
Fabrício Boliveira

Fabrício Boliveira, nome artístico de Genisson Fabrício Boliveira Pereira (Salvador, 26 de abril de 1982), é um ator brasileiro. De uma família classe média, Fabrício cresceu no bairro da Vila Laura, em Salvador, ao lado da mãe, pai e dois irmãos Desde criança, Fabrício Boliveira frequentava teatros e sua mãe tinha feito teatro também. Fabricio é amigo de infancia de um professor de literatura conhecido no ciclo baiano chamado Rafael Mendes, este que por sua vez escrevia peças interpretadas pelo amigo actor. Quando adolescente, Fabrício Boliveira fez um curso de teatro no Solar Boa Vista, por 2 anos, em Salvador. Ainda estudando, participou de um festival de cinema, onde atuou e ajudou a roteirizar e dirigir. O primeiro trabalho artístico profissional de Fabrício Boliveira foi na peça baiana "Capitães da Areia", produção da Cia. Baiana de Patifaria, dirigida por Lelo Filho e Fernanda Paquelet em 2002, quando ainda era estudante da Ufba. Na adaptação teatral do romance de Jorge Amado, o ator deu vida a João Grande, o segundo na hierarquia da gangue de rua liderada por Pedro Bala. Vista por cerca de 40 mil pessoas, em duas temporadas em Salvador e viagens pelo interior e por outros estados, o espetáculo ofereceu o terreno fértil para o começo de Fabrício Boliveira. Além de "Capitães da Areia", Fabrício Boliveira esteve no elenco das peças "A Invasão" (2004); "A Farsa da Boa Preguiça" (2004).; "Cinderela Black Power" e "Antonio, Meu Santo". No cinema, além de alguns curtas, Fabrício participou do longa "A Máquina", de João Falcão. A estréia de Fabrício Boliveira na televisão foi em 2006, com o escravo Bastião, de Sinhá Moça (2006), que chamou atenção pelo tom de dissimulação do personagem e pela desenvoltura do novato no vídeo. Pelo papel, ganhou o Prêmio Contigo de ator revelação em 2007. O ator, que tinha terminado há pouco tempo o curso de interpretação na Escola de Teatro da Ufba, havia se cadastrado no banco de atores da emissora. Depois, participou de um episódio da série "Cidade dos Homens" e fez o Saci no "Sítio do Picapau Amarelo". Antes, em 2004, havia atuado em "O Bêbado em Cama Alheia", do Pólo de Teledramaturgia da Bahia. A paixão do ator pela televisão veio da publicidade. Bem antes de se tornar ator profissional, Fabrício Boliveira pôde ser visto na Bahia fazendo várias campanhas publicitárias, seja para produtos, eventos, políticos e governos. Entre 2003 e 2005 foi apresentador do programa "Tô Chegando". Em 2008, o ator participa da novela "A Favorita", da Rede Globo. No final de 2009, atuou na peça "Quebramar", de Tarcísio Lara Puiati, com Letícia Cannavale e Brisa Caleri, com direção de Renato Farias. Fabrício Boliveira está no elenco do filme "400 Contra 1" que estreou em Agosto de 2010. Recentemente, Fabrício também foi confirmado como o ator que dara vida a João de Santo Cristo, no filme Faroeste Caboclo, baseado na música de Renato Russo. Born : 26th-Apr-1982

Movie Credits

Juntos A Magia Acontece 2

Released : 19th-Dec-2021

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400 Against 1: A History of Organized Crime

The story of William da Silva Lima, the last survivor of the group that founded the Comando Vermelho at the end of the 1970s. It shows him living together with the political prisoners incurred under the same National Security Law and his leadership in the Ilha Grande Prison creating a type of unheard of conduct and solidarity in the Brazilian prisons. The film goes on to tell of the group's actions on the streets of Rio de Janeiro during the beginning of the 80s when they irritated the police with their daring robberies, as well as portraying the surprising love story between William and Tereza. The narrative weaves its way between the intimate conflict and the spectacular assaults and escapes.
Released : 22nd-Jul-2010

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Brazil 1821. Upon his return to the imposing farmhouse, Antonio, a rich cattle herder, finds out that his wife dies in labor. Forced to live in the property with numerous African slaves, he marries his wife's niece. A restless soul, he returns to droving, leaving his young wife behind alone with the slaves.
Released : 28th-Sep-2017

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Amores Pandêmicos

The film “Amores Pandêmicos” portrays the story of three couples who experience different phases of love during quarantine. As the pandemic continues, the characters are forced to seek new ways to create, love and maintain healthy mental health, which is somewhat impossible.
Released : 26th-Jul-2023

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Eduardo and Monica

On an unusual day, a series of coincidences lead Eduardo to meet Monica at a party. A curiosity is aroused between the two and, despite not being alike, they fall madly in love. In 1980s Brasília, their love needs to mature and learn to overcome differences.
Released : 20th-Jan-2022

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Brazilian Western

When João goes to Brazil in search of a better life, he meets punk music enthusiast Maria and falls in love with her. But his involvement in the local drug trade makes him the target of a vicious drug lord.
Released : 31st-May-2013

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Biopic about the late Joãozinho Trinta, a self-taught classical dancer who turned Rio's Carnival into an international phenomenon in the 1970s and '80s by directing parades for samba schools and putting focus on costumes and decor.
Released : 18th-Oct-2013

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Work in progress by Sabrina Fidalgo.
Released : Unknown

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Released : 25th-Oct-2022

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Nise: The Heart of Madness

After being released from prison, Dr. Nise da Silveira is back at work in a psychiatric hospital on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro where she refuses to employ the new and violent electroshock in the treatment of schizophrenics. Ridiculed by doctors, she is forced to take on the abandoned Sector for Occupational Therapy, where she would start a revolution through paintings, animals and love.
Released : 21st-Apr-2016

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Perfeitos Desconhecidos

Released : 10th-Apr-2025

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Operações Especiais

In a crime-plagued area of Rio de Janeiro, a team of honest cops, including a determined rookie, fights corruption and mistrust on all sides.
Released : 7th-Oct-2015

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The film tells the saga of Guima, a young poet who believes he suffers from “solar ultra violence” during the hottest summer in 50 years in Salvador. The alleged disease is caused by the relentless heat that hits the city. Under the marginal eyes of Guima, in a mix of reality and fantasy, the film presents a tropical/chaotic Salvador, as opposed to the stereotypical city seen in postcards, on a journey of a search for a redemptive air conditioning that can rid this contemporary antihero of what suffocates his existence.
Released : 5th-Apr-2018

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Elite Squad: The Enemy Within

After a bloody invasion of the BOPE in the High-Security Penitentiary Bangu 1 in Rio de Janeiro to control a rebellion of interns, the Lieutenant-Colonel Roberto Nascimento and the second in command Captain André Matias are accused by the Human Right Aids member Diogo Fraga of execution of prisoners. Matias is transferred to the corrupted Military Police and Nascimento is exonerated from the BOPE by the Governor.
Released : 8th-Oct-2010

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A phenomenon of popularity in the 1960s, Wilson Simonal saw his meteoric career fall apart when he was accused of collaborating with the Brazilian military dictatorship.
Released : 8th-Aug-2019

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A retired army sergeant, a police officer and his wife and a drug dealer apparently have nothing in common, but they will unite for a greater good. When people start using explosives to fish on the edge of Salvador, Bahia, this group will do everything to end this environmental crime. But in the search for the paths that seem most correct, each one of them will go through more personal and moral conflicts.
Released : 21st-Jun-2018

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Além do Homem

Brazilian writer Alberto Luppo has lived in Paris for years and does not want to return to his home country. But when a French anthropologist disappears in the interior of Brazil, Alberto is forced to return to his homeland to turn the story into a book. However, during the journey, between fear and enchantment, he surrenders to his destiny. Guided by Bethânea, he discovers in everything he despised, the beauty of his own identity.
Released : 28th-Jun-2018

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The Machine

In Nordestina, a small town lost in the Brazilian badlands, young Karina dreams of becoming an actress and leaving to explore the world. Before losing his love, Dona Nazaré’s son, Antônio, takes the first step in a kamikaze crusade to bring the world to Karina. For that, Antônio leaves town and announces, in a TV show that he will set off on a sensational adventure: a trip into the future, starting from Nordestina’s square. A story where dreams contradict reality, geographical and political conditions threaten to block life, and love plays the part of the transforming element.
Released : 24th-Mar-2006

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Eu, Minha Mãe e Wallace

The story of a photograph: A single mother, an absent father and a child.
Released : 4th-Sep-2018

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Burning Night

Down on his luck and recently divorced, Paulo has begun driving a cab around Rio, hoping he’ll make enough to send his ex money to support their ten-year-old son. He mostly works nights, so in addition to his encounters with a colourful variety of customers, colleagues, cops and others, he must cope with loneliness, fatigue and new faces in his life.
Released : 21st-May-2020

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Juntos a Magia Acontece

The death of the matriarch on Christmas eve provokes a crisis that makes the family review attitudes and give a new meaning to the date.
Released : 25th-Dec-2019

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The Staff

Rutger is an ET with the mission of spending 72 hours on Earth to understand human behavior. As an undercover, he pretends to be a documentarist and chooses the city of Rio de Janeiro to begin his research.
Released : 15th-Aug-2013

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Falas Negras

The special features 22 real testimonials from people like Mandela, Martin Luther King and Marielle Franco, who fought racism and freedom in favor of justice.
Released : 20th-Nov-2020

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TV Credits

Sinhá Moça

Bastião - Monarchists and republicans meet in Araruna, a small fictional town in the interior of São Paulo, in 1886. The novel portrays the love story of the beautiful and wealthy Sinhá Moça - daughter of the slave, Barão Ferreira de Araruna, and sweet and submissive Mother Candida - , with the young abolitionist lawyer Dr. Rodolfo Fontes - son of Dr. Fontes, and the housewife Inêz. Together, they face the difficulties in the campaign for the abolition of slaves.
Released : 13th-Mar-2006

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Cleiton - Conceição is a poor girl that left Minas Gerais in search for a new life, away from the coal ovens. She runs away on a cargo train to Rio de Janeiro, where later she takes shelter with a loving family in Rio's suburbs. She falls in love with Cleiton, a hard working and rebel young man, who grew up without a father and lives between good and evil. Conceição becomes a brazilian funk star, but she doesn't loose her pure nature, reassuring her integrity before the obstacles of life. These common people face a recurring dilemma to all of us: How to maintain your notion of justice, ethics and morals, in times of violence, inequity and decadence of values?
Released : 1st-Nov-2012

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Nada Será Como Antes

Péricles - Set in the 1950s, the plot follows the fictional creation of the first Brazilian TV station.
Released : 27th-Sep-2016

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Que História é Essa, Porchat?

Self -
Released : 6th-Aug-2019

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Segundo Sol

Roberval dos Santos Athayde - Luzia is a hard working mother whose life is turned upside down when she falls in love with Beto Falcão, a declining singer who regains his fame after taken for dead. But this romance jeopardizes the ambitious plans of Beto's ex-girlfriend and a devious bawd who will do anything to put an end to the musician's infatuation. In order to save her life, Luiza leaves her little children behind, flees the country and becomes DJ Ariella. Years later she comes back to fight fiercely for a second chance at reuniting her family, unaware she will soon meet again the love of her past and her tormentors.
Released : 14th-May-2018

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A Favorita

Eduardo Rosa (Didu) - Donatela and Flora, two friends who became rivals. One of them committed a homicide and pretends to be innocent. There are two versions for the same story. Who, after all, is telling the truth? Donatela or Flora?
Released : 2nd-Jun-2008

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Tempos Modernos

Nabuco Mota -
Released : 11th-Jan-2010

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Boogie Oogie

Tadeu Marques dos Santos - In the swing of the 70s, two women fight for the love of the same man without knowing their fates were already intertwined.
Released : 4th-Aug-2014

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Sítio do Picapau Amarelo

Saci Pererê - The series exhibited several stories based on folklore and mythology , with characters such as Cuca, Saci Pererê and Iara from Brazilian folklore and then later with several characters from fairytales, fables, literature and greek mythology. The residents of Sítio, Emília, Narizinho, Pedrinho, Dona Benta and Tia Nastacia live several adventures with a lot of the mystery and dangers that haunt the remote town of Arraial do Tucanos.
Released : 12th-Oct-2001

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Volta por Cima

Jão (Jorge Correia) -
Released : 30th-Sep-2024

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Treze Dias Longe do Sol

Major Marco Antônio - The collapse of a medical center in construction - over invoiced by the engineer in charge - creates two parallel realities: under the debris, the engineer himself, the daughter of the construction's main investor and a few workers struggle to survive. Meanwhile, above ground, there is a frenetic chase for those to blame.
Released : 2nd-Nov-2017

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