
Olga Volkova

Окончила актерскую студию при Ленинградском ТЮЗе (1960, мастерская Л. Макарьева). В 1957-1970 — актриса Ленинградского ТЮЗа, в 1970-1976 — Театра Комедии им. Н. П. Акимова, с 1976 — актриса Ленинградского БДТ им. М. Горького. Народная артистка РФ (1993). Девичья фамилия — Политова. Born : 15th-Apr-1939

Movie Credits

Station for Two

Platon Ryabinin, a pianist, is traveling by train to a distant town of Griboedov to visit his father. He gets off to have lunch during a twenty minute stop at Zastupinsk railway station. He meets Vera, a waitress, after he refuses to pay her for the disgusting food he doesn't even touch and misses his train due to police investigation of the incident. His passport is then accidentally taken away from him by Andrei, Vera's fiancé, and his money is stolen as he waits for the next train to Griboedov. Vera learns that Platon is about to get sentenced and sent to prison in the Far East for a car accident he isn't guilty for. During the few days that Platon has to spend in Zastupinsk he and Vera develop feelings for each other...
Released : 6th-Jun-1982

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The wounded officer Alexei Ageev was picked up in the forest by partisans and hidden in the priest’s house. The young townswoman Maria was also hiding there. A policeman who knew everyone who lived in the village, having met Ageev, did not hand him over to the Gestapo, but invited him to become an informant...
Released : 1st-Nov-1990

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The Stand-By Moves In

By order of the ministry, an experiment was launched at one of the large factories, during which young specialists took leadership positions...
Released : 20th-Apr-1984

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Sixteen-year-old Andrei Eremin considered himself a person who did not depend on the opinion of the majority, and was proud of it. And he had few friends. One day his imaginary independence collapsed - he believed slander and committed an act unworthy of a man - he easily believed the gossip spread by his classmates about Rita, with whom he had warm friendly relations, and even hastened to assure that he was indifferent to her. Having accidentally overheard a conversation between his comrades about himself, in which Valerka, his best friend, took part, he quarreled with him too. Time has passed. Rita, who was painfully experiencing a break with Andrei, found support, tenderness and understanding in Valerka, Eremin’s friend, he is simpler, without ambitions, but much more reliable and generous in spirit. And yet, after this story, a feeling of bitterness remained with them too - after all, Andrei was once their friend...
Released : 1st-Jun-1985

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Anna Karamazoff

This film is of interest primarily because it contains within it the entire surviving footage of an unfinished 1974 film by the same director, Slave of Love, which was successfully remade shortly thereafter by another director, Nikita Mikhalkov.The "cover" story is about a woman (Jeanne Moreau) newly released from prison camps in the 1940s back into Russian society, who finds that there is no place for her in the world she has come back to. However, this painterly film is so filled with striking and surreal imagery that it would be misleading to say that the story is of any great importance in relation to that.
Released : 1st-May-1991

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Two close friends working for a provincial TV channel dream of getting rich and popular in the capital. They persuade their cute colleague Nadia to participate in a TV reality show, the participants of which must find the lost treasures of Admiral Kolchak.
Released : 2nd-Aug-2012

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Sleep in Your Hand, or a Suitcase

After being demobilized from the army, journalist Pavel Tyurin returned to his hometown, where his beloved girlfriend was no longer waiting for him. In addition, his room was given to another tenant. Pasha joined the newspaper's editorial office, where he worked before the army, and began to actively fight for social justice...
Released : 1st-Aug-1985

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The Gypsy Baron

Released : 1st-Jan-1988

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Oriental Novel

The film consists of five short stories that reflect five stages (1947 — 1950 — 1957 — 1967 — 1982) the action programs of the heroine of the film, from the age of fifteen, rushed to a typical goal for that time — to smile from the front page of a central newspaper. Her fate is not simple: unhappy love, life with the unloved, a labor colony, love again, then love in return, earthquakes, fires, devastation. The heroine is getting closer to the goal and nothing can stop her..
Released : 1st-Jan-1992

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Paradise Apple

Released : 1st-Jan-1998

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Игра в модерн

Released : 1st-Jan-2003

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Олимпийская деревня

Comedy, in Russian language
Released : 10th-May-2010

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Promised Heaven

In the new Russia, former middle class citizens find themselves out in the dumps. Literally. They build homes, elect their own government, work, beg, scavenge, date and fight all while living in a huge city dump. Some try to beat the odds and return to society, but it seems that there is only one place left for them to go...
Released : 1st-Jan-1991

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What Men Talk About 3

This time Lesha, Slava, Kamil and Sasha go to St. Petersburg. And three of the four do not even know why they go there. But at some point it becomes clear that it does not matter - why. It is important that they go.
Released : 22nd-Feb-2018

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My Dearly Beloved Detective

The conceit is that Sherlock Holmes is, as in reality, a fictional creation of Arthur Conan Doyle, but that the place where his office would be is maintained by the brilliant detective Shirley Holmes, who both solves crimes and maintains a museum for people who think Sherlock Holmes is real -- accompanied by a phonograph playing music from the Livanov series which had not long ended. She is accompanied, as might be expected, by a woman Watson, and must fight off the affections of both a Scotland Yard inspector an a parody Latin lover from Spain.
Released : 3rd-Nov-1986

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The Musicians from Bremen

The classic story about a musicians from Bremen is told in not so classical way.
Released : 6th-Jun-2000

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Stupid Woman

In the same world two sisters live. One of which was largely unlucky at the very beginning of life: Ulyana is a "gable child" who, by the age of thirty, had preserved the outlook, behavior and reactions of a ten-year-old girl. The second - Lisa - was not even luckier. She is a healthy person whose life is completely dependent on a disabled sister who voluntarily or involuntarily destroys the plans of her ambitious sister actress.
Released : 21st-Jul-2005

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The Bat

Eisenstein gets in trouble for shooting a grouse. He is told that he must go to prison for his crime. However, his friend has invited him to an aristocratic ball. Eisenstein, despite being married, wants to go to the ball to meet women. Eisenstein lies to his wife. He tells her that he is going to prison but actually he goes to the ball. His story arises the suspicion of his wife. His wife devises a plot to catch her womanizing husband.
Released : 4th-Mar-1979

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A Cruel Romance

In the town of Bryakhimov, noble but poor widow Harita Ignatyevna Ogudalova seeks to arrange marriages for her three daughters. She maintains an “open house”, hoping to attract gentlemen well-off enough to marry a dowry-less girl for love.
Released : 6th-Jun-1984

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Angels in Paradise

Beginning with perestroika and reaching its peak after the demise of the Soviet Union, pessimistic youth sub-culture films abounded in Russia and the former republics. Anguely V Rayou is another example of these "youth without future" films. Based on the novel Two Notebooks by Piotr Kojevnikov, the action takes place in the Leningrad of 1975, when the "stagnation" era is at its peak. Two teenagers, Micha and Galia, are experiencing a slow death in the slums of the city. Galia's aunt is going crazy in her desperation. Micha's mother is killed by a drunk. One of their friends has committed suicide. These kids are typical of a generation wasted by alcohol and misfortune. Some are bound to become outcasts, some will be destroyed, and others will be sacrificed in Afghanistan. The title is ironic, as there is neither paradise nor angels in this story.
Released : 16th-May-1993

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My First Friend

Six-grader Sasha is a very talented artist but he doesn't to show his paintings to anyone.
Released : 6th-Jun-1979

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Arithmetic of a Murder

A man, a local hooligan and alcoholic, is killed in a gloomy St. Petersburg communal apartment. Each of the residents hated him in their own way, and each had their own motive for the crime. But everyone has an ironclad alibi. A local disabled person undertakes to help the investigator...
Released : 24th-Mar-1991

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A drama based on a classic short story by Anton Chekhov.
Released : 6th-Jun-2009

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The Tale of Fedot, the Shooter

Fedot the Shooter is sent by the Czar to find some special food for the foreign ambassador's visit. During the hunt Fedot meets his love Marusya - the magical bird-woman. Evil Czar and his no-less-evil sidekick General with the help of the local witch Yaga try to eliminate Fedot by giving him more and more complex quests and to take Marusya to Tsar's palace. Marusya helps Fedot to solve the quests successfully.
Released : 6th-Jun-2002

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And Then Came Bumbo...

A very sick girl asks her father to get her a live elephant. Based on the early stories by Alexander Kuprin.
Released : 6th-Dec-1984

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Rud and Sam

Retirees Rud and Sem come into possession of a suitcase full of mob money... a comic adventure ensues.
Released : 29th-Nov-2007

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Это – новогодняя комедия-сказка. Невероятно веселая и очень добрая. Хотя ее посещают вампиры и даже призраки, она совершенно не страшная. Потому что наш вампир боится крови, а призрак – слишком застенчив, чтобы кого-то напугать. Героине с прекрасным именем Елена в новогоднюю ночь предстоит пройти нелегкие испытания, чудесным образом получить Сокровище и встретить настоящую любовь. В этой истории, пожалуй, нет ни одного категорически кровожадного злодея. А девушка, чистая сердцем, победит и грабителей, и злые чары… Итак. Москва. На заснеженной автобусной остановке ветер треплет разрезные полоски объявления. Девушка ежится от холода, прикрывает нос яркой варежкой, читает: "Требуется бесстрашный и чистый сердцем человек на работу сменной продавщицей. Опыт работы не обязателен. Вознаграждение практически гарантировано." Внимательно перечитав дважды, она решительно отрывает объявление целиком…
Released : 1st-Jan-2008

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Applause, Applause...

Lyudmila Gurchenko's brilliant performance in a musical drama about a life of the struggling singer.
Released : 6th-Jun-1984

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I'm Free, I Belong to Nobody

The hero of the film, afraid of losing both his wife and his mistress, is ultimately left alone.
Released : 6th-Jun-1994

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Every year on the International Women’s Day telephone networks transfer millions of phone calls and SMS messages. The vast majority of phone calls are addressed to the most important women in lives of everyone - to our mothers. But what would it be if because of enormous number of calls telephone network breaks down? What would we do? Someone would wait until network is rebuilt and would congratulate his mom in the evening or even the next day. But others, like the heroes of our movie, would change their plans to congratulate their moms just today ... personally ... as a kid!..
Released : 1st-Mar-2012

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Hello, Fools!

Two people meet one another in a multi-million city...
Released : 29th-Dec-1996

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Holiday Lockdown

A funny romantic comedy about a young actor Slava Belkin who works as Santa during New Year days.
Released : 13th-Dec-2012

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A Golden Ring, a Bouquet of Scarlet Roses

The eldest son, who left for St. Petersburg, where he works as a detective, comes to the family of a crooked merchant and shopkeeper Grigory Tsybukin. Parents decide to marry him - his son is already 28 years old. They find a poor, but beautiful, clean and modest girl who meekly marries an already worn-out and balding man from the city, decently "laying by the collar". There is a merry wedding, and the husband leaves, leaving another worker in the family...
Released : 13th-Apr-1994

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A Man with Warranty

In one famous shopping center an unusual person works as a security guard. He helps everyone: sellers of fashionable clothes, cleaners and barmen in cafeteria. He knows everybody and everything, and people around do love him. It is more than work, it is a real life, full-fledged life – he dresses free of charge, eats at restaurants, sleeps in a furniture store and participates in night races on floor polishers. Actually, he has a secret dream, that’ s why he saves all his money to carry out it some day.
Released : 27th-Sep-2012

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Treasures of Lake Kaban

Kirill and Gulnara are looking for the legendary treasure of Ivan Grozny... Maybe they will find it, maybe not - but they will definitely find each other.
Released : 1st-May-2013

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Karik and Valya's Remarkable Adventures

Is so happened that Karik and Valya, the main characters, remarkably shrank in size, their whole habitual world acquiring unusual contours and unusual features.
Released : 6th-Jun-1987

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Treasure Island

Young Jim Hawkins is caught up with the pirate Long John Silver in search of the buried treasure of the buccaneer Captain Flint, in this adaptation of the classic novel by Robert Louis Stevenson.
Released : 31st-Dec-1982

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The Inner Circle

Life changes for a Moscow worker when he's made Stalin's personal film projectionist but cannot tell his bride.
Released : 28th-Feb-1992

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The Pickwick Club

Released : 13th-Sep-1986

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20 cigarettes

One day in the life of a modern young man - manager of a large advertising agency. For this day he smokes a pack of cigarettes, with every cigarette and scene of the film a whirlwind of events and conflicts swirls around him more and more densely ...
Released : 10th-Oct-2007

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Forgotten Tune for the Flute

A flutist in the forgotten past, at present the husband of a “big man’s” daughter and head of one of the Chief Directorate’s sections felt unwell one day: the forty-year-old man had a pain in his heart. This unpleasant incident provided an opportunity to meet a nurse named Lida. However, their stormy love affair ended, with Filimonov returning to normal life and an unloved wife.
Released : 23rd-Oct-1987

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Still Waters

Kashtanov, professor of medicine and famous Moscow surgeon, is experiencing midlife crisis. Suddenly he decides to leave everything and escape to the countryside in order to spend some time with old friends.
Released : 6th-Jun-2000

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New Year's Chef

Victor is the owner of a trendy restaurant, but things are not going well in it. The only hope is for New Year's Eve, because all the tables are already booked, but December 31 comes and the chef and the whole team leave the restaurant. It would seem that everything is gone, and then Olesya, the owner of the kitchen at home in a village near Moscow, appears in the restaurant. She brought cakes that Victor had accidentally ordered from her and even managed to forget about it. Victor offers Olesya to become a chef for New Year's Eve. She refuses, Olesya promised her son Kirill a New Year's tale with fireworks. Victor persuades her to agree, he believes in her and knows that Olesya has a special gift — to awaken the best memories from people with her dishes. Will Olesya and Victor be able to perform a real New Year's miracle: feed all the guests with special dishes and fulfill the promise made to Kirill?
Released : 14th-Dec-2023

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The Defendant

Anton Skulov, a war invalid, shot a drunk young man with a hunting rifle who climbed into his garden and ruined rare flowers that his wife, a war veteran, had grown before her death. The investigation was short-lived, the accused immediately admitted his guilt and was ready to stand trial, having already convicted himself of the murder.
Released : 1st-Jan-1985

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Secrets Shared with a Stranger

In Russia, in 1907, a rich lenient husband of a loose unfaithful woman is brutally murdered. She and her two lovers are suspects, but what about the stranger she met just before the murder? With no friends left, she and the stranger bond.
Released : 14th-Jun-1996

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To Kill a Dragon

Dragon is a bloody dictator, who kills every opponent. People live hopelessly, until Lancelot comes to save the beautiful Elsa. Lancelot can only win, if all people become free from fear, that is feeding the Dragon's power. Dragon's multiple personalities, ranging from a "dragon" to a "samurai" to a "Nazi", scare the hell out of all people, except Lancelot. Finally Dragon drops all his masks, to become the most dangerous of his incarnations - "himself". And the battle begins
Released : 11th-Nov-1988

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Please Accuse Klava K. of My Death

Klava and Seryozha (Sergey) have been together since preschool. He, one of the smartest kids in school, has always been in love with her but considered her more of just a pretty face rather than an intelligent person. He let her copy his homework and gave her his parents' things as gifts. When they are teens, Klava rejects his love because she knows that he doesn't value her for her, and instead is attracted to Lavrik, another intelligent boy from school. Klava likes him because for the first time she feels like someone is really interested in her as a person. Seryoszha, being very dramatic and wanting Klava's/everyone else's sympathy, writes a suicide note, "Please blame Klava K. for my death," but can he really commit suicide? Eventually he realizes that he is being too shallow and that while he makes such a drama out of such small problems, the people around him have real problems, but never said a thing.
Released : 1st-Sep-1979

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Angelica's Passion

Anzhelika is a young waitress with one special quality - her libido goes sky high during the thunderstorm...
Released : 6th-Jun-1993

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TV Credits

Нереальная история

Павлика Морозова, бабушка -
Released : 18th-Sep-2011

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Pankratova - Ivan Ivanovich Zhurov — unlucky, but very experienced detective. He travels everywhere on his old "Pobeda", one brings up a daughter, loves to drink and has very troubled amur relations with his colleague. All this does not prevent him from masterfully disclosing the most complex and tangled loud criminal cases, for which, besides him, no one more risks to take.
Released : 9th-Nov-2009

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Папины дочки

Antonina Semyonovna Gordienko - A family therapist falls into a rut when his wife and his clients abandon him, forcing him and his five daughters to pull together and establish a new life.
Released : 3rd-Sep-2007

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Шерлок Холмс

Emma Nuligan - Louise Barnet's aunt - The action takes place in Victorian England in the last quarter of the 19th century. 27-year-old amateur detective Sherlock Holmes becomes a bystander to a crime along with Dr. John Watson, a military doctor who has just returned from the war in Afghanistan. During the investigation, Watson, not yet having an apartment in London, settles with Holmes in Mrs. Hudson's «half board», and then takes part in the affairs of his new friend. Watson gives Holmes boxing lessons. Watson himself is an experienced boxer, able to deal with several opponents with his bare hands. In addition, he is an excellent marksman. Considering Holmes a genius, the doctor decides to tell the whole world about his talent and the mysteries he revealed in his stories, where he often embellishes the events («the true story» of which the series presents). Watson is taught to embellish events by the editor-in-chief of the «Morning Chronicle».
Released : 18th-Nov-2013

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Плата за любовь

Released : 1st-Jan-2006

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Здравствуйте, вам пора!

Valentina Semyonovna - The messenger of death appears on Earth and under the name of Pavel they come to people with a warning. Death makes no exceptions for anyone, and thanks to Pasha, they can correct the mistakes of life before their last breath. Of course, if they believe that death is near. With each new mission, the herald grows more sympathetic to these strange people, and appreciates his work less and less. He doesn't know what love is, but he falls in love. He does not know what humor is, but he laughs more and more often. He does not know what life is, but every time he delays the moment of departure of his wards.
Released : 5th-Apr-2022

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Released : 2nd-Nov-2020

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Mama Melnikova -
Released : 22nd-May-1995

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ТАСС уполномочен заявить...

Эмма Шанц — жена Джона Глэбба - The struggle of Soviet and American intelligence agencies during the Cold War era
Released : 30th-Jul-1984

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Товарищ Сталин

молочница - The last months of Stalin's life.
Released : 9th-Dec-2011

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Окаянные дни

Lena's mom - The brave new world of remoteness has created a new creature, the man of the era of self-isolation, and has given rise to amazing stories that would hardly have happened under other circumstances. Entomologist Victor was given a coupon for a Thai massage session by his colleagues, but instead of pleasure, the nerd got 2 weeks of completely unexpected quarantine away from home. Opposition leader Sasha reposted information critical of domestic medicine. The post was read by his brother - an official from the capital's mayor's office - and asked to immediately demolish everything. To feed a family accustomed to daily rib-eye steaks, Swiss ice cream and sushi, traffic police inspector Kogotkov comes up with a cunning plan to remotely bribe a car enthusiast. And Dimon owes Kostyan a decent amount of money, but he is in no hurry to return it. Kostyan hires Vitya, a scoundrel, to go to Dimon and collect the debt.
Released : 11th-Jun-2020

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Остров сокровищ

Mrs. Hawkins -
Released : 31st-Dec-1982

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Released : 13th-Apr-2023

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