
Janet Fielding

Janet Claire Mahoney (born 9 September 1953), known professionally as Janet Fielding, is an Australian actress best known for her role as Tegan Jovanka in the British television series Doctor Who. She was a regular cast member from 1981 to 1984, alongside both Tom Baker and Peter Davison, and reprised the role some times in subsequent decades, both on Doctor Who and its spin-off audiodramas from Big Finish Productions. Born : 9th-Sep-1953

Movie Credits

Doctor Who Live: The Next Doctor

Zoe Ball hosts a live celebration in which the next actor to land Doctor Who's lead role is revealed, in the company of former cast members and celebrity fans.
Released : 4th-Aug-2013

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Myth Makers 5: Janet Fielding

Janet Fielding played the Australian air stewardess Tegan in Doctor Who from 1980 to 1983. She started with Tom Baker and then did every Peter Davison story except his last two! Janet is a founder of Women in Film and Television UK which she ran for the first four years. When legendary London agent Marina Martin was ready to retire she recruited Janet to take over her eponymous agency. As an agent, Janet represented Paul McGann when he was offered the part of The Doctor in the 1996 Doctor Who TV pilot. In 2008, she moved to Ramsgate and started Project MotorHouse, which is a charity and social enterprise that works with local youths and specializes in photographic projects. This unique Myth Makers combines two interviews recorded with Janet in 1985 and 2020.
Released : 1st-Dec-1985

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The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot

With the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who about to film, the "classic" Doctors Peter Davison, Colin Baker and Sylvester McCoy are keen to be involved. But do they manage it?
Released : 23rd-Nov-2013

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Doctor Who: The Passenger

Tegan Jovanka's adventures continue... but not in the way she expected!
Released : 13th-Jul-2023

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Doctor Who: Jovanka Airlines

Jovanka Airlines was a short webcast made to coincide with the release of Doctor Who: The Collection — Season 19 Blu-ray boxset and released as part of The Season 19 Safety Video with Tegan Jovanka. As the name suggests, Tegan examined the special features of the release as if they were safety procedures on an aeroplane.
Released : 21st-Aug-2018

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The PanoptiCon Tapes VI

6. Panopticon VII - 1986 was the 10th Anniversary of the DWAS and for the first time professional cameras were there to record the event. This special production includes highlights from the convention, home movies from early Panopticons (featuring Tom Baker and Patrick Troughton) and the reminiscences from organisers, actors and production staff about the early days of fandom. However, you’ll see lots of other personalities from other eras as we stop along the way to look at particular aspects of the programme.
Released : 1st-Dec-1986

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The Doctors: The Peter Davison Years

This is the definitive set of interviews with the team who brought the Peter Davison era of Doctor Who to life! This documentary includes the best in-depth interviews with Janet Fielding (Tegan), Sarah Sutton (Nyssa), Matthew Waterhouse (Adric), Mark Strickson (Turlough) and Anthony Ainley (The Third Master) ever undertaken! Plus two more special productions featuring Peter Davison and his assistants at 1980s DOCTOR WHO conventions!
Released : 11th-Feb-2020

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Tales of Television Centre

Various actors, presenters, directors and other staff who have worked at the iconic BBC Television Centre at Shepherd's Bush in London reminisce about their time there.
Released : 17th-May-2012

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Doctor Who: The Caves of Androzani

Arriving on the barren world of Androzani Minor, the Doctor and Peri find themselves embroiled in a long running, literal underground war. At the heart of the conflict is a substance called Spectrox - both valuable and deadly! The Doctor & Peri wind up being poisoned by the material, which is killing them slowly and painfully unless they can find a cure. As the conflict heats up and the situation gets more desperate, the Doctor realises time is running out - both for Peri and himself...
Released : 16th-Mar-1984

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Doctor Who: Resurrection of the Daleks

Captured in a time corridor, the Doctor and his companions are forced to land on 20th century Earth, diverted by the Doctor's oldest enemy - the Daleks. It is here the true purpose of the time corridor becomes apparent: after ninety years of imprisonment, Davros, the ruthless creator of the Daleks, is to be liberated to assist in the resurrection of his army. Not even the Daleks foresee the poisonous threat of their creator. Indeed, who would suspect Davros of wanting to destroy his own Daleks - and why? Only the Doctor knows the truth. Will he descend to Davros' level of evil to stop him?
Released : 15th-Feb-1984

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Doctor Who: Castrovalva

The Doctor needs somewhere peaceful to recover from his traumatic regeneration. But the sanctuary of Castrovalva is not all it seems, as the Master will stop at nothing to gain his revenge over the Doctor...
Released : 12th-Jan-1982

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Doctor Who: Arc of Infinity

Omega, an ancient Time Lord made of pure anti-matter, once defeated by the Doctor, is plotting to cross over into this dimension by bonding with the Doctor. Meanwhile, the disappearance of a man in Amsterdam piques the curiosity of his cousin, Tegan, who previously left the Doctor at Heathrow Airport and now finds herself at Omega's mercy. Fearing total destruction from the collision of matter and antimatter, the Time Lords recall the Doctor to Gallifrey to undertake the only viable solution: executing him!
Released : 12th-Jan-1983

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Doctor Who: The Visitation

In 17th century England, the Doctor and itinerant thespian Richard Mace uncover a plot by a crew of criminal Terileptils to wipe out humanity.
Released : 23rd-Feb-1982

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Doctor Who: Kinda

The TARDIS lands on the idyllic jungle world of Deva Loka, which is being surveyed for possible Earth colonisation. Deva Loka is already home to a race of apparent savages, however: a mysterious people with strange powers which have mentally unbalanced the members of the expedition. To make matters worse, an ancient enemy of the natives known as the Mara is intent upon revenge, and latches onto Tegan's mind as its bridgehead to victory.
Released : 9th-Feb-1982

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Doctor Who: Black Orchid

The TARDIS arrives in 1925 England where the Doctor ends up playing in a local cricket match due to a case of mistaken identity. The travellers accept an invitation to a masked fancy dress ball, but events take on a more sinister tone as murders are perpetrated at the country home of their host, Lord Charles Cranleigh.
Released : 2nd-Mar-1982

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Doctor Who: Four to Doomsday

The Doctor and his companions arrive on a spaceship headed for Earth, populated by natives of Earth from various different eras and commanded by the leaders of the Urbankan race. What are the Urbankans' intentions when they reach Earth?
Released : 26th-Jan-1982

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Doctor Who: Snakedance

Tegan falls once more under the influence of the Mara and directs the TARDIS to the planet Manussa. There, the Federator's son Lon and his mother Tanha are preparing for a ceremony to celebrate the banishment of the Mara five hundred years earlier. The Mara takes control of Lon and uses him and Tegan to obtain from Ambril, the Director of Historical Research, the 'Great Crystal' - the large blue stone that originally brought it into being by focusing energy from the minds of the planet's one-time inhabitants. The Mara now plans to use the crystal during the ceremony to bring about its return to corporeal existence.
Released : 26th-Jan-1983

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Doctor Who: Warriors of the Deep

The Fifth Doctor, Tegan and Turlough arrive on Sea Base 4, a nuclear warhead station under the sea that has some very nasty neighbours.
Released : 13th-Jan-1984

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Doctor Who: Time-Flight

While investigating a vanishing Concorde at Heathrow Airport, the Doctor and his companions are thrown millions of years back in time, when a mysterious alien called Kalid is trying to control the ancient powers of the Xeraphin.
Released : 30th-Mar-1982

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Doctor Who: Terminus

The TARDIS attaches itself to a space liner after Turlough, still under the Black Guardian's influence, damages its controls. The Doctor and Nyssa meet two space pirates, Kari and Olvir, who have come on board the liner in search of plunder, while Tegan and Turlough get lost in the infrastructure. The liner docks with what appears to be a hulk floating in space. This is Terminus, which claims to offer a cure for Lazar's disease. It is crewed by armoured slave workers, the Vanir. The cure is administered by a huge, dog-like creature known as the Garm. Nyssa, who has contracted the disease from sufferers transported aboard the liner, discovers that the cure - involving exposure to radiation - does actually work.
Released : 23rd-Feb-1983

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Doctor Who: Enlightenment

An Edwardian yacht in deep space races around the planets. There is a double agent in the TARDIS crew. The White Guardian warns the Fifth Doctor of great danger. Turlough must finally choose sides and at the end of the race lies the prize of Enlightenment.
Released : 9th-Mar-1983

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Doctor Who: Mawdryn Undead

A warp ellipse draws the TARDIS off course. The Fifth Doctor's companions are separated from him not in space, but in time, and he has to deal with a treacherous schoolboy named Turlough. But why does the Doctor's old friend, the Brigadier, not remember him at all?
Released : 9th-Feb-1983

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Doctor Who: The King's Demons

The Doctor and his companions arrive at a medieval joust and are surprised to be greeted warmly by King John, who calls them his demons. But when a young nobleman returns, having just left King John in London, the Doctor realises that this king must be an impostor! Then the Master makes an appearance and the Doctor's worst fears are confirmed...
Released : 16th-Mar-1983

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Doctor Who: The Awakening

The Doctor, Tegan and Turlough arrive in Little Hodcombe, where the townspeople's re-enactments of English Civil War battles are causing a dormant entity, the Malus, to re-awaken.
Released : 20th-Jan-1984

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Doctor Who: Frontios

"Frontios buries its own dead", or so the saying goes. The Doctor, Turlough and Tegan are forced into landing on the remote planet of Frontios, a human colony where deaths go unaccounted for. What lies beneath the surface, dragging its victims down?
Released : 3rd-Feb-1984

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Doctor Who: Logopolis

After an encounter with the Master, an airline stewardess named Tegan Jovanka becomes an unwitting stowaway aboard the TARDIS as it travels to the planet Logopolis. There, the Doctor discovers that the Master's interference with the Logopolitans' advanced mathematics has unleashed a wave of entropy which threatens to consume the entire universe.
Released : 21st-Mar-1981

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Doctor Who: Earthshock

The Doctor and his companions must prevent the Cybermen from bombing the Earth in the 26th century. It is a battle not everyone will survive...
Released : 16th-Mar-1982

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Peter Davison in Conversation

A newly-shot one-hour interview ‘Peter Davison In Conversation with Matthew Sweet
Released : 4th-Dec-2018

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Doctor Who: The Five Doctors

Many incarnations of the Doctors and their old companions are taken out of time and deposited in the Death Zone on Gallifrey. There, they must battle the Master, Daleks, Cybermen and Yeti in order to reach the Dark Tower and discover the Tomb of Rassilon.
Released : 25th-Nov-1983

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Celebration: Doctor Who in 1983

Producer Steve Broster takes a look back to 1983 and the celebration of Doctor Who's twentieth anniversary, including the production and transmission of 'The Five Doctors', the media interest and the BBC Enterprises' event at Longleat House. Featuring actors Peter Davison, Elisabeth Sladen, Nicholas Courtney, Mark Strickson, Janet Fielding, Carole Ann Ford, John Leeson, Richard Franklin and Caroline John, writer Terrance Dicks, director Peter Moffatt, visual effects designer Mike Kelt, new series writers Paul Cornell and Gareth Roberts, prominent fans Andrew Beech, Ian Levine, Richard Molesworth and James Goss. Presented by Colin Baker.
Released : 3rd-Mar-2008

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Doctor Who: The Television Centre of the Universe

Blue Peter presenter Yvette Fielding takes Peter Davison, Mark Strickson and Janet Fielding on a trip through BBC Television Centre, meeting up with old friends and colleagues as they reminisce on their time spent working in the iconic building. With film traffic supervisor Neville Withers, assistant floor manager Sue Hedden, costume designer Odile Dicks-Mireaux, production assistant Jane Ashford, make-up artists Joan Stribling and Carolyn Perry, former BBC producer and writer Richard Marson, senior camera supervisor Alec Wheal, exhibitions assistant Bob Richardson and videotape engineer Simon Anthony.
Released : 26th-Oct-2015

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Myth Runner

A spoof of Blade Runner, built around bloopers and outtakes from the Myth Makers series of videos, featuring interviews with actors from the Doctor Who TV series.
Released : 1st-Jan-1987

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Doctor Who: The Ultimate Companion

Peter Davison is on a new journey to discover everything he can about the Doctor's Companion. What exactly is a companion's role, how do you actually become a companion, what do they have in common and how have the companions changed over the years?
Released : 13th-Aug-2014

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Showman: The Life of John Nathan-Turner

This well researched and insightful documentary about producer John Nathan-Turner looks at his career with a special emphasis on his time at Doctor Who which he worked on throughout the 1980s until the show went on hiatus following the Season 26 story ‘Survival’. Featuring rare footage and commentary from those who knew him and worked with him, Showman is a fascinating look at the life of a troubled showman with lots of stories to tell.
Released : 23rd-Nov-2019

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The Doctor Who Cookbook Revisited

Brave Doctor Who cast members tackle their original recipes from the official 1985 cookbook.
Released : 7th-Oct-2019

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Doctor Who: Meanwhile in the TARDIS: Part 2

Amy tries to flirt with The Doctor but he tries to ignore her advances.
Released : 9th-Nov-2010

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TV Credits

Doctor Who

Janet Fielding - The adventures of The Doctor, a time-traveling humanoid alien known as a Time Lord. He explores the universe in his TARDIS, a sentient time-traveling spaceship. Its exterior appears as a blue British police box, which was a common sight in Britain in 1963 when the series first aired. Along with a succession of companions, The Doctor faces a variety of foes while working to save civilizations, help ordinary people, and right many wrongs.
Released : 23rd-Nov-1963

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Pebble Mill at One

- Pebble Mill at One was a popular British lunchtime magazine, broadcast live from Monday to Friday at 13:00, mainly on BBC1. It was transmitted from the Pebble Mill studios of BBC Birmingham, and uniquely, was hosted from the centre's main foyer area, rather than a conventional studio. In the beginning, visitors to the studios were seen arriving in the background as the programme was transmitted. Reasons for this were: a planned third studio was never constructed on the site, and existing facilities were fully booked for network drama production and local news. Gradually, as the show was successful, the foyer became a studio, and visitors had to use a new entrance. The show ran from 2 October 1972 to 23 May 1986, under various programme Editors including: Terry Dobson, Jim Dumighan, and Peter Hercombe.. For most of that period there were few television programmes transmitted in Britain on any channels during the day. For this reason the programme acquired a unique following from those who found themselves at home at lunchtime. Housewives, students, and those recovering from an illness remember it with fondness for its variety and the problems inherent with live television. Its best remembered theme tune was "As You Please" by the Raymond Lefevre orchestra.
Released : 9th-Oct-1972

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Janice - This comedy drama series featured Terry McCann, a former boxer with a conviction for G.B.H., and Arthur Daley, a second-hand car dealer with an eye for a nice little earner. Alongside his many business ventures, Arthur would regularly hire Terry out as a minder or bodyguard, later replaced by nephew, Ray Daley.
Released : 29th-Oct-1979

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Jim'll Fix It

Self - A long-running BBC television series hosted by Jimmy Savile. Children from the public would write in to the host requesting that he 'fix' something for them or make some wish come true.
Released : 31st-May-1975

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- Shelley is a British sitcom made by Thames Television and originally broadcast on ITV from 12 July 1979 to 12 January 1984 and from 11 October 1988 to 1 September 1992. Starred Hywel Bennett as James Shelley, originally 28 years old and a sardonic, perpetually unemployed anti-establishment 'freelance layabout' with a doctoral degree. In the original run, Belinda Sinclair played Shelley's girlfriend Fran, and Josephine Tewson appeared regularly as his Landlady, Edna Hawkins. The series was created by Peter Tilbury who also wrote the first three series. The scripts for subsequent episodes were by Andy Hamilton and Guy Jenkin, Colin Bostock-Smith, David Frith, Bernard McKenna and Barry Pilton. All 71 episodes were produced and directed by Anthony Parker. Series seven was titled on screen The return of Shelley, and was broadcast in 1988. This time round, Shelley is separated from Fran, and lives on his own, doing his best to avoid obtaining gainful employment. The series begins with Shelley returning to the UK from Saudi Arabia, where he had taught English for a few years, only to find that his calls to his old friends are now screened by answer phones and that yuppieness has taken root in his old neighbourhood. The final three series returned to the on-screen title of Shelley.
Released : 12th-Jul-1979

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Hammer House of Horror

Secretary - Anthology series, in which each self-contained episode featured a different kind of horror. These varied from witches, werewolves, ghosts, devil worship and voodoo, but also included non-supernatural horror themes such as cannibalism, confinement and serial killers.
Released : 13th-Sep-1980

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Doctor Who

Tegan Jovanka - The adventures of The Doctor, a time-traveling humanoid alien known as a Time Lord. He explores the universe in his TARDIS, a sentient time-traveling spaceship. Its exterior appears as a blue British police box, which was a common sight in Britain in 1963 when the series first aired. Along with a succession of companions, The Doctor faces a variety of foes while working to save civilizations, help ordinary people, and right many wrongs.
Released : 23rd-Nov-1963

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Doctor Who

Tegan Jovanka - The Doctor is a Time Lord: a 900 year old alien with 2 hearts, part of a gifted civilization who mastered time travel. The Doctor saves planets for a living—more of a hobby actually, and the Doctor's very, very good at it.
Released : 26th-Mar-2005

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Doctor Who

Tegan - The adventures of The Doctor, a time-traveling humanoid alien known as a Time Lord. He explores the universe in his TARDIS, a sentient time-traveling spaceship. Its exterior appears as a blue British police box, which was a common sight in Britain in 1963 when the series first aired. Along with a succession of companions, The Doctor faces a variety of foes while working to save civilizations, help ordinary people, and right many wrongs.
Released : 23rd-Nov-1963

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Tales of the Tardis

Tegan Jovanka - Classic Doctor Who duos are reunited as they board a very special TARDIS on a nostalgic voyage through space and time.
Released : 1st-Nov-2023

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