
Lee Willard

Born : 12th-Jun-1873

Movie Credits

A Son of Erin

Dennis O'Hara is a poverty-stricken Irishman who believes that if he comes to America he will immediately land a job as a policeman. So he manages to scrape together the funds to get him to Manhattan, and leaves his sweetheart Katie O'Grady behind while he makes his fortune. Naturally he discovers that joining the force isn't as easy as he expected, and when he does finally get in, he winds up in trouble because of the graft collections of his boss.
Released : 9th-Nov-1916

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Broncho Billy and the Greaser

Broncho Billy comes between a Mexican thug and the young woman he is disturbing. The Mexican plots revenge for the insult and captures Billy, who has rescued a lost old man. The young woman discovers Billy being held prisoner and rides for help. The townsmen gallop toward Billy's rescue.
Released : 9th-Oct-1914

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Broncho Billy and the Claim Jumpers

Broncho Billy, a prospector, makes a rich strike, but while he is examining the rock he is being watched by three claim jumpers. The minute he leaves the spot the jumpers gather up some samples of the ore, and after replacing Broncho's sign with one of their own, start for the claim agent's office.
Released : 9th-Jan-1915

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Broncho Billy's Christmas Spirit

It is Christmas Eve, and a humble prospector has spent his last cent for food. He is heartbroken to think that he cannot even buy anything for his two small children. When his wife finds a letter to Santa Claus asking for a doll and rocking horse, the prospector is desperate.
Released : 19th-Dec-1914

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Broncho Billy's Greaser Deputy

Broncho Billy, the sheriff, is in love with a girl, but another man wins her affections and marries her. He is a worthless sort of fellow, and when Broncho sees him in the saloon, drinking with an outlaw, he gives the bartender orders to sell him no more liquor. This causes a fight, but peace is soon restored.
Released : 6th-Feb-1915

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Broncho Billy and the Sheriff's Office

Broncho Billy is requested to resign his office as sheriff. John Jenkin's son is appointed his successor. The new sheriff is given a severe fright a few days later when the bad man of the town enters his office and threatens to shoot him. After this episode he sends in his resignation not having the nerve to serve as sheriff.
Released : 26th-Dec-1914

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Broncho Billy and the Escaped Bandit

A desperate bandit has escaped and finding no one about Broncho's cabin, takes refuge in the attic.
Released : 2nd-Jan-1915

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Broncho Billy and the False Note

While on the round-up, Broncho's rival one night steals his sweetheart's picture from his watch. He then returns to the girl with a note saying that Broncho has fallen in love with another girl and is returning her photograph. He signs Broncho's name. Believing Broncho's love dead, she marries the forger some time later.
Released : 30th-Jan-1915

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Greed for Gold

Greed for gold, this is what has dragged many a man downward. Skinflint, a miser, not satisfied with the gold he boards, tries to make a practice of selling whiskey to the Indians, taking from them practically all the gold they possess for just a few glasses of the fire water. Skinflint might have succeeded had it not been for Bill Riley, a prospector, who quickly takes the bottle of intoxicating liquor from the Indian and smashes it on a nearby rock. Skinflint becomes enraged and determines to get even.
Released : 30th-Oct-1913

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Broncho Billy's Elopement

Robert Johnson tries to influence his daughter, Mary, to marry Dave Morgan, much against her wishes. Broncho Billy outwits the determined father, elopes with the charming Mary and makes her his wife.
Released : 25th-Oct-1913

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Ingomar of the Hills

The bandit leader is lying wounded in his cabin on the mountain when his confederates bring in a girl whom they have kidnapped while she was on her way to join her father after a trip east.
Released : 3rd-Apr-1915

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Let Women Alone

A woman is led to believe her scheming husband is dead in this melodrama taken from the story by Viola Brothers Shore.
Released : 4th-Jan-1925

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Broncho Billy's Cowardly Brother

Broncho Billy and his brother are both in love with the same girl, but she decides to marry Broncho's brother. One Sunday morning an outlaw creates a panic in the church by "shooting up" the place. The sheriff, who is the girl's father, is shot when he attempts to arrest the outlaw. Broncho's brother is offered the sheriff's star, but is afraid to take it.
Released : 29th-Oct-1915

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The Treachery of Broncho Billy's Pal

Broncho Billy and his pal, Carl Stockdale, are in love with Peggy Adams. The two men receive a letter from the girl to the effect that the one who reaches her first shall be her husband. Broncho and Carl cut cards to see who will go, and the former wins. On the way, Broncho Billy is shot by a half-breed who has a grudge against him.
Released : 11th-Apr-1914

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Broncho Billy Well Repaid

Broncho Billy wins out over his rival for the hand of a sweet country girl. Later he meets a girl from the city and falls in love with her. He goes to his fiancée and asks her for his ring back. She gives it up, though she is brokenhearted. Then Broncho goes to the city to visit the girl who had flirted with him while she was on a vacation to the country.
Released : 9th-Jul-1915

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Broncho Billy and the Red Man

Broncho Billy saves an Indian from starvation. The Indian's intelligence is soon discovered by Broncho, who determines to make the red man a partner in his prospecting camp. An accident renders the prospector unconscious and the Indian hastens to the village for a doctor. The physician discovers that Broncho Billy's marred face is filled with dirt and gold. He tries to bribe the Indian. "Where did the explosion occur? See, Buck, I'm going to give you this money, tell me?" But the Indian is loyal.
Released : 31st-Jan-1914

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Broncho Billy and the Bad Man

To err is human, but in the end, goodness of heart will prevail and the one who has committed an offense against man-made laws may come out of the mire and develop into a law abiding and god-fearing citizen. Broncho Billy, from being one of the most desperate characters in the west, is reformed through the kind treatment accorded him at the hands of the sheriff and his wife, and is made deputy.
Released : 24th-Jan-1914

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Broncho Billy-Guardian

Broncho Billy hears a child scream and rushes on the scene in time to prevent Jim Haley, a big brute of a man, from beating his little daughter, Josie, with a horse whip. Later, Haley and Pedro, a half-breed, are caught rustling cattle and are given the customary treatment, but not before Haley writes a note to Josie, stating that the boys will take care of her. The boys send Josie east to school and ten years later, when she returns a young lady, they all fall in love with her.
Released : 17th-Jan-1914

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Broncho Billy Reforms

Broncho Billy and his pals plot to rob the general store. Broncho Billy is elected to go into the store and engage the proprietor in conversation while the others enter the rear door and rob the till.
Released : 13th-Sep-1913

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Broncho Billy's Word of Honor

Broncho Billy and his pals hold up a stagecoach. In rifling the mail bag, Broncho discovers a letter from his mother in which she begs him to come back home, as she is dying. Before he can comply, he and his band are captured. He is placed in charge of a young man, who hopes to get enough money from the reward for the capture of the bandits to marry his sweetheart.
Released : 4th-Jun-1915

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Broncho Billy's Vengeance

Broncho's former wife writes a note to him shortly before her death, asking him to forgive her, also the other man. Broncho is heartbroken at hearing of her death, and his memory takes him back to the days when they were happily married. Then this scoundrel came into her life and finally succeeded in parting them.
Released : 6th-Mar-1915

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Broncho Billy's Brother

Broncho's brother has a quarrel with a greaser. In the fight that follows the greaser is bested, but swears to be avenged. Broncho's brother then goes home and while under the influence of liquor, strikes his mother. Broncho, hearing her screams, rushes into the room, but by this time his brother has departed.
Released : 27th-Feb-1915

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Broncho Billy and the Vigilante

The cattle owners have formed a lynching party and are in pursuit of a rustler who has been ravaging the country. Broncho Billy, the sheriff, goes after him and captures him single handed. He takes the prisoner to a hotel for the night, and while in the barroom the lynching party comes along. They leave their shotguns outside and step in for a drink.
Released : 20th-Feb-1915

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His Regeneration

A rough criminal gets a second chance at life thanks to a kindly (and wealthy) lady saloon patron. But he hasn't gone straight yet, as he and a partner attempt to rob the home of a rich homeowner-- whose wife is asleep in the next room.
Released : 7th-May-1915

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Snakeville's New Doctor

In these days of women's equal rights, it is not strange to find the fair sex taking the places of men in every occupation. Women physicians are not unusual, but a really beautiful one is, and would have her hands full taking care of every lovesick swain, who would develop every known disease to have the pleasure of letting her feel his pulse or hold his head.
Released : 10th-Jan-1914

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A Romance of the Hills

Caleb Breen and Lucy Oliver are sweethearts and intend to marry just as soon as Breen strikes gold. Will Drummond arrives at Hillsdale, where he visits Henry McLean, a wealthy ranchman. Ruth, the ranchman's daughter, is engaged to Drummond. The stranger from the east meets Lucy one fine October morning, and the two become quite chummy.
Released : 4th-Dec-1913

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The Trail of the Snake Band

"Chuck" Peters, a gambler, is in love with Nell Braley, the daughter of the town saloon keeper. Nell, however, loves Bob Coleman, a cattleman. The express messenger is held up in the woods and the bandit escapes, leaving a snake hatband as a clue. Coleman inherits money, and as he is riding to the next town, finds the hatband and buckles it around his sombrero.
Released : 18th-Dec-1913

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The Hills of Peace

Being in ill health, Fred Church goes west. Arriving there, he goes into partnership with Carl Stockdale. A few days after they strike pay dirt, Fred is taken with a paroxysm of coughing and Stockdale sends him back to the cabin to rest up. Realizing that the end is near, he writes a letter to his mother and sister, telling them he is going into the valley and not to worry if they do not hear from him, that his partner will send them his share every week.
Released : 8th-Jan-1914

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A Night on the Road

A knight of the grip has many inconveniences to contend with, and not only that, but often his very life is in danger. Such is the case with John Duncan, a traveling man, who was obliged to remain overnight at a small inn located in the far west. The hotel-keeper, an unscrupulous Italian, with the help of two ruffians, schemes to steal Duncan's money and do away with him.
Released : 22nd-Jan-1914

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The Strategy of Broncho Billy's Sweetheart

Broncho Billy shoots an outlaw for making a disrespectful remark about his sweetheart. After the shooting he hastens to her home and tells her he has shot a man, but does not know who he is. Shortly after the remainder of the gang of outlaws arrive and, to learn the direction Broncho went, tell her it was her father who was shot.
Released : 26th-Sep-1914

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Broncho Billy Trapped

Broncho and his wife arrive in a new country and settle. They are treated with all kindness by a man who later turns out to be a moonshiner, and Broncho, not having any special occupation, is induced to help the outlaw in his work. One day while Broncho is at work, the moonshiner goes to his helper's home and forces his affections upon his wife.
Released : 3rd-Oct-1914

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When Slippery Slim Met the Champion

Slim is elected to try to last three rounds against the world's champion boxer in order to win $100.
Released : 8th-Oct-1914

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The Calling of Jim Barton

A mother's heart always goes out to her wayward son. Jim Barton caused his mother constant worry, and one night his father caught him in the act of tampering with the family strong box. Jim is severely admonished and that night runs away, leaving a note to his mother to the effect that he will never return. The parents are broken-hearted, but are consoled by their other son, who is a good, honest lad.
Released : 14th-Feb-1914

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Broncho Billy -- Favorite

Having refused to accompany either Broncho Billy or the mail carrier to a dance at the town hall, Broncho's sweetheart accepts the invitation of his best pal. Broncho takes the defeat gracefully and decides to leave the country, while the mail carrier tries to force her to go with him. She pulls a gun on him. He snatches it away from her, then leaves a note telling that he will turn the "plaything" over to her sweetheart if he calls for it at the saloon. Her sweetheart is afraid to do this, but tells Broncho of the affair and he immediately goes to the saloon, where he overpowers the mail carrier, taking the gun away from him. He then departs.
Released : 24th-Oct-1914

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Broncho Billy -- Gun-Man

Jack Holmes, a squatter, and his daughter, Margaret, settle on land owned by Harry Rawlins. Broncho Billy, gunman, is engaged by Rawlins to eject the squatter or put him out of the way. Broncho is wounded by a half-breed and Margaret nurses him back to health. The gunman then refuses to turn Holmes out.
Released : 25th-Apr-1914

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Broncho Billy's Mission

The city girl decides to turn over a new leaf and go west where she can start life anew. Several years later finds her the wife of a minister in a small western town and extremely happy. One day she and her husband find Broncho Billy, an outlaw, lying in the road suffering from a wound. They take him to their home, and while the minister hastens for a doctor, his wife dresses the wound. She steps into an adjoining room, where she is confronted by the man who had been so cruel to her years before. He threatens to expose her if she refuses to give him money.
Released : 7th-Nov-1914

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Red Riding Hood of the Hills

Marguerite becomes weary as the hours and the Overland Limited roll on. Her trip from New York to the far west was a tedious one, and it is with a sigh of relief that she steps from the observation platform to pluck some flowers. The train had stopped for water. Marguerite wanders into the woods and when she returns, discovers that the train had pulled off. She is alone in a new country, without friends or funds.
Released : 23rd-May-1914

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The Other Girl

The artist sits in his studio painting a picture. The girl comes in and greets him affectionately. Then she leaves and joins some friends who are selling tags for a charity organization. They all go to a cabaret with a man friend. The artist, accompanied by a chum, goes into the place and sees the girl. He reproaches her and she returns his ring. He goes into the country to paint. While there he meets the other girl, a sweet, unspoiled child of nature. He paints her picture and she falls in love with him. A tree which she and her father are cutting falls on the artist. They bring him to their cabin and the doctor says there is little hope for his recovery. The artist raves about the girl and the other girl determines to bring her to save his life.
Released : 14th-May-1915

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The Revenue Agent

The girl, on guard at the mountain defile, sees a strange man with all the accouterments of a painter. She hails him and he explains he is a landscape artist. Tom, coming along a moment later, also challenges him and is reassured of the stranger's calling when the stranger paints his picture. As the days go by, the painter and the girl meet frequently and Tom's attentions to the girl begin to be unwelcome, Tom is consumed with jealousy, but he likes the painter and he is a good loser. Then comes the denouement. The moonshiners learn that the painter is a revenue agent. Tom is about to kill him, but the girl buys his life at the price of her happiness. She tells Tom she will marry him if the spy goes free.
Released : 21st-May-1915

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Broncho Billy and the Land Grabber

Broncho works for a despicable land grabber who treats his help like a brute. The men finally plot to lynch the land grabber. Broncho races on his horse ahead of them and tells him of the plot.
Released : 18th-Jun-1915

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Broncho Billy and the Sheriff

Broncho Billy, a cowpuncher, is elected to the office of deputy. The sheriff is in love with Gertrude Scott and fears that his deputy is smitten with her. An outlaw has been terrorizing the town and the sheriff determines to capture him. He meets the outlaw in the woods, gives him money and promises him his release the following day if he will give himself up.
Released : 11th-Jul-1914

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Broncho Billy and the Gambler

Broncho Billy, an express rider, is married to Stasia Wynn, daughter of Grant Wynn. John Mackey, a gambler, comes to town and Wynn loses all his money to him. Broncho Billy buys his wife a scarf pin, which her father steals and loses to the gambler. Mackey is caught cheating and is driven from town.
Released : 25th-Jul-1914

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Broncho Billy's Judgment

Broncho Billy and his pal are in love with the same girl. They argue one night as to which one she really loves. Broncho suggests that they go to her home and settle the matter. They arrive just in time to see the girl marrying a gambler who is known to be a low-down good-for-nothing by both Broncho and his pal.
Released : 5th-Dec-1914

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Sophie's Fatal Wedding

Slippery Slim receives an invitation to attend the wedding of Sophie and Mustang Pete. He is brokenhearted, and when he goes to Sophie's home to plead with her he is locked out. He leaves a note telling her that he is going to shoot himself, but he loses his nerve.
Released : 3rd-Dec-1914

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The Tell-Tale Hand

Tim Cantle, an evil-looking fellow, is drinking at a bar. The saloonkeeper's daughter enters, and Tim, slightly tipsy, tries to kiss her. She struggles to escape him. Broncho Billy enters and draws his gun. Tim flees. Tim gets his horse and rides away. As he approaches a house on a hill nearby, he sees Annie Fargo run out of her home, her father cursing her. Tim seizes and kisses her. She strikes him in the face and screams. Her father then comes out and drives Tim away. He sends Annie back into the house, following her with his gun. Tim swears vengeance.
Released : 19th-Nov-1914

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Broncho Billy's Double Escape

Broncho Billy, an outlaw, while being pursued by the sheriff of Bear County, crosses the line into Gulch County. Later he is captured by the Gulch County authorities, who wire to the neighboring sheriff's office to send a man to bring the prisoner back. A deputy sheriff is sent and that night they stop at a small hotel. Broncho and the deputy become quite friendly and Broncho induces him to remove his handcuffs. While Broncho Billy sleeps the deputy steals downstairs and enters a card game. He loses heavily. He returns to the room and tells Broncho of his loss. They then both turn in for the night. While the deputy sleeps, Broncho slips his gun from his pocket, goes downstairs and holds up the gamblers. Without waking his guardian, he places the loot on the table, then writes a note, telling the deputy that he has gone to the boundary and will be waiting for him there.
Released : 28th-Nov-1914

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When Love and Honor Called

Broncho Billy is sent on a secret mission to a small Arizona town. There he meets a beautiful girl, Elizabeth Barton, who is betrothed to a handsome daredevil, Juan Martin, of the Bar-O Ranch. Broncho is given a job by the foreman, George Chisholm. At a dance Martin and another cow-puncher quarrel. Martin draws his gun but Broncho Billy interferes. Martin is enraged and attempts to shoot Broncho. He takes the gun from him, takes the cartridges out and hands it back. Martin plots with the cook and other members of the outfit to poison the coffee of the foreman and steal the cattle. He hopes to throw the blame for the murder and theft on Broncho Billy.
Released : 18th-Jan-1915

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The Western Way

The highwayman, watching through the window of the ramshackle express office, sees the messenger pass a large sum of money under the charge of the agent. A few minute later the messenger, an old man, is held up and robbed by the highwayman. His pursuing shots attract the attention of the sheriff and he starts in pursuit. The highwayman is wounded and drags himself to the barn of a rancher. The rancher saves him from his pursuers and earns his gratitude. A few days later the rancher learns that the police are on his trail for a crime he had committed years before.
Released : 20th-Mar-1915

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Andy of the Royal Mounted

Andy of the Royal Mounted and another trooper are both in love with a little school teacher, who shows the light of knowledge to the children of the settlers in a tiny Canadian hamlet. The school teacher favors Andy's suit and the other trooper is correspondingly despondent. He loses gracefully because Andy is his best friend, but his trouble preys on him. He goes into a saloon, gets drunk and is caught by his colonel and discharged from the service. Later, he shoots a gambler in a brawl and while making his getaway, rescues the school teacher from death when her horse runs away.
Released : 10th-Apr-1915

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Broncho Billy Wins Out

Broncho Billy and the coward are both in love with the school teacher at Snakeville. Broncho is accepted, and the coward, mad with jealousy, induces the unsuspecting rival to carry through a mock hold-up. When Broncho Billy appears as a highwayman, the school teacher shoots at him. The coward has left the crowd and fires at Broncho.
Released : 15th-Aug-1914

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His Wife's Secret

A burglar enters a darkened house to rob. A young wife, home alone, phones her husband at the club, begging him to come home. He returns stinking drunk and the decent-hearted burglar must intervene.
Released : 23rd-Apr-1915

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