
David Icke

David Vaughan Icke (born April 29, 1952) is an English writer and public speaker, best known for his views on what he calls "who and what is really controlling the world." Describing himself as the most controversial speaker in the world, he has written 18 books explaining his position, and has attracted a substantial following across the political spectrum. His 533-page The Biggest Secret (1999) has been called the conspiracy theorist's Rosetta Stone. Icke was a well-known BBC television sports presenter and spokesman for the Green Party, when in 1990 he had an encounter with a psychic who told him he was a healer placed on Earth for a purpose. In April 1991 he said on the BBC's Terry Wogan show that he was a son of the godhead—though he said later he had been misinterpreted—and predicted that the world would soon be devastated by tidal waves and earthquakes. He said the show changed his life, turning him from a respected household name into someone who was laughed at whenever he appeared in public. He continued nevertheless to develop his ideas, and in four books published over seven years—The Robots' Rebellion (1994), And the Truth Shall Set You Free (1995), The Biggest Secret (1999), and Children of the Matrix (2001)—set out a moral and political worldview that combined New-Age spiritualism with a passionate denunciation of totalitarian trends in the modern world. At the heart of his theories lies the idea that the world is becoming a global fascist state, that a secret group of reptilian humanoids called the Babylonian Brotherhood controls humanity, and that many prominent figures are reptilian, including George W. Bush, Queen Elizabeth II, Kris Kristofferson, and Boxcar Willie. Michael Barkun has described Icke's position as "New Age conspiracism," writing that he is the most fluent of the conspiracist genre. Richard Kahn and Tyson Lewis argue that the reptilian hypothesis may simply be Swiftian satire, a way of giving ordinary people a narrative with which to question what they see around them. Full list of TV and Movie credits for David Icke..​ Born : 29th-Apr-1952

Movie Credits

Global Eugenics: Using Medicine to Kill

"Global Eugenics - Using Medicine To Kill" - A shocking new movie that covers topics such as the swine flu, vaccines and vaccinations, martial law, medical news, water. depopulation, eugenics, Monsanto, gm seeds, agenda 21, and codex Alimentarius. A must see for all.....
Released : 1st-Jan-2010

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The American Matrix - Age Of Deception

A shocking new 2 hour film by B.A. Brooks. This 2010 release is a follow up to "The Decline And Fall Of America" which was released in 2008. "The American Matrix - Age Of Deception" details news items that all people should be aware of such as the economic collapse of The United States and the formation of the a New World Order. See what has really been going on in America today.
Released : 1st-Jan-2010

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The Illuminati

THE ILLUMINATI draws on historical records, footage and photos which take the viewer on a voyage of discovery - it starts with the JFK assassination, through the dark depths of the two Gulf 'Wars', and brings you bang up to date with details of how members of the SKULL & BONES secret society engineered the 2000 and the 2004 U.S. Presidential Elections. This film takes you deep into the forests of Northern California with secretly filmed footage courtesy of ALEX JONES, exposing the Bohemian Club's annual rituals and mock sacrifices - ceremonies which have been attended for years by U.S. Presidents, Vice-Presidents and CEO's from the world's largest corporations. We then voyage deep into the heart of Westminster and expose the fact that Freemasonic temples exist within the House of Commons and that the Queen of England is Grand Patronness of International World Freemasonry.
Released : 1st-Jan-2005

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The Illuminati II: The Antichrist Conspiracy

This documentary covers a very big spectrum of different topics. Subjects Covered Include: Bill Clinton Under Hypnosis – How the 1992 Presidential Was Fixed – The Free Tibet Campaign – Aleister Crowley & The Evil Eye – Jewish Vampyrism – Footage from CIA?s MK-ULTRA Mind Control Programme – The Kabbalah – knights Templar & The Holy Grail – The O.T.O – Satanic Imagery on the British Royal Family?s Coat of Arms – Bohemian Grove & The Manhattan Project – ritual Torture in Iraq – The AntiChrist of the Koran – The Jewish AntiChrist – Sigil Magick – Occult Symbols – Corporate Logos – The Golden Demon Child of satan and more..
Released : 1st-Jan-2006

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The Illuminati III: Murdered By The Monarchy

Rasputin, Jack the Ripper, the sadistic sex romps in the castle of the Marquis de Sade, Nostradamus at the Royal French Court, the real-life Prince Dracula impaling virgins, Ivan the Terrible's enforced campaign of cannibalism, the links between Freemasonry, the Knights Templar and the Royal Families of Europe, plus the historical facts behind the occult underground temples and catacombs at the place where Princess Diana was killed... One cannot catch one's breath with all the rabid hatred and murder at the hands of the Royal Establishment... This film is a powerful exposure of the torture, strangulations, poisonings, rapes, hangings, impalings and methods of vehicular homicide perpetrated by the Royal Elite throughout history...
Released : 1st-Jan-2007

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2012: An Awakening

The year 2012 is predicted to be one of great change in cultures spanning the globe. A 26,000 year alignment will occur on the 21 December 2012, will it be the end of the world or the end of time as we know it?
Released : 29th-Sep-2009

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David Icke: Beyond the Cutting Edge

In this seven-hour presentation to 2,500 people at the Brixton Academy in London, David addresses all these questions and connects the dots between them to reveal a picture of life on earth that is truly beyond the cutting edge.
Released : 30th-Nov-2010

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David Icke The Lion Sleeps No More

David Icke marks his 20th year of uncovering astounding secrets and suppressed information with this eight-hour presentation before 2,500 people at London's Brixton Academy in May 2010. He takes the manipulation of the human race and the nature of reality to still new levels of understanding and he calls for humanity to rise from its knees and take back the world from the sinister network of families and non-human entities that covertly control us from cradle to grave
Released : 29th-Mar-2010

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2012 Crossing Over A New Beginning

December 21, 2012 is on everyone's mind. What will it bring? Is it the end of the world? A new beginning for mankind? Or just another year on the calendar? Brave Archer Films presents '2012 Crossing Over, A New Beginning.' The feature documentary explores a positive spiritual perspective on the events of Dec 21, 2012. The film investigates the galactic alignment, consciousness awakening, cycles of evolution, our binary star system with Sirius, the fear agenda in the media, who's behind it, love vs fear and much more. The film is loaded with amazing revelations of the current times we live in, from exceptional astrologer and teacher Santos Bonacci, spiritual leaders Bud Barber, George Neo and much more. The doco is shot entirely in Full HD, illustrated with high end animations and includes original music by Jonathan Kent.
Released : 15th-Nov-2012

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The Alphabet of Truth: The Climate Change Deception

The Alphabet of Truth" is a documentary series consisting of 24 chapters of varying lengths. It is freely available on the internet solely for informative purposes. The series does not delve into conspiracy theories but focuses on real events. It serves as a collection of information, excerpts from documentaries, seminars, and research conducted by both Greek and international independent researchers, journalists, YouTubers, and bloggers.
Released : 9th-Mar-2016

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Karl Pilkington: Satisfied Fool

Karl Pilkington, best known for his podcasts with Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant and his travel show An Idiot Abroad goes on a quest to find out if intelligence really makes you happier.
Released : 7th-Mar-2007

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David Icke - Secrets of the Matrix

Since 1990 David Icke has been on an amazing journey of self and collective discovery to establish the real power behind apparently "random" world events like 9/11 and the "war on terrorism". Here he reveals that a network of interbreeding bloodlines manipulating through their web of interconnecting secret societies have been pursuing an agenda for thousands of years to impose a globally centralized fascist state with total control and surveillance of the population. The attacks of September 11th - not the work of "bin Laden" - and the subsequent "war on terrorism" are a means through which this is designed to be achieved. Over more than six hours and with hundreds of illustrations, David Icke also reveals the illusion that is life in this "physical" reality. How is the "world" a provable illusion - just a lucid dream? How do we create it and how can we change the dream to one that we would like to experience?
Released : 5th-Oct-2004

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David Icke Live

A 2009 presentation in Melbourne, Australia.
Released : 11th-Apr-2009

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Ruled by the Gods

From Cheese & Grain Hall, in the town of Frome in southern England, David Icke discusses many of the issues he would later elaborate on in his 2004 presentation of Secrets of the Matrix.
Released : 1st-Jan-2000

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Alien Reptilian Legacy

Researchers reveal the presence of a supreme interdimensional intelligence that has been manipulating mankind for centuries. Interviews with experiencers and alien abductees expose a sinister agenda behind the alien presence on Earth.
Released : 26th-Jul-2015

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David Icke Debunked

This is 2.5 hour film from Chris White takes a very close look at David Icke’s history and beliefs. It reveals the true sources of David Icke’s theories which are often shocking, and should be very concerning for a genuine seeker of truth. This is a well rounded expose which is done respectfully, while still attempting to get the average truther to reevaluate what they really know about the “endgame” of the Illuminati.
Released : 1st-Jan-2010

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Freedom or Fascism

In the seven-hour documentary "David Icke: Freedom or Fascism - The Time to Choose", British author and thinker Icke expostulates at length on his theories that the 21st century "Global War On Terror" constitutes a hoax manufactured by the United States government. Icke argues that the said war is designed as an elaborate, crafty excuse to create a Nazi-like global totalitarian regime that will clamp down on the basic freedoms of average men and women.
Released : 5th-Jun-2006

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1984 Revolution

This documentary is a powerful warning against the dangers of allowing the State - the government - to take control of its citizens. Find out how your freedoms are slowly taken away.
Released : 1st-Jan-2011

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Big Brother: The Big Picture

The full video of the presentation David Icke recently did on July 6th 2008, regarding the Big Brother state and the real reason for the encroaching Police State and stripping of our Freedoms. Excellent video, a must see for those who want to understand the truth and how the pieces fit together.
Released : 6th-Jul-2008

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This is a FOUR HOUR twin disc DVD. It is the world's most comprehensive motion picture documentary on the communication between the souls of the dead and mediums living in the physical world. The Bonus chapters include interviews with DAVID ICKE, JANET OSSEBAARD, NICK FRANKS and MONTAGUE KEEN. This documentary discusses the research of Carl Jung, Edgar Cayce, DragonLines and the Near Death Experience. It also explains the importance of using hallucinogenic plants to create a trance-like state in which the human mind expands it's capacity of psychic telepathy. This description text, images and packaging are © copyright Chris Everard, Enigma Motion Pictures and may not be cached, hosted or transmitted or stored or reproduced without prior written permission.
Released : Unknown

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David Icke - Awaken

For 25 years David Icke has taken historic levels of ridicule and abuse for calling the world and reality as it really is. Now, with discoveries and world events proving him right by the day, people are at last beginning to see him for what he is – a man way ahead of his time with the guts to tell the truth on a scale and with a depth that no other is prepared to do. David will lay it all out in simple dot-connected detail through a whole day at the SSE Arena in Wembley, London, with 1,700 images and videos, plus music, dance and many laughs.
Released : 25th-Oct-2014

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Renegade: The Life Story of David Icke

A Feature Documentary, featuring David Icke The 'mad man' who has been proved right again and again and again. David Icke has been warning for nearly 30 years of a coming global Orwellian state in which a tiny few would enslave humanity through control of finance, government, media and a military-police Gestapo overseeing 24/7 surveillance of a micro-chipped population. They called him 'crazy', 'insane', a 'lunatic', and he was subjected to decades of ridicule, dismissal and abuse. Oh, but how things change. Today his books are read all over the world and his speaking events are watched by thousands on every continent. Why? Because what he has been so derided for saying is now happening in world events and even mainstream scientists are concluding that reality is indeed a simulation. Almost every day something that David Icke said long ago is supported by happenings and evidence. As Mahatma Gandhi said: 'First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
Released : 3rd-May-2019

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1984: The New World Order

1984: The New World Order chronicles how the ruling elite have established global domination and the ability to effect the thoughts, decisions, and worldview of human beings across the globe by systematically infiltrating the media, academia, industry, military, and political factions under the guise of upholding democracy. Learn how this malevolent consortium has dedicated centuries to realize an oppressive and totalitarian rule through any means necessary, not limited to drug trafficking, money laundering, terror attacks, and financial crisis within the world economy. Worldwide tyranny is already in full effect; the food we eat and the air we breathe are not off limits. Will we be able to stop this madness before we become an electronically monitored, cashless society wherein every man, woman, and child is microchipped? The New World Order is upon us - preserve your liberty by being prepared!
Released : 1st-Jan-2014

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David Icke: The Freedom Road

David Icke tells the astonishing story of how the world is controlled today by royal bloodlines seeded in the ancient world that have passed through history, manipulating the human race for thousands of years. The bloodlines that were the kings and queens of the distant past are the same bloodlines that today produce the political leaders and those who control the banks, transnational corporations and media. Using hundreds of illustrations, Icke exposes this biggest secret and explains how and why we are now racing towards a global fascist state - unless we wake up fast. He also offers the spiritual (not religious) road to freedom and says that we can transform the world and our lives by transforming ourselves and understanding our true power to design our own destiny. What has happened? What is happening? What can happen? All is revealed in this eye-popping, mind-blowing, heart-pounding, program.
Released : 17th-Feb-2004

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The Reptilian Agenda

Amazing confirmation that a reptilian extraterrestrial race has controlled the world for thousands of years. David Icke talks with the Zulu Shaman Credo Mutwa.In this fantastic interview Credo Mutwa reveals the story of the reptilian takeover of Planet Earth and how a shape-shifting Reptilian race (the "Chitauri" to Africans) has controlled humanity for thousands of years and how their bloodlines are in the positions of royal political and economic power today. This program will re-write the UFO/ET story in a way that will blow your mind. Credo Mutwa has endured endless threats and attempts on his life in an effort to silence him right up to the recording of this interview. However, as Credo says The world must know this and know it now. David Icke writes: "This is the most amazing man it has ever been my honor to meet a genius and the importance of these videos is simply beyond words."
Released : 17th-Feb-2004

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The Brandon Corey Story

A faux-documentary directed by Brian Kraft, detailing the disappearance of an anti-war activist during his investigations into Dick Cheney.
Released : 11th-Feb-2006

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Davis v Taylor: The '85 Black Ball Final

A look at the 1985 Snooker World Championship final when Steve Davis and Dennis Taylor battled past midnight as over 18 million people watched on television.
Released : 4th-May-2010

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TV Credits

Penn & Teller: Bullshit!

- This daring original series stars postmodern bad boys of magic Penn & Teller as they question many of our culture's most cherished and widely held beliefs. From the truth about palm readings and TV psychics to the reality behind Feng Shui and Ouija boards, the archly comic masters of misdirection host this eye-opening analysis of the middle-ground between perception and reality.
Released : 24th-Jan-2003

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Open Minds

Himself - Host Regina Meredith conducts interviews with thought-provoking luminaries, cutting-edge visionaries and tireless researchers, providing crucial information to awaken viewers to new perspectives that spark awareness, understanding and ultimately, transformation.
Released : 10th-Jul-2012

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The Secret Rulers of the World

Self – Conspiracy Investigator - The Secret Rulers of the World was first shown on Channel 4 in April 2001. The five-part documentary series accompanied creator Jon Ronson's book 'Them: Adventures with Extremists', which covered similar topics and described many of the same episodes. Both the series and book detail Ronson's encounters following theorists and activists residing outside political, religious, and sociological norms.
Released : 29th-Apr-2001

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Match of the Day

Commentator - BBC's football highlights and analysis. "The longest-running football television programme in the world" as recognised by Guinness World Records in 2015.
Released : 22nd-Aug-1964

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Match of the Day

News round-up - BBC's football highlights and analysis. "The longest-running football television programme in the world" as recognised by Guinness World Records in 2015.
Released : 22nd-Aug-1964

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Escape The Matrix

- You cannot escape the matrix unless you know you are in it. Join David Icke as he unravels the nature of the reality that we have been taught to believe is truth, through a lifetime of deep programming.
Released : 1st-Jul-2020

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