of Kevin’s. Now, they must sit down together and use the tools of their generation to make a TNA Impact takeover work well for wrestling’s biggest federation. Can two different schools of thought retain mutual respect and produce a product that is consistent and interesting? We will find out as Gabe and Kevin open up their heads and sort through the rosters, angles, and champions in Guest Booker!
Released : Unknown

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Guest Booker with Greg Gagne

Gagne, Crockett, Watts, Jarrett, Barnett. The biggest names behind the scenes in pro wrestling sat in a room in 1984 with one mission…beat Vince. Months of talent raids and interceptions of TV agreements stripped the territories of their power, and it was time to fight back. But egos, skullduggery and divided interests destroyed the final attempt at preserving the system. Now our Guest Booker, Greg Gagne, details the secret meetings, the interactions, and the fiasco that was Pro Wrestling USA. Through the magic of Guest Booker, we travel back and take another shot at consolidating the world of wrestling.
Released : Unknown

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Guest Booker with Mike Graham

It was supposed to be an old-school partnership. Jim Crockett Promotions was stepping in for a merger with Championship Wrestling from Florida. The promotions would have a talent swap, share their biggest cities, as well as their television exposure. Then it was over. Why? According to the late Mike Graham, son of CWF’s legendary Eddie Graham, the fix was in from the beginning. He alleges it was Crockett’s plan all along. The merger was an attempt to infiltrate and bankrupt the Florida territory that the Graham family had spent a lifetime cultivating. Mike was Eddie’s best friend. He was the only man alive with the insight into Eddie’s mind and the intricate machinations of his business, and Florida wrestling as a whole. Learn about Florida, Eddie, running the territory, fighting Crockett, Dusty’s departure and its effect on Eddie. And ultimately, the details surrounding the untimely death of Eddie Graham, told eerily enough by the son that would meet his fate soon after this taping.
Released : Unknown

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TV Credits

Sex and the City

Male Voice #3 - Based on the bestselling book by Candace Bushnell, Sex and the City tells the story of four best friends, all single and in their late thirties, as they pursue their careers and talk about their sex lives, all while trying to survive the New York social scene. 
Released : 6th-Jun-1998

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Law & Order

Court Clerk - In cases ripped from the headlines, police investigate serious and often deadly crimes, weighing the evidence and questioning the suspects until someone is taken into custody. The district attorney's office then builds a case to convict the perpetrator by proving the person guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Working together, these expert teams navigate all sides of the complex criminal justice system to make New York a safer place.
Released : 13th-Sep-1990

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Officer Nelson - Hack is a television series that aired on the American CBS television network from 2002 to 2004. The series centers on the fictional life of a former police officer, Polish-American Mike Olshansky, who left the force after being charged with corruption and now works as a taxi driver in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Released : 27th-Sep-2002

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